FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter 1702 RAESE - Lady Farthington's Trysting Ball

Thicker than thieves those two. The closest of friends with no secrets between them. Few of us even knew how they met. That was just one of their carefully kept secrets.

They never bothered to spare one another’s’ feelings but was always there to pick the other up if they were knocked down.

You could see when they looked at each other that they’d cross any obstacle to get to the other. Nothing could stand between them. No man. No woman. No level of evil.

I always envied them. But now I must wonder if the time that cuts them apart can succeed where nothing else could?

Just the thought makes me grow yet more bitter.

From the Journal of Chavias Derenoe.

Farthington Hall, Paladines (Lost for a year)


Tonight, found Raese at Lady Farthington’s infamous summer gala. He shouldn’t have been surprised when he looked around trying to spot Rodger Barnes, peering through the cluster of ladies and noticed one face refusing to lower. One bereft of cloying fan…Her.

Unmoving in the throng of people.

He couldn’t recall when he’d started having the visions of the wraith. Only that he’d done so as long as he could remember. But the sight of her as a hazy shadow in the crowd was far from startling. More a tantalizing flicker of a memory.

If a man must be haunted, I couldn’t have dreamt up a lovelier woman. Ebony tresses framed a heart-shaped face, dominated by one large violet eye peering through her hair. Lips the shade of raspberries, whispered words he couldn’t hear.

I can’t hear you.

She met his gaze unblinkingly and questioningly cocked her head.

A plump tear slid down her angelic face. His heart thudded heavily. He found himself reaching out, in an inexplicable desire to offer comfort.

She triggers immense loneliness or loss in me…But always indefinable frustration.

His hand was abruptly caught in a firm handshake. The man blocking his vision yanked him close to give pat his back. “Whiting, good Lord man! I began to think I was the only man I knew dolt enough to attend.” He gestured. Only pausing to study his friend. “Whiting? You feel awry?”

Raese shook his head to clear his thoughts. “I’m quite well, Rodger. Now that you’re here. What persuaded you to come?”

Rodger laughed roughly and shared a look.

Of course…for our mistresses. For Lady Farthington’s notorious diversions. Raese noticed Leslie crossing in his direction. Materializing as he’d thought of her.

“Ray Ray!” She called to him.

He winced. Damn it. There still may be time to vanish into the crowd. He looked longingly to his right.

“Who loves the shameful intrigue of Lady Farthington’s guests more than our young widows, yes?” Rodger chuckled. Catching Raese’s shoulders to turn him to face Leslie as she descended on them.

Too late. Raese willed himself patience.

Leslie’s eyes locked on him like a starved hound. “Ray Ray!” She beamed.

He realized the great similarity of the blonde to molasses he couldn’t’ wash away. Once it poured over him, there was no shaking it. He sighed as she clutched his forearm.

I can’t even remember how we met.

Much less why I liked you. His shoulders slumped.

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