Chapter ACHARIUS - The Collapse

Merwood, Dread Hideout


Acharius made his way towards the House.

“Is your woman in there.”

“Yes.” Acharius said slowly but he was looking around nervously.

“What’s wrong?”

“I should be close, but I can’t see in color yet.”

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t know…Either she’s not here or something has happened to her.” Worry entered her voice.

“It’s unlikely they’d have pursued her in there.” Bast nodded toward the shelter.

But when they entered the shelter it was far too quiet.

“She’s not here!” Acharius said quickly. “There’s only one other place she’d have gone.”

“Why would she run to the caves and not to the House?” Bast jogged after him.

“I don’t know.” As the cave came into view, he was blur of motion tearing through the trees.

Collapsed stones came into view. Boulders that would outweigh her by double.


“Where is she?” Bast called.

Acharius was trying to throw a boulder aside but found it coated in moss so heavy and slick he couldn’t get a grip on it. It kept slipping from his fingers. The third time he picked it up.

A thick vine clambered from between other stones to encircle it and yank it back down atop the pile.

When he tried to lift it again the vine’s grip was unrelenting, and moss had grown between the stones that wouldn’t release its weight. Locking it in place by weaving strands overlapping until they were so dense, they sufficed as mortar.

“What is this?” Bast was having the same problem.

“Keep digging!” Acharius was moving around the edge. Trying to find any trace of flesh. Afraid to climb on it if she was buried underneath. Hearing a repeating sound, he vaguely registered it was his own voice murmuring ‘no’. Finally he saw the traces of gray and brown.

Her gown.

“Over here!” He called. Tossing rocks aside, he found her foot. Covered in the same mossy slime as the stones.

But as he reached for her foot the moss retracted, moving away and revealing her skin. He grasped her toes and his other hand moved to catch her shin. The vines and moss moving aside for every bit further he reached so he could trail through the rocks to find her.

The trees creaked as branches folded back revealing the pile so he could climb to the bigger boulders and with the moss retreating to the ground he was able begin tossing them aside.

Bast had paused to look at the trees which seemed to be moving their arms in very human moves as they relinquished their protection. Vines sliding backward like serpents moving from their path.

He flung another massive boulder and it rattled through the trees. Bouncing slightly and crunching through branches until coming to a stop deep into the woods. One after another followed, freeing her.

And her cocoon of sheltering foliage opened for every bit more weight he could remove from her.

Her body was mottled with cuts and abrasions. Bleeding in numerous places. Blood seeping from her mouth and nose as the flowers covering her in sheltering layers retreated.

“No.” Acharius caught her face. Following it to her neck and shoulders to find something he could grab to pull her free.

Blood oozed from her ears.

His hair fell around his face in muddied clumps as he leaned over to collect her. Worry shadowing his features as she blinked blearily moaning faintly. “Ssh. Stay with me Chastain. Stay awake.”

But she was struggling.

“Acharius…” Bast murmured. Climbing atop the boulders to see the woman Acharius lifted. “Those wounds.”

Are fatal. The scent of her death was already filling the air.

“Don’t.” Acharius pleaded.

I can’t hear you say it. Despite his numbness, his legs managed to carry him to Meredith House.

Bast stayed at their back watching over them.

Both men heard the faint wheezing indicating she still breathed.


Just a few days past the sun had warmed her hair to burgundy.

Copper highlights twirling through her curls while she’d smiled brightly up at him. Light glinting off her gold skin. Green eyes glittered with life as she moved her hands while she spoke animatedly.

This would be no place to be without her in it.

Acharius was with her. Her head cradled in his lap a cold compress against her face. Reassuring her every time she awoke fighting to breathe.

She can’t keep this up. Her strength is waning. He whispered soothingly to her.

Every hour found her steadily worse. And rivers of his magic was unable to heal her. Her wounds are too fatal.

She gasped again, back arching as she struggled for air. Ribs crushed, prodding at vital organs and puncturing her lung. She gripped the collar of his tunic and pulled him down over her. “I don’t want to die. Acharius! Please. I don’t want to die.”

I don’t want you too. His jaw worked as he tried to soothe her fear and pain. Stroking her face. Feeling helpless for the first time in my existence.

“You can’t bring her back.” Bast was crouched next to the bed, rubbing her forearm to help calm her.

“Don’t you dare!” Acharius roared. “Keeping your daughter floating in that watery prison. Don’t you dare chide me about letting go!”

Bast turned his head away. Expression crumpling. “Perhaps you’re right. Perhaps I was wrong too.”

“Can you let her go?” Acharius challenged, chest heaving.

When Bast didn’t answer Acharius looked back to Chastain so weak in his arms.

Coughing weakly resulted in blood trickling from the corner of her mouth.

In his desperation, Acharius had Bast retrieve the herbalist from the village but there was nothing he could do.

Looking forlorn, he only shook his head.

He can’t help her. Acharius ducked over to put his forehead to hers.

“She’s slipping away.” The herbalist advised. “Hold her while you can.”

Acharius hooked her armpits and pulled her further into his lap. Tucking her head against his abdomen and rocking her gently. One rough palm stroking her face.

“He says she’s too broken.”

“Leave me.” Acharius snarled with all the urgency of a wounded animal.

Bast lowered his head in understanding as he backed from the room.

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