FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Big Dangerous Animal

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain (Elsabet captive for seven years)


Sebastian had been watching Elsabet over the last few years. Using his small magic globes he could see her wandering the halls, investigating the chambers.

Inspecting all the levels of the stronghold.

For a way out. He knew.

She’d long ago found the arching doorways of a main atrium, emerging from below the dais where the stairs split into mirrored reflections of each other, curving up to pass all the floors. The second level was the personal chambers of the knights. The third level had more unique rooms such as a garden room, a full nursery with an adjoining chamber for a nanny or nursemaid, and several solars. And more rooms that broke onto the balconies squaring around the Northwest corner of the castle.

It was clear much thought was put into beautiful design work and winding rooms. Many interconnected. Passageways could be found behind old bookshelves or little-used torches. The layout was meticulously arranged, overflowing with escape routes.

None of which short enough Elsabet’s tether allows for escape.

She’s tried them all. He knew. But the Flood Room, the bottom level, is her favorite.

At some point in the last few decades, the moat began seeping into the castle without notice. Until completely overtaking the lowest level. The water was still and dusky with algae. Blue flowers growing along the even surface. Somewhere deep beneath, a green marbled floor shined, tinting the water. Reflecting off stone walls, where froth trimmed. Where the water was deeper it was murkier. Still, the old staircases were visible. Branching in opposite directions. The wood fraying after so long abandoned underwater.

Bast was well-aware, though she didn’t know it, that she often bathed down here. Enjoying the more natural warmth.

Like washing in a sacred pond.

Coming up the stairs, hair damp and eyes glittering from the pleasant experience, she stared at the steps. A wrap clinging to her curves as she moved. Strands of hair moistened the satin wrap, making it nearly transparent in some places.

Making him ache.

As she rose high enough his boots were in view, her eyes travelled up to meet his stone face.

“What are you doing down here?” He said harshly.

Bathing of course. But I’m angry. And some bitter banter with you will alleviate some of my pain.

Pain from losing the Watchers. Pain from scowering Ardae with no trace of them.

Helplessness and frustration…And disappointment.

“Nothing.” She scowled. Clutching at the wrap.

Yes, pull it tight. That’ll hide you from me. His eyes moved to where she fisted the clothing and then back to her face.

“You worry I’ll see you?”

Her eyes narrowed on him. And lips whitened.

We both know I’ve seen you in substantially less.

“What do you want Lord Bodane?”


He laughed coldly. His eyes slinking over every hollow and curve of her body as he said huskily. “Everything I see.”

“Then I suggest you stop looking. You’ll be getting nothing from me.”

Hold tight to the threat, Little Harpie. It grows weaker each time you say it.

He leaned forward to breathe into her hair. “Eventually I’ll get everything from you.” His eyes roved over her while she nearly quaked with rage.

Her eyes spitting blue fire and lip trembling in her aggravation. Before she could say anything, he reached up and trailed a thumb over that full bottom lip. Startling her enough she didn’t pull away.

“You’re incredibly beautiful when incited.”

More than beautiful.

She shoved his shoulder.

He instinctively growled and swung her sideways, planting her back against the stone wall. His body molding to her. His hard length immediately finding the crux of her thighs.

Wanting inside her. Now.

Her chest heaved with emotion.

“You look like ice. But there’s fire in you.” He added. Watching her carefully. “I wonder if your passion runs as hot?”

“Do you enjoy tormenting my days?”

So much.

“I enjoy everything that has anything to do with you.” He murmured. So close he nearly spoke against her lips.

Thus, why I’m down here now.

“Is it even possible to get it through your thick head that a woman may not want you?”

Yes. Just not you. Your desire is written all over you.

Her hands braced on his chest.

As if she could really push me off if I decided to take her right here. On these stairs...

“It’s unlikely to ever happen, but yes it’d be possible. However, if you speak of yourself. You’d have to stop flushing every time I get close to you, stop the racing of your heart-I can hear every beat. Control the sheen of goosebumps rising on your skin at the touch of my fingertips. Cease your heaving breaths.” He gestured to her rising bosom.

Making her flush deeper.

“And stop leaning toward me when I’m near.”

Her eyes flicked to the meager distance between them, eyes widening as she realized he was right. She leaned toward him. Only a couple inches now separating them. She was drawn like a magnet. Her face upturned and lips nearly pressed to his.

“You’re a devious, rogue.” Her face hardened.

When I'm with you.

“Aye.” He nodded with a lopsided grin as he caressed her chin. “That I am.”

She pushed past him.

He turned his body to let her by. Eyeing where her hair had exposed the spot atop her shoulder. Near the curve of her neck. It looks delicious.

I could mark her. Right here and now. Make her mine forever.

Possess her as mine. He contemplated it. Tossing around the idea of forcing her to be his mate despite all her objections.

I could wear her down.

But half of Elsabet's charm was in the fact that she didn't succumb to him the way every swooning maid before her had.

I want her on her terms.

Begging for me.

She put a hand to his chest to keep him at a distance on the narrow stair, hissing at the touch.

He smiled, reflexively pinning her hand to him with his palm. Tempted to slide her palm down his flat stomach. But he refrained. Somehow. His eyes probed her face at such close quarters.

“It’s amazing I even found my way down here.” She sputtered quickly trying to fill the silence.

You do all the time. But it’s cute you think I don’t know…

“This castle is endless rooms and passageways.” She added quickly. Eyes flicking to her escape route.

The doorway upstairs.

“You’ve found those, have you?”

She gave him a quick look.

“I don’t care if you explore.” He shrugged. “I can smell you anywhere in this stronghold.” He breathed in her hair. “You can’t hide from me. Go where you wish.”

“Who built this thing?” She gestured in frustration as she jerked her hand free and slid past him. Turning stormy blue eyes on him.


To protect The Fallen.

“Of course, you did.” She tossed over her shoulder.

His chuckle chased her down the hall. “Run, Harpie, Run. Get away from the big. Dangerous. Animal.”

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