Chapter Finding a Killer

“What do you mean?” Riaura gasped.

Mrs. Barrister shook her head. “I know the king wished to keep this villain’s crimes a secret, asking I not mention what I knew to anyone, especially you. But all the townspeople know what Danbury is. But alas, I disobey him by telling you!” Mrs. Barrister grabbed her arm. “Please don’t tell him of it.”

When Riaura didn’t answer Mrs. Barrister expostulated. “Your Highness! Are you faint? You’re dreadful pale! I know, Milady, ’tis no easy task to look at such a face!” Mrs. Barrister almost snarled the words.

Old Mr. Barrister entered the welcoming room. Tossing a glance toward Charles’ chamber, a hard glint entering his eyes. Before Mrs. Barrister could contribute the same to his wife’s comments, Riaura fled the hut.

Blinking back the rush of tears flooding her eyes, she reached her mare. When she moved to leap on her horse, she froze.

Atop its back, was a white rose. And a scrap of folded parchment. The letter stated simply. ‘I’m sorry, My Wife. I never intended they tell you.’

Riaura looked nervously around as she crushed the parchment. Throwing it aside. The rose quick to follow. She climbed on the mare with shaking limbs. Giving the horse her head, Riaura was heedless of the delicate rose ground beneath a hoof. With the wind whipping her hair in her face and blinded by a torrent of tears, she never looked back.

Had she, she’d have seen the dark shadow of the man stepping from the trees and collecting the crushed rose from the hoofprint. Broken petals hung limply from the fractured stem.

Petals I’d hoped would communicate my regret she’d found out something so painful this way.

I ordered them not to tell her. But he knew their intent had not been malicious. Their anger at the loss of so many loved ones in Nightway, had driven their confidences in her.

He sighed. Watching the heartsick woman ride away so desolately. Broken-hearted.

He ran his palm over the bud of the rose.

The flower rose lovingly to his caress, as though following his touch. Perking up and its stem mending until the fragile thing was once more uniquely beautiful. He laid it carefully on the stoop. Knocking lightly, before disappearing.

Let them enjoy it then.

There was not a breath of sound outside when Mrs. Barrister cautiously opened the door and spotted the gift.

One of Nightway’s more humble tenants found herself in labor this eve.

The messenger intercepted on her way back to Nightway Castle. Detouring her to the tenants.

Riaura was occasionally called in as acting mid-wife as she was tonight. Immersing herself in her duties resulted in, by dawn, the young mother cradling an infant boy. Riaura watched the soft light peering into the shack to dance across the faces of the new parents. And the awestruck gaze of the infant.

It was early morning when she finally stumbled back into the castle. She was near collapsing from exhaustion. Unprepared for the glowering thundercloud of furious male she encountered in the kitchens.

His voice cutting like a whip. “Woman, where have you been all night?”

I was worried sick. Where did you go after leaving the Barristers?

He’d looked everywhere for her.

“Alazar, I’m tired and don’t feel it necessary to explain my actions to you. I’m still queen here.”

That is how it’ll be this morn? He was of a mood to argue just now. His mouth took on a challenging line.

“Aye you are. And I am King. Where have you been?” His words were broken in fury.

His harsh comment had the desired effect, snapping her from her weary state. She bit her tongue hastily.

“Ah, now you hold your tongue?” His eyes narrowed perceptively.

“I’m not rising to your baiting.”

Won’t you?

“Answer me, Wife.”

Where were you?

Did she return to be with Danbury?

She took a step towards him, meeting his challenge. Her voice soft and dangerous. “And if I do not? Will you raise your hand to me, Alazareth?”

Never! He was visibly startled. Taking a shocked step back from her.

“Is that how you view me, Riaura?”

She bit her lip, her brow furrowing. She’d wounded him. “You’re the most infuriating man! I don’t, don’t-know…” She mumbled brokenly before shoving past him to retreat.

His next words would haunt her as she climbed the staircase to their chamber. “How long will you hold the grudge that this marriage was not of your making? And while I’m long will you be upset with me for making love to my wife on our wedding night?”

She threw a scathing glance over her shoulder. Seeing him watching her, head cocked, and mouth tight. She refused to answer, but his words burrowed under her flesh.

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