Chapter SEBASTIAN - Find Her For the Holiday

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


“You’ve been avoiding coming home, Brother.” Alazareth remarked.

“I have.” Bast didn’t bother to deny it.

“I understand why.”

It’s so empty without them.

My Sebet and Elsabet. My mate and our daughter. Gone. Bast had barely entered WaterRose when Alazar emerged from the library.

“Why are you here?”

“To check on you.”

Bast’s head spun. “That’s a first.”

“First time you’ve gone through this.”

Bast didn’t respond. Headed straight to the atrium under the dais.

“Where are you going?” Alazar was on his heels but Bast didn’t care. “Don’t go down there. You can’t keep doing this to yourself, Brother.”

“You’ve no idea what you’re talking about.” Bast disregarded him. Veering toward the stairs that would lead down to the bottom level.

To the Flood Room.

“Sebastian. Don’t go look at her!”

But Bast was already taking the stairs. Willing Sebet from the depths of the green water. Drifting up from under the stairs and rising slowly to the surface. The tattered remains of her muslin gown waving in the water around her. Silver blonde curls flat in strands that had been wet for far too long.

She surfaced and her face held a gray pallor. Her wounds were still open. Red and purple and some held a white sheen where the bone peered from them.

Wounds left by Targue and Sarabi.

“She’s not deteriorating.” Bast remarked. Trailing his fingertips over one gray-white cheek.

Hearing her burbling laugh in his ears. Her footfalls on the stairs as she giggled raucously while he chased her through the halls teasing that he’d steal her doll.

“She chose to stay.” Alazar sighed. “Because you asked her to. But you can’t keep her like this with her floating in between.” Alazar gestured around. “It’s no place for a child’s soul!”

He’s not wrong.

“I know. But I’ll keep my promise. If Nora Bishop has not ascended by the time the year is out, I will let my daughter go. I’ll surrender her to the Heavens.”

“Will you?” Alazar sounded skeptical.

“Yes. But I have that year. A year to help Miss Bishop and the Captain. Or a year to find another ascending angel. But I have a little time yet.” His voice broke. Awash with pain he didn’t bother hiding.

How could I?

There’s mountains of it in me. He was no longer sure he could feel anything else.

Flattening a hand over her body pressed her back under the water. Floating back toward the bottom and tucking safely away under the stairs.


There’s time yet.

Sebastian passed his twin as he headed back up the stairs.

“Where are you going now?” Alazar stayed close behind.

“To gather what knights I can.”


“To help me look for her.”

“Elsabet?” Alazar asked quizzically. “Why now? She won’t come back. You may not find her. Why is this so important to her now.”

Bast stopped and faced him on the stairwell. “No, she probably won’t stay. But I just wanted her home for the holiday. I want to spend one more with her.” He lifted a finger. “Just one more.”

“So you’re willing to look everywhere.”

Bast nodded slowly.

“A fool’s errand!” Alazar spat contemptuously.


“Let her go!”

“Like you’ve let the Nightway Queen go?” Bast shouted venomously.

“She’s my wife now.”

“Good for you. I’m proud. I’m happy for you. Why do you begrudge me yearning for my mate? I’m not even clinging to the hope of an immortal lifetime with her. I only want a holiday, Alazar.”

Alazar stepped back a level. Staring at him in shock. “You’re right, Brother. I am being selfish. I’ll help you. I’ll do whatever I can. As you would for me.”

Bast couldn’t have said thank you. His throat was too tight from the words he’d already spoken. Anything further would destroy him.

Captain. Bast whispered.

Yes? Deragan answered.

“Can I gather them?”

The Forever Knights.

“At WaterRose?” Deragan's voice rose.


“Why?” Deragan asked in his decisive tone.

“I’d like your permission to ask them to help me find her?”

“You have it. But not to gather. It’s too dangerous and could draw too much attention to WaterRose. Reach them independently.”

It’ll take longer. But Bast saw the wisdom in it.

So, he went to his library. Taking a seat and relaxing his shoulders as he focused on reaching them. Anyone who can help me.

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