FOREVER KNIGHTS: #17 Marked As Mine

Chapter CHAVIAS - Radix Made Elsabet

Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border


Chavias watched intently as the nonis scattered back into the lair.

Radix had summoned them all back when he’d been unable to get a glimpse of the Winter Dread or narrow down where the snow and frost was emerging from.

Sabine had thankfully locked in herself and all the servants.

Making the Manor look abandoned with all the windows secured. Well done. He’d never been so relieved as when Radix called them back.

“Damn her!” Radix cursed “I will find the wench.”

The hell you will. Chavias had watched him, head lowered. Hiding his triumph that sweet Sabine was yet safe. But for how much longer.

I have to move her. But he couldn’t conceive anywhere that could prove safer.

There has to be somewhere.

“Get from my sight!” Radix ordered. “I’m expecting more pleasant company.”

Chavias was happy to comply. Gray eyes unflinching as Okine slammed the door to his cell.”

He immediately knelt and slid a torn up loaf of bread and handfuls of berries hidden in a pouch he’d tied beneath his tunic.

Calisto greedily grabbed them as fast as he handed them over.

She’s starving.

“Radix, My Master.” A woman called down in the lair.

A voice I don’t know.

But one glimpse of the well-manicured woman and Chavias recognized her from her annual infamous galas.

Lady Farthington.

I hadn’t known she was Radix’s. She wasn’t on the stone board as one of his pieces.

He’s protecting her. She must be a critical piece. His assumption was confirmed by the way Radix spoke to her more as an equal then as a servant.

“Melissa…” He greeted heatedly.

Attraction? Affection? It was hard to tell. Chavias had so rarely heard the warmer tone, he was unable to discern exactly what it was.

“I hear you have a new toy?”

“Ah, yes.” Radix purred. “The dark Watcher, My Elsabet.”

“Is that what she is?”

“Yes. It is quite the art form to darken a fallen watcher.”

“How’d you do it?” She asked eagerly. An evil note in her excitement.

“Once I came across her, I maneuvered her into the hands of Demarron, a slave of mine. Ensuring she wouldn’t flourish under his hand.” Radix cackled coldly. “Then I sent my Temptress, Deiti into that house with her. The depth of Deiti’s cimmerii power triggering Elsabet’s ascension into my night.”

Into darkness. Watcher’s can ascend into darkness instead of light?

That explains why there are so many women known as valkyrie. Dark Watchers. It saddened Chavias to know Radix had managed to turn so many.

“Quite the feat.” Melissa Farthington cooed. “But I see a hint of worry there, on your face.”

Worry? What does a demon have to worry about other than his own defeat?

“I do not fully trust her.” Radix began. “She is powerful. Greatly so, therefore she can be my greatest triumph. But I like not that somehow as a darkened Watcher she has managed to control her blood lust and my sway does not seem to be as effective as I would like. There is something different about her. Not as easily led. And I see hints of kindness with the others. But it seems to be why they are so inclined to follow her.”

Chavias was surprised how much Radix confided in this woman. Who is she to him?

Is she another demon, herself?

“How so?” Farthington drew up a chair.

“She can control the whole flock of them with a thought.”

A terrifying concept. It made Chavias’ gut sink. He’d seen the number of valkyrie women going in and out of the lair.

“Why do you let her if you worry of her turning against you.”

“If she does, I shall kill her.” He was likely shrugging. “But she seethes with rage against the Forever Knight’s Great Protector and it feeds my strength over her. Besides, I’m sending her to find me a foothold on the Isle of Wight as a test. If she does that I will know she is truly my good little minion.”

I hope she’s not. Just once, Chavias wanted to watch one of Radix’s planned minions turn against him. Be stronger than she seems.

Sighing he left the door of his cell to peer under the cot.

Stretching beneath he offered the majority of the dinner brought to him, a chunk of bread, to her.

Calisto snatched it. Stuffing it in her face desperately.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized. “I’ll get you something more substantial as soon as I’m able.”

But a look at her sallow face worried him. She can’t stay here much longer. But letting her creep through the corridors and risk Radix spotting her was too dangerous.

He’ll never let her go if he sees her.

“We may have to try getting you out.” He worried.

“If he catches me, I’ll never see Raese again. He may banish me back out of time.”

“But you may starve to death if you remain much longer.”

“Find another way, Chavias. Keep looking.”

He gave her a long study and finally nodded. “But we have to make an attempt before you’re too weak to do so.”

“Fine.” She reluctantly agreed.

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