FOREVER KNIGHTS: #17 Marked As Mine

Chapter Clever Cat Games


“Why?” His curiosity drove him to query.

“Because everyone’s family means something to them. And it sounds as though yours deserves to be honored. Just because you’re a jackanape doesn’t mean you didn’t love your sister.”

“I did.” He said wistfully. After a long study, he reached to clasp his big hand around hers, turning it to plant a kiss to the back.

She jerked away as if burned.

He let her.

“If you help me…” He added as an afterthought. Bent on persuading her to spend time with him.

Yet again, she surprised him by responding quickly. “I intended to.”

Well, perhaps this suffices as a chance to get close to her. She can see how charming I really am.

I’ll take it. His eyes flicked over her.

She drew a lazy finger over the mouth of her mug thoughtfully.

What an odd woman...

The next morning found them and a village hand, Lucien had hired, staring up at the formidable appearance of Sabias House.

And it’s worn out state. Even from outside Sabias could smell the odor of horses having been stabled in the house.

And inside they found old burn piles where bandits had built campfires on the abandoned floor of the structure.

Why does she want to do this?

She looked somewhat excited by taking on the prospect. She’d taken a pair of fabric gloves he’d bought with one of her fancy dresses and pulled them up to her elbow.

Prepared to clean in them. As good a means as any. He supposed.

As reluctant as Lucien was to be here, he couldn’t disregard the fact that he was deeply touched she’d proposed restoring it.

Just being this close he could hear Ezra’s bubbling laughter echoing through the halls. See glimpses of her as a young girl running across the wooden floor. Brown hair flying out in a banner of her joy.

It made it hard to think and he was unsure where to start.

“We’ll begin moving the burnt wood outside and over there.” She pointed out the door.

“Would you,” She looked at the village man. “go hire a cart that we can use to move the rubbish?”

The man looked at Lucien who nodded in assent.

“Any salvageable furniture let’s move to this corner.” She continued explaining where everything would be piled so they could sort the house from the filth.

But Lucien had begun watching her. How her face brightened as she took charge. Comfortable running a household.

She explained a plan and made sure he understood it. But he was distracted by the smooth motion of her shining brown hair swinging as she spoke. Her delicate gloved hand waving as she gestured. Her mahogany eyes flitting. Bright with excitement. All traces of her venom gone as she formulated a plan.

So decisive. As regal as a queen. And he realized he did want her. I want her for my mate.

So now, the task became charming her into feeling the same.

It may take awhile. He thought ruefully.

But his ideas of how regal she was were vanquished in a matter of hours. He groaned. “You’re a veritable Slave Driver, cruel, cruel woman.”

“Cease whining. We’re making headway.”

“You’re positively ruthless.”

She laughed. “You sound like a child upset at having to clean up his toys.”

“I probably feel equal derision.” He sniffed.

She walked over and tugged his arm. Turning him to face her. Seeing dirt smudging his cheeks and sweat marking his brow. “You look well, covered in signs of hard labor.”

“I don’t feel it.” He sniffed before confiding. “And you smell like horse piss.”

She beamed. “The aroma of hard work.” She tossed her arms. “Isn’t it rewarding.”

Her movement drew his eye to the low cut of her dark dress. “Here, Lord Sabias.” She pointed to her face. “You seem to have that problem often.”

“Only with you.” He grinned cheekily.

“Mmmhmm.” She grunted. Swinging around to resume cleaning. She hefted a large board and he stepped to take the other end. Stepping over the jumbled piles to throw it in the back of the cart with the rest of the ‘rubbish.’

When he went to lift a table she chipped in and helped him as well. And he allowed her. Touched by the help. Despite that I could’ve easily moved it by myself.

“We do well as a team.” He remarked.

“I wouldn’t argue that.”

He laughed. “The closest you can get to agreeing to companionship with me.”

“So far.” She lifted an alluring brow. Lips curving into a soft smile.

I like the look of that.

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