FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter Baiting Her

Elsabet rounded a bookshelf and nearly slammed into him. Looking up to glare at him. “Do you enjoy startling the life out of young women?”

“Are you young?” He countered coldly.

She glowered.

“Don’t scowl at me woman. Tis not my fault you’re not as observant as you think. And for the record, you’re the only young woman I enjoy startling."

She snorted. "And why is that?"

Because your heartbeat skyrockets. And you draw that panting breath...

"Your pretty eyes are so huge and vulnerable. For that moment, you've forgotten your careful mask." His gaze roved her face. "It’s the only time I see the genuine woman.”

“I miss nothing.” She retorted waspishly. Finally noticing he’d edged close enough he could see up her skirt if he glanced there, she pulled it tight around her legs and retreated down the ladder.

I’m still a gentleman! He huffed but bit his tongue.

“You miss out on...much.” He teased as she passed him in a huff of skirts.

Eyes reddening in the dark as she shot him a look from the depth of another aisle.

Pursuing her step, he waited for the next subject she’d pursue. Undoubtedly something nosy.

“Why are you in fancy clothing?” She snapped a book shut and slid it back up on its shelf.

Ah, and there it is.

“I’ve been trying to find a friend.”

Raese Merlinus. He drew a long breath. Without luck. But it was doubtful she’d even care to hear that.

“A woman?” She asked, her voice sounded strangely forced.

Jealousy? Wouldn’t that be novel!

“Nay. Not today.” He watched her reaction carefully and was intrigued to see her eyes flick to him and her hand tremble slightly as she pulled another binding out.

“I attended a ball…An undercover mission if you would.”

“Like the one you were at-”

“When you tried to steal my pendant? Aye.”


“To find my friend, Raese.”

“How many women do you go see?” She changed the subject so quickly it startled him.

His brows shot up. “There’s only one I’m currently interested in seeing.”

She huffed. “And I suppose you’re implying that’s me?”

It’s only you.

He gave a sideways nod and a shrug. “Think what you will.”

Moving the ladder forcefully she slammed it against a new shelf and eyed the row intently. “And I suppose you think I’ll swoon at your feet like some ridiculous maiden of the first shade?”

He sighed as he held the ladder for her. “Wouldn’t that be nice?”

“It’d be foolish.” She was concentrating hard on ignoring him. Staring at the top shelf, she was careful to go no higher than the second level lest he get an opportunity to see beneath her skirt.

“I’m not such a villain as that.” He defended. “There’s still the shreds of a gentleman in me.”

She scoffed. Doing her damnedest to keep from glancing at him in her peripheral.

He could admit her attempts to disregard his presence only piqued his interest.

They usually find me irresistible…But she is something else.

“Have you found your tether restricting?” He changed the subject.

“Have I misbehaved?”


She gave him a startled look.

“But not that I’ve figured out yet.” He finished. Noting from her surprised look she hadn’t yet formulated a renewed plan of escape. “So, I’ve not limited you, have I?”

“You’re a man of your word.” She recognized, though her tone reflected only fact, no admiration.

His smile died. “You could give me a taste of those lips in appreciation.” He noticed the appealing length of her neck and the subtle curve of her chin leading up to her lush lips. Which he now eyed hungrily.

“Why do you check on me so often?” She put another book on the shelf. Purposely ignoring his question.

Well if she can, I can.

“What do you fear I’ll see when I do?”

“Me.” Her nose wrinkled.

“And that I do.” He eyed her length with obvious appreciation.

“I feel your energy checking on me all the time.” She passed by him and he caught the scent of wildflowers.

He spun on his heel to follow. “How do you smell like that?”

She turned, pale gray skirts swirling around her as she faced him. Confusion written over her face. “Like what?” Tilting sideways she sniffed a drooping sleeve. “I do not stink.”

“No. You smell like a fresh field.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Her voice raised a notch.

“You smell fresh. Peaceful.”

“I’m not peaceful.” She dismissed. “This is simply how I smell.”

His brows lifted in further appreciation. “Well, then…”

“Do not even.” She pointed at him, reading his face.

He eyed the arrowing split in her dress down her back. Exposing delicate shoulder muscles and slim curves, flaring over a pleasingly rounded rump.

He growled in his throat.

She thought she knew the meaning of that sound.

“You threaten me?” She spun on him. Crouching as she drew a tiny dagger from under her dress.

“In a sense.” He admitted quickly. Characteristic smile dancing around his mouth. Approaching her, he captured her wrist before she could swipe him with her weapon.

Her other hand lengthened into talons as she moved to slit him with her free hand.

He twisted out of her reach and agilely evaded her claws.

“Don’t.” He shot her mutated hand a glance before focusing on her face. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He ripped the dagger from her tiny fist. “Where’d you get this?”

Chin lifting impudently, she glared at him.

“Hmm.” He strode away. “Just when I was beginning to trust you.”

“You don’t trust me!” She called after him.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because-because-I’m a woman!”

“I love women! I don’t have the same gender hate you possess. I’d surround myself with women if I could.”

“I just bet!” Her eyes narrowed as she changed the direction of her attack.

“Don’t pout.” He left the room as quickly as he’d come.

“I hate you!”

“You don’t.” His voice carried in.

“I do.” She spat through clenched teeth.

“You don’t…” The walls sighed with his voice.

Stomping a small foot, she charged up to her room. Smashing vases and raging in her chamber.

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