FOREVER KNIGHTS: #17 Marked As Mine

Chapter ALAZAR - She Found It



She Found It

Riaura awoke from the dream shaking.

“What is it?” Alazareth asked. Lifting the cool rag from her sweating forehead.

She’s been in a daze for days.

“I haven’t dreamt like that in many years.” She laughed nervously.

She thinks she was dreaming?

“Not since that scar on your hand, I take it?” He asked.

She turned a stunned expression on him. “How’d you know?”

He sighed. “Long story.”

“It seemed so real.” She said breathlessly.

“I bet it did.”

“I could see the stick under water. Glowing like a beacon. Calling to me. It felt like-like I was floating…”

Should I tell her?

Nay. Not yet.

“I thought I found it.”

“You did.”

After Acharius had climbed, gracelessly from the Sepulcher, Alazar had scooped Riaura out as soon as she surfaced.

She gave him a quick frown. “What do you mean.”

“You’ve been in a sort of meditation for days.”

“It’s been days?” Her brows shot up. Green eyes huge.

“You found it. You led us to it.”

“I did?”

He explained to her what’d happened.

She wanted to explain to him how she’d known it was there but was afraid with his staunch thinking he’d find her silly.

“Why would I ever think you silly?” He frowned.

“You were listening to my thoughts?”

“I overheard them.”

“The stick…”

“Staff.” He corrected. Chuckling as he rubbed her back in a circular motion. “Actually it was a spear once. That’s where its power comes from.”

She gave him a confused glance.

“A sacred spear.” He murmured. “It was used to kill a man in the UpperLands. Centuries ago. And during which, it was bathed in Holy blood. Making it now the most powerful weapon against Radix.” He looked at her thoughtfully. “During the Great Battle we lost the man who could wield it. He was the only one that knew where he’d stored it for safekeeping. We’ve been searching for it ever since.”

“So, tell me how you knew where the staff was?”

“I felt it.” She shifted eagerly on the bed to tell him. “I feel so happy like it’s back again. Like we needed it.”

“We did.” He said slowly. “You’ve no idea.”

“When they locked it away.” She lifted her hand. Pausing in shock when she realized her scar was gone. Rubbing where it had been. The skin was now flat and smooth.

“What happened?” She showed it to him.

“I think Chavias did that. Somehow.”

“That’s why I could find it…”

“I think so.”

“When I couldn’t feel it anymore. I’d felt so…barren. Lost.”

“Like you were feeling what it felt?” He eyed her askance.

“I don’t know what else it could be?”

That seems ludicrous.

Morning sunlight poured through the window slit. Brightening the slate floor. She lifted the coverlet over her shoulder as she spoke.

After they’d talked awhile, she fell back into an exhausted slumber.

He lay next to her. Watching over her worriedly as she slept. She scared me.

How in Ardae did she not drown?

Riaura awoke a few hours later. But not cold as usual. A pressure wrapped her shoulders and back. Blinking she realized there was weight at her back. “Alazareth?”

“Good morning.”

She stared at the wall in-front of her. Glancing down at where his arm draped her, she noticed the flawless white flower in his hand.

“A Trifler’s Wife?” She rolled over. Meeting his blue-green gaze stare. Already slipping the flower from his hand.

“You know ’tis.” His half-hearted smile brightened his face. “We need to talk.”

She shook her head. “I understand now. Don’t you dare apologize to me. You made me a promise long ago. You’ve always kept your word.” Her words were spoken softly.

“I wasn’t certain you had heard me.” His face reflected his surprise.

When I whispered to the wind that I’d always be there when she needed me.

“I heard every word you ever said.”

What? He frowned at her.

She elaborated. “You were my best friend. And as the years past you became everything.”

Alazar caught the hand that now held the rose. Pulling her near, to kiss the back of it.

She looked down at the lovely flower. “Why Trifler’s Wife?”

“They’re as rare and unique as you.”

They only bloom for a month or so and only ever at dawn for a few hours. Only staying open if plucked while in full bloom.

“And white has always been symbolic of you to me. It resembles purity. And you, despite all your mistakes, are as pure as a soul can be. Every mistake you made was because you’re too lovely by nature to recognize evil intent. All your fierceness balances your innate sweetness.”

“I treated you terrible.”

“Yes.” He nodded emphatically. “You did.”

“You killed for me.”

He sighed. “Let’s discuss it no more.”

I don’t want to think of killing while I’m with you.

She gave him a smile that lit her blue eyes.

They lay nearly nose to nose.

She caressed his jaw.

His face softened and eyes closed to savor her touch.

“Everything you did was for me and my people.”

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