FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter Cruelty

Okine laughed as he packed her from the cavern as though she weighed no more than feathers. Fabric ripped as he greedily clawed at the woman shrieking against his hold.

“No! My Lord!” She begged on a whimper as Okine took her down to the darkest parts of the caves.

She shrieked, fingers digging the stone until nails broke off and bloody trails skimmed the rock.

Chavias lay in his prison. The bars crossing the stone chamber entrance, impossible to break. He cringed as he heard the desperate sounds the woman made. Making him quake in sickness. Despite the woman’s evil, he knew he was partly to blame for what happened to her in the dungeons now.

But I destroyed Radix’s plans. He consoled himself. I saved those girls. And probably hundreds of lives.

Vowing he’d get better at Spirit Running until he could manifest strong enough to offer hands to those he tried to help.

It was heart wrenching to watch his brethren and The Watchers fall and rise. While I could do nothing but pass my hands through them.

He nodded to himself. I’ll get better. Stronger.

He closed his eyes, pushed his palms over his ears and began to rock in an effort to escape the agonized shrieking echoing in the caves.

I couldn’t begin to explain the Hell I was barely surviving. My only solace came in learning to Spirit Run to reach those I could no longer approach while in my wretched skin.

I learned to run…Learned it well. And I stumbled onto the Dread doors during my wanderings. A few I could use to check on those once brothers to me.

When I found the little Watcher Girls starving and dying, I had no choice. No other recourse. I would’ve risked anything in that moment…For them.

And Chastain, the sweet girl, had taught me I deserved to believe in myself again. She gave me hope. Though it was I that freed her, she freed me too.

But I never expected help from such a distant soul. One I had thought even further from their reach then I’d become. Yet she was there when I needed her help the most.

Wouldn’t Raese be proud to know?

From the Journal of Chavias Derenoe.

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