Chapter The Dark Truth

“So now you understand his ruthlessness? How he tormented them to get the names of the Rebels.”

“That’s why?” She gave him a stunned look. “Why did he care?”

“Because they were stopping him from stealing all of Nightway’s fields and produce. And taking back what they could. Killing his men when the opportunity arose. The Rebels have spent far more time fighting him than you.”

“Because of you?” She tested.


“You’re one of them?”

“I’ve been leading them.” He admitted. “Judge me, hate me, if you must.”

“Why would you lead them and serve as my Captain of the Guard?”

“To protect you in every way I could. To keep the assassins away and to keep the Rebels from killing you in blame for what you let Danbury do to their families and their stock.”

She gave him an assessing look.

“It’s all true.” He vowed. Popping the wheat back between his teeth.

“I nearly married the villain.” She broke down. Dropping her face into her hands.

And he had to work to refrain from going to her and offering comfort. Not this time.

“There’s been no uprising since your rule.” She shook her head. “How did I not see it?”

“You have. You just wouldn’t admit it to yourself.”

“My nightmares have stopped.”

“Because no children are suffering. I’ve been delivering food to them. Tending them. Speaking to them.”

“They’re happy?”

“Merely content. For now.”

“I lived for this Keep. I cared for them.”

“I know you did.” His tone softened.

“I’ve heard them talk about you.”

“And what have they said?” Shadows still slashed over the top of his face. She could see only his cream-colored tunic and brown breeches. The usual dark belt cinching it. And the silhouette of his spiked blonde hair.

“I hate that you could see it, but I could not.”

“You were too close to it.”

She wrapped her arms about herself.

Wrestling with her conscience. He’d seen her take this pose before.

“I missed you.” She sobbed. “Why have you stayed away.”

“To give you time to realize the things you needed to.” He walked from the room as coldly as he’d been the last few weeks.

Shivering she rolled into a ball and tucked back under her coverlet.

It was nearly an hour later that she felt a sense of arms wrapping her.

“Are you here or a figment?” She asked.

But the grip tightened around her. Offering warmth and the comfort she’d craved.

When she’d dared open her eyes, she found no arms encircling her. And a glance over her shoulder revealed no breathing mortal there. Though she felt his breaths on the skin of her neck.

But any Forever Knight could’ve clearly seen him there. Laying with her in spirit so he could continue his feigned coldness. When in reality he was there with her. Holding his precious wife, cradled in the crook of his body. His face nestled in her hair.

Protecting her as much as I can from the remorse she’s suffering.

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