FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter 1712 SEBASTIAN - A Prank?

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country (Elsabet captive for twelve years)


More years passed quietly. With Elsabet sometimes as bitter and cold as always. But occasionally softer, almost pleasant.

As Sebastian returned to WaterRose tonight, knowing the hour was late, he opened the door quietly and crossed the foyer toward the library. As he passed the dais where the stairs broke into dual slopes, he felt a presence. He glanced up and saw her peering from the shadows at the top of the stairs.

Watching me. He pushed his hood back to see her better.

“Elsabet.” He smiled, lowering his head in greeting. He glimpsed the light blue of her eyes, though she said nothing. Hearing the swish of her skirts as she turned and walked down the hall.

Returning to her chamber.

He reached the library, tethering his hair back from his face as he took his plush red seat. Sinking into the comfort of it and feeling his body ease from his recent endeavors.

His hand reflexively reached into the jar of exotic nuts he kept on the center table. Shocked to find it empty. He splayed his fingers to grasp the jar and lifted it, hand still inside. Inspecting the empty bottom.

Bloody Hell!

She ate them all? He groaned in disappointment and reached for his sherry decanter. Gripping it where it was nearly tucked behind the chair on a small stand. Catching a glass with his finger, he pulled them around, into his view. Stopping when he realized his sherry was empty.

He heard the faintest sound from the doorway. A giggle?

His head whipped that direction. “You did it apurpose!” He pointed a finger. “You barbarian!”

He leapt from his chair and ran to the doorway, laughter on his lips as he reached it. Seeing her light blue dress vanishing up the stairs.

Chuckling he returned to his seat. Once there, he relaxed and stared at the winking gold flower decorating the mantle. Just above it was a decanter from upstairs, half full of amber liquid. Near it was clay bowl.

He knew, without a doubt, what’d be in it. Sighing he stood and lifted them from the mantle. Pouring his drink and returning the nuts to the small jar. Replacing the small glass lid after grabbing a handful.

Devious Harpie. He chuckled to himself. Pleased to see mischief in her.

Only as he settled in again did he wonder if she’d hoped he’d chase her up the stairs. Intriguing thought…

For one pretty moment he envisioned a relationship with her. Filled with teasing pranks and mischief. Blue eyes sparkling as she laughed merrily. Chasing her and possibly little ones up and down the corridors of the stronghold he’d designed and built with his own hands.

A family.

The following evening Sebastian finished checking the different levels, visiting with some of the knights, and inspecting the Flood Room to ensure it wasn’t rising. Afterwards he headed to the library to await her. Surprised to find her there so early in the eve.

He stopped to watch her. Like observing some graceful creature in their habitat.

She sat engrossed in a heavy volume resting on her knees. She lifted her fingertips to tuck a stray lock of silvery hair behind her dainty ear with soft fingertips. Blue eyes intent on the pages before her. Lips parted.

Her every movement was a flutter or sway.

Like a bird.

She sat in the large chair next to the fire.

My chair. He saw her skin spike and eyes slide from the pages. She senses me.

Setting the book in her lap, she crossed her palms over it. “I can feel you.” Her challenge was met with long silence.

Not yet. He thought. But I’d like you to.

He relented. “You don’t sense me as well as I do you.”

“Yet I know your presence all the same.”


She stiffened. “Why don’t you show yourself?”

Why? Hesitating, he strode into the library. Entering the oval of candlelight next to the nearest shelf. Propping a shoulder there, he leaned to cross his ankles. Giving her a long study, he assessed her vibrant blue eyes in dancing firelight.

“Why do you only appear after dark?”

“Are you inconvenienced? Am I interfering in your snooping?” He lifted a blonde brow. Looking over the library before returning his gaze to her.

I am.

“It’s when I prefer to be awake, yes.”


“What is it you search for so desperately?”

“Doesn’t every library have a book of lineage about the house and its lord?” She stood. Trying to appear casual, but her voice was tight as she began moving through the aisles to replace the book.

“Seeking to know your enemy?” He said when she returned.

Her eyes fell, cheeks drawing in as she searched for an answer. A new book dangling from her hand.

Precisely what she was doing.

“If you can’t escape on your terms, you’ll find a way around me and my magic? That your newest plan?”

“I’m not one to play docile captive.”

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