FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter SEBASTIAN - In My Chair

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


Sebastian crossed the foyer to the stairs but saw the library door open and glimpsed Elsabet sitting within.

In my chair of course. The great red and gold construction was plush and comfortable.

A book rested in her lap. She was absorbed staring into the dancing flames from the endless fire.

Does she notice I warm every room here for her?

She went back to leafing through the volume.

Still trying to find my story. He knew.

She grew further frustrated when she couldn’t. Rising in a huff, she returned that one to grab another before returning to the chair.

Bast veered to the stairs on the far side of the dais to keep from disturbing her. Deciding on his more comfortable chamber upstairs, he slowly climbed the steps. Keeping her in view until he’d rose too high to see in the door any longer.

Back in the library, there was a grating sound as a book clunked to the floor in a puff of dust.

Elsabet’s eyes narrowed in curiosity. She popped up and went to pick it up. Sweeping dirt from the leather cover. Hearing a sound, her eyes flew to the end of the aisle between the shelves.

A beautiful dark-haired woman stared at her from the deepest corner.

Elsabet squinted through the dark, seeing the woman’s hazy outline hovering inches above the floor. The room eerily silent.

“Who are you?”

“Find him.” The voice was strained. Far away. Hard to discern, even for Elsabet’s unearthen ears.

“Who are you? Him who?” Elsabet demanded. Gasping when she saw her breath crystallizing. The room suddenly impossibly cold.

“Calisto…Find Raese.” She wailed slowly, brokenly. It drained her to say his name. She shimmered then faded as dust settled. She’d used the floating particles to make herself visible.

Elsabet stared into the emptiness, averting her attention back to the book in her hands. The cover said, ‘The Book of Immortals’. Thick leather decorated with interweaving vines and roses. She recognized the depiction as the emblem found throughout the castle. Covering doors and tables, even the drawbridge. She drew a breath, realizing what she likely held.

“Thank you.” Elsabet held it reverently as she made way back to her chair to read. It told of men who’d been born and raised in the Upper Lands, the world above Ardae, who’d found their way into Ardae to avoid a second persecution.

“What?” Her eyes poured over the pages, mesmerized.

It told of the woman-creature falling from the sky in a shroud of blinding light. With her last breath she felt a love beyond the constraints of mortality.

One look at her and the Captain was irrevocably taken. Lifting her to his arms.

Another knight fell at the Captain’s feet, clinging to one feathered wing which hung limply from her shoulders. He offered his life for the sacred creature dying in the Captain’s arms. When he did, he still clenched the reins of his stallion.

She gave them all immortality. Turning them into the Aeternus Tutela, Eternal Guardians. Frozen as they were for the rest of time. Forever Knights.

Elsabet neared the bottom of the parchment page, crying out upon reading the name of the Knight, and the name of his war horse, Sivikon.

Sebastian Bodane. Greatly empowered as a gift for his intended sacrifice.

“Forever Knights.” She whispered thoughtfully. The book slipped from her fingers.

What’d she say? Bast shot to his feet in his chamber. She’d been murmuring to herself. But where’d she get that?

Elsabet heard the thudding of someone running down the stairs so loudly it almost sounded like they fell.

“No!” Bast skid through the doorway of the library. Eyes widening on the book still falling to the floor. Slow motion to his eyes. He outstretched a hand in a movement too fast for her to see.

He was suddenly next to her and lifting the book in a flattened palm. Rage written all over his face. Blue-green eyes glowing in the firelight. Skin nearly translucent. Revealing the shadows of his skull underneath. As the creatures moved under his flesh.

Finally, he asked in a dangerous tone. “How’d you find this?”

You couldn’t have done it alone.

I don’t believe the other knights would’ve shown you.

She knew to answer carefully. She thought he wouldn’t believe her.

Why won’t I believe you?

The roaring flame doused in a puff of smoke. His warm eyes hardened to infinite gold stones. “What won’t I believe?”

“Get out of my head.”

Through his predator’s eyes he saw fine hairs all over her prickling. The room was silent, but he exuded anger so fluidly he might as well have been roaring. His eyes never left her, as he decisively shut the book in his palm.

“Woman!” He shouted. “How much did you read?”

She leapt to her feet at his raised voice. Toppling the chair. Body quivering and eyes lighting red like burning coals. Brown moved from the roots of her hair to the tips chased by layers of white as it decided on a color.

He invaded her mind.

“You’re scared of me.” He calmed, eyes turning turquoise again.

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