FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter Rather Die Than Get Romance Advice from Mardichi

“What was tha’ abou’? She near razed the house.”

Sebastian grunted at the sound of Mardichi’s burr as he casually entered the chamber as though it were his own.

What are you doing here? His smile died as the barbarian interrupted his pleasant reflecting on how soft she’d been and the panic on her face when he’d gotten ahold of her.

“Ye do know a well-sated woman doesn’t flee in terror?”

Since when would you know? Bast’s eyes narrowed. Recognizing he was in a sour mood. Either because she’d left or because Mardichi had intruded.

“She’s afraid of herself. Not me.” Bast murmured, tucking his face into the pillow to avoid the man.

“Just the same if she’s bolting yer chamber well into the night, yer failing to satisfy ’er.”

“Is a barbarian trying to give me romance advice?” Bast twisted his face to ask derisively. Before tucking it back into the pillow. Still catching her scent from where her hair had been moments ago.

“Nay. Advice on laying with a wench.”

Not a wench. Wenches belong in taverns.

This woman belongs in my bed. Only mine.

“Careful.” Bast’s arm shot out to point a staying finger.

“Ooh…” Mardichi sat in the plush chair in the far corner and wiggled his shoulders into the comfortable depths.

He’s planning to stay awhile. Bast groaned inwardly.

“Don’t.” Bast lurched up to look at him. “I’ve warned you brother. Do not test me.”

“Ohh…” Mardichi made a disappointed sound. “I’ve never before found something ta goad ye.”

“Insult me as you wish.” Bast muttered. “But do not call her names. You don’t know her.”

Mardichi sighed, conceding. “’Twas no personal insult on ye woman. Most women are wenches.”

“I know.” Bast calmed. “But she is something unique. Different.”

“Hateful and sweet.” Mardichi chuckled. “I know. I’ve seen ‘er wit’ ye.” His tone softened. “’Tis endless amusement to me tha’ she sees ye complete as ye are. Nothin’ more. Nothin’ less. She sees ye wit’out the magic.”

That’s true.

The depth of that statement struck Bast. “Once in a while, Brother, I see rare glimmers of wisdom in you.”

She’s vulnerable to me as a man. Not to my magic. For some unknown reason that caused a rise in his body that made it uncomfortable lying on his stomach.

“I know.” Mardichi groaned. “’Tis ’cause I couldna find any drink in this blasted castle.”

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