FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Battle Broken

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country (Elsabet captive for about a year)


When finally, he was home, Sebastian experienced bone jarring exhaustion. Taking the corridor, his eyes roved the floor as he mulled over any possible way Chavias might’ve survived the swarm of Cimmerii.

Please be alive.

But what if he is?

How can I save him? Bast had given a vow to his brother. Surely there’s a way around it.

Hair disheveled and armor badly scraped, he was covered in dirt and sweat. His step dragging the corridors. He drew a metal sleeve across his forehead to wipe the mud trying to run into his eyes.

His brows lowered in agitation. I could use a washing.

He blew a breath. But not tonight. Tonight, he just wanted to collapse atop his bedding and close his eyes. Too weary to move beyond that.

Then wake. And think…How to save him…

“Where were you?” Elsabet materialized in-front of him.

What'd she ask? Bast lifted his head to blink at her. Wondering where she'd come from.

In a plain white dress, which nearly glowed in the glum hallway, she peered up at him. A thin silver circlet wound her forehead and tucked into her hair. Silver earrings dangled from her small lobes.

His brows lifted at the welcoming sight of her. “I thought you hated my presence here?”

His eyes roved her face, searching for something he knew he wouldn’t find. Some grain of humanity still in her.

“Sometimes.” She looked from side to side before grudgingly admitting. “But other times it’s rather nice to know you’re here. It can seem like there’s not another soul in this place when you’re gone.”

She missed me?

I so badly needed to hear that. Unable to resist, he caught her stiff form and drug her to him. Wrapping thick arms and stinking armor around her as he drew her close. Finding a narrow thread of comfort in the feel of her soft skin and the welcoming wildflower smell of her hair as he tucked his face into her forehead. Savoring that scent that was wholly hers.

Holding her close as if he could steal her strength.

I certainly could use some from somewhere. He currently felt like bolstering his would be impossible from this point forward.

“What’s wrong?” She asked urgently. Arms at her sides, and body stiff.

He resisted the urge to tell her of Chavias. I lost him.

Would she even care? Doubtful. He decided a change of pace from the seriousness of the conversation was his best bet.

“So, you yearn for my presence, do you?” He murmured into her collar. A teasing note entering his voice.

A valiant effort to mask my pain. To keep from spilling his insides for her haughty judgement.

“I’d not go as far as that.” She scoffed. “What captive longs for the presence of their captor?” As his grip loosened, she drew a long step backward.

“You. Apparently.” He grinned hollowly.

Ignoring his flirting, she asked. “Where have all the servants gone? I’ve not seen hide nor hair of them.”

Looking for a conspirator?

“Hoping to persuade one to free you, were you?”

Her florid blush was answer enough. Filling him with a strange disappointment. Less missing me then missing the information to the outside world I represent, then.

“They’re only here on occasion.” His hands fell, and he walked around her.

“What occasion?” She doggedly turned to follow him.

“Why did you miss me?”

“It gets lonely here.” She said dismissively. “What occasions are they here?”

Turning back to her he cocked his head, merely looking at her. Do you honestly think me fool enough to tell you that?

“Suit yourself.” She moved to pass him, but he caught her arm.

What has made you such a cold little creature? He wondered not for the first time. Sad at her absolute coldness in the moment he'd so helped for a glimmer of warmth.

Toward me.

Eyes flashing red she glanced at his hand then slowly up to his face.

As though I were too bold in touching you.

His eyes skid over her figure than back to her face. You've no idea, exactly how much, I would like to touch you, Little Bird.

“Have you never told someone you missed them?” He asked bluntly.

Pain flashed over her face and for a moment he regretted the question. Obviously, you have. Who?

It made something tighten in his gut.

Who had you missed so much your great pride had allowed you to dare speak the words? He couldn't even imagine a man.

“Where did you go so long?” She asked in a weak voice.

As if you cared. Don't feign now.

“To help my brethren.” He said dully.

“Is that always where you go?”

“Yes.” He said simply.

“There are more like you?”


“You’re not giving much in way of answer.” She glared at him.

“Perhaps not, but at least I answer.” He eyed her meaningfully. “And I’m honest.”

More than I can say for you.

She tugged her arm lightly and he released. “Go ahead and flee, Little Valkyrie.”

“I don’t flee you, Lord Bodane.” She tossed over her shoulder acidly, as she walked away.

Walking or running. Either way...

“You run in terror.” He said before correcting her to: “Sebastian.”

“I’ll never call you that.” Her voice echoed in the hall as she announced it. Unstopping.

“You will.” He called after her. Finding himself smiling despite the pain he suffered from the last couple days.

He veered into his chamber as she continued down the hall. The hateful little thing has some power over me. To make me smile even now.

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