FOREVER KNIGHTS: #17 Marked As Mine

Chapter MARDICHI - A Hut on Fire

Wilhelm Kingdom, Dread Country


Mardichi had been chasing Raven around the castle all morning. “Do you intend to avoid me all morning?” He demanded as he stalked her down a long corridor.

“Do you intend to follow me all bloody morning?” She snarled over her shoulder.


“Then, yes.”

He growled in his throat. “Woman!”


“This man happens to be your husband.”

She spun around. Green eyes spitting fire. “You mean you used to be.”

“What do you mean used to be. How am I not so now?”

“We are no longer together!” She shrieked.

“Aren’t we? It seems to me I stand here.” He pointed to his feet. “And you stand just there. Which would indicate to me we are quite together.”

“Yet still apart.” She enunciated each word.

“And of whose,” He began to prey on her. One long step after another. She backed up. Bumping into an oil torch which his hand snatched out to catch as she wove around it before jerking to stop as her back met the wall. His other hand came up to plant against the wall near her face. His other released the torch to cage her on the other side. “choice is that?”

“Mine. Mine!” She shouted as he drew his body closer. Latching the cage he built with his body.

“No!” She shook her head adamantly. Chin nearly against his chest as she looked up at his massive height towering above her. “You will not.” She skid sideways to duck under his arm but he lowered it to block her in. “Mardichi!”

He pressed closer, pinning her to the wall. Her chin propped on his sternum. “That’s not the name you used to whisper in the throes of passion.”

“Acel.” She whispered. Unconsciously answering. She shook her head. Meeting that dark look in his eyes. “No. No you don’t!”

“Oh, yes I will!”

Before she could blink, he lowered and swept her into his arms. Gripping her tight to his chest as he carried her as though she were no more than a child. “Mardichi!” She beat against his chest in panic.

He chuckled. “Continue Lass, it tickles a bit.”

“It won’t when I hit you in the chin.” Her lip curled.

“If you hurt me, I’m going to hurt you.”

“You would strike me?”

He looked as though she’d slapped him. “Are you crazed Lass?” He demanded. “I’ve never struck ye.”

“How-how then?”

“Ye don’t remember?” He stared down at her. Moving down the corridor quickly with his long stride. “How I used to make ye ache?”

His eyes skid to the crux of her thighs.

And she gasped. Covering herself. “Do not! You-you won’t. You…”

“We’ll see when I start to warm ye if ye’re still crying for me to stop. If ye can…Then I will.” His chin hoisted. Knowing full well he knew how to melt her.

To make her yearn for me. His teeth flashed in the dark.

“Set me down!”

“Never.” He shook his head.

Wood doors behind them thrust open and a man shouted. “Raven!” At the top of his lungs. Cracking through the stone corridor with a rumbling echo.

Even Mardichi stopped. Sensing the urgency. Guards struggled to hold the big man.

“Brotus?” She called.

“It’s Taryn!” He shouted. Struggling against the men gripping at him.

“Taryn?” She spun from Mardichi’s hold to her feet. He let her. Recognizing the name as the woman that had raised her.

What’s going on? He chased her urgent step down the corridor to the man.

A man I want to murder. Mardichi considered it even as they walked. Taking in the cropped black hair and bleary brown eyes.

He’s plain.

He’d be easy to kill. Mardichi assessed. Seeing the man’s thin wiry arms. And his unkempt beard. He’s weak. A slob.

“Taryn’s been killed.”


“The cottage?” She demanded sharply.

“The cottage?” Brotus asked blankly.

“My God!” Zuriena cried. Leaping past him and shoving a guard to the ground as she flew past him. Skirts flying. She ran across the bailey to the stables.

One of the King’s Guard watched her go. His eyes moving to Mardichi. “Where is she going? She cannot leave.”

“I will bring her back.” Mardichi vowed.

“You better. The king is not done with her.”

That pissed Mardichi off but he didn’t have time to assess it. Watching Zuriena come tearing from the stables on the back of a tiny brown mare.

“Zuriena!” He called. “I am faster!”

She shot a withering look over her shoulder. She headed for the huge wooden gate as though she intended to ram the horse through it.

“Crank the bar!” He shouted the order. Making the guardhouse reel the gear that lifted the bar from the couplings so it could swing open.

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