Chapter My Pretty Prey

“Well, I didn’t!”

“I see that! Ye seem disinclined to do anything I want. Ye used to be more amenable.”

“I used to be an innocent fool.”

“Not so innocent as I recall.” He rocked his hips against her. “I remember you dancing in the taverns.”

Just speaking the words evoked the erotic image of the first time he’d seen her. Wearing the cropped bodice exposing her toned abdomen. The pants fluffed around her voluptuous hips and curving rear as she’d turned. Tiny bells at her knees and elbows tinkling as her body gyrated to drum beats. Firelight glittering over the rich colors and the sheen of sweat coating her skin.

He groaned in his throat slumping against her to murmur into her necks. “I’ve thought of little else.”

“That’s not true!” She gasped. “I’ve heard of RedBayne’s penchant for tavern wenches.”

“Is that jealousy in your voice?” He reared up to inspect her face.

It most certainly is.

“I lost my son. I lost my wife. You left me to mourn my son alone without so much as a by-your-leave. Or even a note of farewell.”

“I can’t write.” She reminded.

“Ye could’ve spat on it.” He grunted. “Would’ve said more than you left me with…”

She looked as though he’d slapped her. “You were hurt?”

“Hurt?” He roared. “Devastated. Broken. Shattered!” Rage contorted his face.


“You what?” He said dangerously.

“I thought you were only angry with me. Eager to be rid of me. Eager to return to tavern wenches.”

“Ye think a mite too much.” He snapped.

She winced at his rough words.

“Ye’re a brilliant beautiful woman. But ye’re mind lies to ye a time or two…Ye were possibly the only being I trusted. And ye…” He shook his head. Unable to finish the situation.

“Left you to mourn alone.” She whispered.

“Aye.” He acknowledged. Pain tearing over his face. He stiffened. Wiping the expression. “But now that I have ye returned to me. Ye’ll be giving me another.”

“Another?” Her eyes grew huge again.

“Another bairn. Red and hearty or tiny and lovely like her mum.”

She shook her head adamantly. Pushing at his chest. “Get away from me.”

He let her push him back. Stepping away haltingly.

She had to roll onto her belly to slide off the high bed. He took advantage of the moment to step against her, towering over her. He caressed his hands down her bare arms beneath the dress sleeves. He dropped his face to nuzzle the collar aside and place gentle lips across the mound of her shoulder.

She gasped. Head reflexively falling back against him.

It was invitation enough. His hands roved her freely as his mouth plied the tender area.

Soon she was soft and yielding against him. His hand fisted her skirt and began gripping more and more. Baring her leg up to her thigh. When his hand dropped to caress along the inside of it. She yipped and lurched forward, stopped by the bed. She jerked sideways to escape his grip.

He let her go. Straightening in disappointment. She spun to put her back against it. Shaking her head in distress.

“No. No! Never again.” She leapt from next to the bed and ran to the door.

“We’ll see about that…” He murmured. Wounded she’d rejected him. But hopeful that she’d so nearly yielded.

He understood what that meant.

No barmaid ever again.

I will have my wife back. His jaw hardened in steely determination. As her skirt vanished around the doorway.

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