FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter What's In My Cell

Chavias could not believe his eyes.

He’d felt Calisto’s cold presence under his cot when she’d gripped the back of his leg. But he’d barely looked at her when she’d launched from beneath it to stand in the middle of his cell. Looking more like the hint of a shadow then a person.

But as he watched she began to flicker in gray bursts. Her body solidifying before becoming a haze again. Back and forth.

She was sobbing, panting for air as something powerful gripped her.

Chavias launched to his feet. “What’s going on?”

Her face was upturned and shoulders drawn in as she quaked in the grips of some unseen force.

“Calisto!” He whispered urgently. He wanted to catch her shoulders and try to shake her from whatever was happening but knew well his hands would simply pass through her.

Is Radix doing this to her?

How’d he find her.

“Calisto!” He was getting louder.

When suddenly the blurring movements stopped and the pressure around her released. She dropped to one knee. A shroud of sopping black hair falling over her face and knee as she fought to catch her breath.

He knelt before her. “Talk to me. Please! What’s happening?”

She slowly lifted her face. Purple eyes seeming huge in her pale round face as she stared at Chavias in shock. Her hand snatched out to grasp his shoulder. “He’s brought me back.”

Chavias returned her stunned look. “Raese? He’s-how?”

A slow smile curved her thin pink lips.

There were footsteps coming down the corridor. “Someone is coming!”

Chavias’ hands snatched out to catch her upper arms. He rolled onto his back and launched her with a foot to her middle over his head.

She angled her body so when she landed she could roll under the cot and out of view. Sliding her blue cape under the cot with her.

“Who’s in there?” A voice boomed. Peering between the bars of his door.

“I am.” Chavias stood unmoving. Dirtied and wet as he met the man’s look.

“Who were you talking to?”

“Come in and find out.” Chavias invited.

The demon hesitated a moment before the leather of his clothing creaked as he eased away from the door.

As I thought. Chavias nodded. Standing still a long time after it left. Hoping no one had seen what appeared in his cell with him.

“Calisto?” He whispered from where he stood.


“You’re going to have to stay under there. I don’t know how long…Until I can get you out.”

“I have to get back to him.”

“If you try to hurry out. You won’t make it. There’s too many. And even when you think Radix isn’t here, he often is…”

“So what do we do?”

“We wait. As long as it takes, to be sure. And pray you don’t starve first.”

“That sounds positively delightful.” She grunted.

Dying by Radix’s hand will be worse.

And even from where Chavias stood he could see her white profile beneath the cot. And you’re too weak to do much just yet.

“Why are you here instead of where Raese is?” Chavias whispered.

She fisted the cape and held it in his view.

She’s right. Because she was linked to that by Radix’s magic. Dammit.

WhiteHall, Paladines


“What happened?” Rodger asked. Echoing Raese’s thoughts.

The magic had abruptly ceased and flopped Raese back to his bed. Exploding the room back into the dim light of a few candles.

“I don’t know.”

I thought I’d reached her. Raese was peering into every dark corner. Thinking she might appear.

“What are you looking for?”


“You thought she’d be here?”

“I thought I brought her back.”

“I don’t see anyone?” Rodger was now looking as hard as he was.

“I don’t’ hear anyone either.” Raese deflated. Slumping back to his bed. “I don’t understand how this all works!”

I truly thought I’d succeeded…finally. He’d felt the magic coursing through him. Felt each finger of it like his own hand. He’d known exactly when to push and pull to get ahold of her and rip her free of the plan that bound her.

He’d felt the lightening on the restraints fighting him when he’d succeeded. But I didn’t.

There’s no one here but me and Rodger.

What’d I do wrong?

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