Chapter SAVAGE JAXSON - Elsabet's Devastation

NetherRunnel Crossing, Netherlands


Savage had finished delivering goods to the people of Ardae. When he’d ran low, he’d sent the Seditious Lot to go steal what Sebastian had his sailors unloading while they’d disembarked to fetch drink.

Savage had ensured they were dispersed equally amongst Ardae’s peasants. No one was left out.

He wondered if Sebastian appreciated or resented the help. Savage’s intent was to give the other man a rest. Someone to help him wit tending the whole of Ardae’s peasantry.

Extra portions were even allotted to the households with new children. Savage and members of his Seditious had charmed nearly every midwife throughout the countries. It was now customary for them to send missives reporting births and tallies of households to the Blue Lark where Phalanx kept a running log of what peasants resided in what house and how many they supported.

As well as what the king or the queen of that country does to help the family…Or fails to do.

They’d concluded their deliveries and Savage had sent the Seditious and the carriages back to the Blue Lark.

I needed to deliver another letter at the Boar’s Tusk Tavern offering an exorbitant purchase price. Even higher than the last. We’ll see if he’ll let it go now.

As he neared the NetherRunnel crossing he heard someone sobbing.

Who is that? It was very faint over the sound of the surging water. He couldn’t spot anyone, so he opted to follow the sound.

What is that. Winding a way through the denser trees he found what looked nearly like a second trunk sharing a branch with a large tree. Then he realized he was seeing a long brown length hanging from the branch. It shuddered and the high sobs emerged from the mass.

Brow knitting he crept close enough to realize it was some massive winged creature dangling upside down with large batlike wings encircling it.

“Hello?” He eased closer. Slipping a dagger from his boot and rising smoothly to stroll closer.

There was a whimper and the wings peeled far enough apart to reveal a woman with large blood red eyes and coarse dark hair hanging from atop her head. Her body was nude but dusted with fuzz along the sides and hips and female genitalia.

Tilting his head nearly upside down to see her he realized her features were somewhat familiar. “Do I know you?”

She blinked red eyes. Tear drops saturating her hair and dripping to the ground. Her taloned feet released the branch and she flapped her wings slightly as she righted. Her wings sweeping together to shield her briefly and when they opened it revealed Elsabet in a tan tunic tucked into brown breeches. Her hair wound into a bun at the back of her head. As the wings moved from before her, they tucked behind her and vanished.


She blinked at him. Face mournful.

“What’s wrong?” He slid his dagger back into his boot. Shocked to see the strong woman so unsettlingly desolate.

Last I saw her she was rallying winged women in Radix’s lair.

“Sebastian…” Her voice broke.

“You miss him?”

“I went to him.”

“In WaterRose?”

She shook her head and smeared away her tears much as a child would. “I wouldn’t go in.”

“Probably a wise choice. Not sure he’d lose you again.”

Might keep you forever.

She nodded.

“Why were you there if you belong to Radix? Do you plan to give away the stronghold?”

She sniffled and shook her head.

“No.” But her voice was so soft he wondered if it was really true. “I just missed him…And her.”

“I’m sorry for your grief.” He really was. She reminded him very much of himself.

Beast to beast, I suppose.

“No one knows it, but I did love him. Until she was gone, and I could see the betrayal that led to my daughter’s demise.”

“Don’t fool yourself.” Savage shook his head. “You love him still.”

She shook her head solemnly. “I despise him.”

“No woman has ever cried over a man she despises.”

She gave him a hateful look. “Damn you for being so much like him.”

Savage only blinked at her. No idea what to say to that. Not even sure if it’s truly a compliment or an insult.

“She would’ve been your sister, you know?”

“Are you completely certain I’m his?”

“You could ask your mother.” She suggested. But she noted the look on his face.

The woman that left me in the basement to die.

The same one who let King Ocnomad send me away with an assassin dressed in finery to line my grave? I think not.

“Not particularly an option.” He said dully.

“Well, if you’re merely asking my opinion, it is fact. You are an exact replica. In looks, mannerisms, behavior. Even much of how you think. Though you’re colder. Less passionate and lack some wisdom he possesses. You’re clearly highly intelligent with great understanding of humanity.”

“I thank you.” He nodded. Knowing none of it was intended as insult.

Merely facts as she sees them. As she said.

“If you miss your child so, you could consider making another with him?” He suggested helpfully.

Her banshee shriek combined with the flexing of long, brown wings, and the sudden reddening of her eyes indicated she didn’t appreciate his helpful idea.

“Or not.” He said dryly.

“She could never be replaced!” She hissed.

“I meant no insult.”

Blinking at him she realized the truth in it and settled. “I would never risk such pain again. I can bear no other child into a world this dangerous.”

“It’s this dangerous because of Radix not Sebastian.” He felt the need to defend. “You do know that, don’t you?”

She only blinked and he realized he’d not get an answer.

Shrugging he aimed back for the bridge.

“Savage Jack!” She called. Stopping him.

Rotating he faced her to await what she’d say.

“Keep doing what you’re doing. He needs the help. He’s been far too tired for far too long. No one else could’ve bourn it.”

“I know.” He nodded. Walking away.

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