FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter Wasted Effort

Norris entered Mardichi’s chamber looking despondent.

That’s not a good look.

“What’d she say?” Mardichi asked anxiously.

“You don’t want to know.” Norris grumbled. “That may very well be the angriest woman I’ve ever met.”

Not quite.

“She comes close.” Mardichi acknowledged. “But there’s a woman worse.”

“Where would such a creature exist?”

“Bast keeps her as his pet in WaterRose.”

Perhaps ‘pet’ is too generous a word.

Norris shot him a look. Knowing he rarely discussed the other knights. “I thought all women were as moldable as wax in Bast’s hands?”

Not Elsabet.

“Most are. This one isn’t. She’s the most hateful creature.”

“Perhaps you’ve not spoken to your wife recently.” Norris said dryly.

“I haven’t, as a point of fact. But that’s soon ta be remedied!”

“I’m unsure you shouldn’t deliver her the beating and send her on her way. It may well be safer for you.”

Not happening.

“Why would she wish me harm?” Mardichi was stunned.

“You tell me!”

Not a clue. I’ve done nothing to her!

“I’ve no idea. She behaves erratically. Completely based on emotion.” Mardichi grumbled.

You are telling me that cold creature operates on emotion?”

Mardichi gave him a scathing look. At least, she used to…

“Is she coming or not?”

“Only kicking and screaming, I fear.” Norris sighed morosely.

Fine. Then that’s how it is to be.

“As I thought.” Mardichi nodded.

“And she did say one other thing…”


“That she’s no longer your wife.”

“The Hell she isn’t!” Mardichi faced Norris fully. Chest heaving as he stalked to the door and ripped it open to bellow into the hall. “Bring her to me!”

Guards outside clattered into movement.

“I don’t think you should have her brought here when you’re this angry…”

Too late now. The wheels are in motion.

“Then you may want to leave.” Mardichi shot him a stone-faced look. Blue eyes glinting like steel.

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