FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter CHAVIAS - To the Citadel for a Savage Boy

Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border (Radix’s captive for two years)


Chavias was drug down from Stone Peak with a shackle around his neck.

Okine brutally drug the lead. His huge square smith’s hammer dragging the ground in his other fist.

Chavias stumbled to keep up. With his hands shackled together and every chain link as big around as his bicep, it bore some doing, to wear it and walk.

Okine enjoys the indignity in it. Chavias knew.

“What are we doing?”

A large crow cawed. Flying circles above them as it kept Chavias in view. Drawn to me.

The bird had a knack for sensing him when he exited the cave.

Okine yanked the chain again. Wrapping another fistful of it around his hand.

“No business, Slave.” He spoke in his broken way. Making it clear he’d no intention of explaining himself to his prisoner.

What am I doing here? The mountain was cold. It was late fall and every branch and blade of grass was covered in frost. But Chavias couldn’t feel any of it. Just the numbness in his fingers and arms where the cold might be damaging his skin.

There were many Firoque ahead, people half-turned to Cimmerii. Their eyes shined onyx and skin blackened around their sockets and mouth. Making them seem hollow. Their skin was blotched with freckles the size of black coins. Hideous.

It may be what I look like some day. Chavias was filled with dread at the prospect.

They followed the narrow snowy trail which was so steep, carriages struggled to make the perilous incline up Peak Mountain, one of the highest of the Black Mountain range.

After that they found the winding trail cutting into the dense trees of the Netherwood. Everyone drew a deep breath before entering. There were areas where the trees were further apart. Revealing paths that seemed to veer in various directions. But unless one truly knew where they were going it was easy to get lost and soon become a meal for Battling stags. It was smartest to stick to the primary tail and risk the places where vines knotted the trees together. There were spots where they overhung the trail so thickly they had to be hacked apart to make way.

Serpents writhed under the dirt. And sparking fairy lights danced through the darker parts of the trees.

Dangerous ground, being here with the NetherFey.

They were feral fey creatures creating neon lights in the shadows. Their translucent bodies revealing their tiny colored hearts which changed with each emotion.

Bloody creatures always looking to sink in their pointed little teeth. Chavias wasn't one to appreciate their pretty appearance.

There were other figures too. Now and again as they past, the figure of a woman would peel from the bark of a tree to twist and watch them pass. Leafy foliage, her hair falling over a bark coated shoulder.

Battling stags corrupted by the bleak nearness of Battling Country, would leap through the trees. Their antlers no longer smooth but jerked and twisted nearly into branches. Black blotches of rot marred their brown fur and their eyes were now tinged red from the evil consuming the bordering country. They no longer fed on grass but scavenged for meat left by other animals that was softened enough they could chew it with their flat teeth.

Leaves the size of Chavias' head draped their faces. Saturating them in wet frost. With the heavy shackles weighing down his hands, it was hard to even slap them from his face at the speed they traversed the Netherwood. A few branches raked his neck. Sending loose droplets of blood seeping over his collar and chest which had a few of the Firoque sending him hungry looks.

Once through the Netherwood the land peeled open to reveal the NetherRunnel which they walked parallel to uphill until reaching the Crossing.

Strong word for it.

It was a rather meager construction. A rope bridge with rickety planks. Held in place by a large boulder at each side which was the size of a grown man's hut. It leverage on one plank to hold the bridge and the ropes were pulled around and tied to it then staked into place.

Some grand engineering, this. Chavias had never been fond of crossing the surging river on the precarious bridge.

What fool made this thing? He took his first tentative step. Knowing he'd have to keep close to Okine or risk that chain binding him being yanked and a possible tumble into the surging river.

Not sure if I can drown but I don't particularly care to find out. His immortality did have its limits.

They'd fumbled their way over the dark surging waters sloshing over the rocks and rushing against the steep banks. Every so often a dead animal would slam against those.

Creatures which had clearly fallen in and drowned. And were now headed out to the Western Sea to be a meal for the giant serpents or foragers that hunted those waters.

Chavias shuddered. Having no desire to join them.

Once beyond the NetherRunnel they cut sharply North. Aiming for the heart of Grier.

What's there?

Chavias began looking around him nervously. Calculating the numbers and measuring it with what manner of prize they were after today.

It has to be a Forever Knight. His anxiousness began to climb.

It was almost two days before they reached Grier Country. Drawing near King Ocnomad’s Citadel.

What are we doing this far in?

Okine still lumbered ahead like a great green tree. His steps slow and dragging. The chain still firmly gripped in his fist as he gleefully gave it sharp tugs.

Are we taking Grier? He knew it would be a tactically sound strategy to steal the heart of the country.

But unlikely to succeed.

There were far too many Grier Guard for any attack to be successful.

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