FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Holidays

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


Snow had begun falling on Meadow Mountain. And with it came Sebastian. Dragging in a wiltry tree he’d cut down.

Dusty white flakes fell softly with no wind to disturb them. Coating the land in a white haze. Frosting branches until they shimmered beneath a coating of chilled fur. The flowers ever in bloom in the valley around WaterRose remained the same under the icy coating suspending the petals.

Sebastian smelled the bread Elengard was baking and saw candles were already brightening every window.

He glimpsed the valkyrie at the end of the hall on the second level. Peering down to watch him drag it through the foyer. A silvery plait circling her crown and coming down over one violet-clad shoulder. He felt her penetrating gaze studying what he did.

Every year she watches me.

She’ll stand in the shadow of the stair dais and watch across the foyer as I decorate the tree.

He sensed her wanting to draw closer. Curious about what I'm doing.

As he neared the bottom of the crate, he unfolded the bit of cloth there. He lifted a pearl earring in its blue inlay. Recalling it from 1702.

He’d offered it back to her after the holiday then but she’d shook her head, turned up her nose and left the library without a word more.

Pretending as though she'd take nothing from me. But in reality, unwilling to explain why she wanted it on the tree. A peek into her mind had revealed the truth she wouldn't say.

Now, he carefully hung it in nearly the same spot she’d put it the first year.

He picked up the thin chain of green stones next. Trying to hang it as close to where she’d put that one in 1703. Toward the back of the tree.

Hoping I’d not notice she’d done it without invitation. He smiled softly at the memory. He’d duly pretended not to see it.

She still hadn’t come to try the chocolate that year.

Or any year since. He sighed.

Next, he hung the silver chain that connected two earrings near the bottom, where she’d again hoped he’d not notice it’s pretty flashing in the firelight.

But I did.

There was a stone for every year. And he hoped his careful placement had become their sort of inside humor.

Him carefully hanging them where she’d hid them. And her pretending she didn’t notice he took them every year and replaced them in the crate to hang the following.

“It is pure idiocy you do this every year.” She said acidly from the doorway.

He barely spared her a glance over his shoulder. Then why do you contribute so carefully? Every year?

“You’re a fool.” She shook her head and left the room.

But he felt her watching from across the foyer as he finished decorating.

As he slowly climbed to his feet he heard her rushing up the stairs to try to beat him out of the foyer.

He entered the opulent foyer and looked up at the three-tiered wooden chandelier dangling over the raised dais where the stairs split along the walls.

It cast its light high enough he could see the hem of her gold dress vanishing around the corner on the second floor.

A slow smile turning his lips he headed up the stairs after her. "Elsabet..."

"Go away." The muffled cry came from ahead of him as he rounded the bannister onto the second floor. She was midway down the hall when he caught up to her.

He slid between her and the door just as her hand landed on the handle.

She hissed and retreated as though he'd burned her. Taking two steps back.

He followed her with his deep grin. "You could join me, you know?"

"In what?" She asked acidly. Still retreating.

He dogged her steps. Sliding his toe with hers as she backed.

When the wall hit her back she leapt forward startled and he caught her around the waist. Twirling her to switch places so his back was to the wall.

"Now look." He lifted his hands from her waist. In a display of surrender. "Now I'm the one that's cornered."

"Would that it were." She said bitterly.

"When are you going to stop being angry with me?" His hands fell and a more sober expression took over his face. "I haven't hurt you."

"When are you going to let me go!"

"Never." He said flatly. Shaking his head. "You're too dangerous to be running loose in Ardae."

"Perhaps I'm too dangerous for you to be keeping as a pet." She leaned nose to nose with him to say angrily.

He lightly brushed his lips along hers.

She reared back and gave him a startled look.

"You going to run, Little Bird?" He teased. Shoulders pressed against the wall and eyes dancing playfully as he eyed her.

"I don't run from you."

"You run from me constantly! As though you truly think you can get away."

"I can." She snapped.

"Then do so." He challenged. Wanting to teach her a bit of a lesson and wounded at her constant rejecting.

She took a step back and turned her nose up haughtily to walk away but in a smooth motion he slicked an arm across her chest as he pounced in a turn. Suddenly her back was to the wall and his corded arms caged her on both sides.

Blue-green eyes burning into hers. "It doesn't have to be arguing and fighting."

"Doesn't it?" She stared up at him through wide blue eyes.

He tilted his head to look at her and brushed his lips to hers again.

She gasped and her lips parted.

All the invitation Bast needed. His kiss was gentle, coaxing. His tongue coercing hers in a gentle dance.

Surprisingly she didn't fight, seeming to soften under his ministrations. Her lips moved as she began to meet his kiss. Heat for heat.

He groaned and dropped his body along hers.

The reaction was as if he'd tossed a handful of gunpowder in a fire.

She sqawked and skid sideways under his arm. Tearing down the hallway in a flutter of gold skirts.

Hell bent on going somewhere. He smiled in amusement. I wonder if she even knows where she's going?

"Run, Little Bird." His laughter was taunting.

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