FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter TEVERIUS - She Meets the Captain

Rosewynn Manor, Outside Meadowbrook, Grier


Deragan was up in his chamber on the second floor of Rosewynn pacing the chamber as the evening grew late it was soon going to darken.

Tev walked to the sentry nearest the lawn. “Let him know.”

I’ve brought her.

Deragan heard two short yips signaling him. He pulled on his long cloak and went out to meet with them. As he crossed the lawn he felt Nora’s eyes so he wandered toward the fence until stepping into the cover of trees before he took a sharp turn to the left and swerved through them toward where the wolves lurked.

He’s coming. Tev felt it before he saw him. Walking through the trees made his white hair swing. Stark in the evening shade of the trunks.

Deragan stepped between two trees and looked from Tev to Serdephe. “Is this her?”

“Her, who?” Serdephe asked.

She’s getting alarmed.

“Her name is Serdephe. She is the Huntress.”

“The what?” She looked from one to the other. Lightly catching Tev’s forearm. “What’s this about, My Wolf?”

“Wolf?” Deragan’s black brow quirked. “She knows what you are?”

Not everything.

“Some of it.”

“There’s some I don’t know?” She shot out. Tugging his arm to spin him around. “What don’t I know?”

Stuff I didn’t think you were prepared to.

“Unfortunately, a lot.”

“Why have you not told her?” Deragan asked

“Yes, why have you not?”

Tev sent his Captain a betrayed look. “I didn’t think I was supposed to.”

“If she is to be with us, she needs to know what’s at stake. Fill her in.” Deragan rounded and moved to stand near the trees. Arms crossed.

Expecting me to tell her everything?

She blinked her large turquoise eyes.

He paused only a moment before telling her the whole story.

“And how do I fit into all this?” Serdephe queried. Staring up into Tev’s fathomless blue eyes.

“There’s a war coming.” Deragan rejoined them. “And we’ll need all the help we can get. It’s rumored that you hunt demons.”



“With my Demon Dogs.” Tev said.

“Mine now!” She corrected. Giving him a fast look. Looking somewhat disappointed. “And my own great skill.”

“She is very skilled.” Tev added quickly. Seeing he’d wounded her pride. “And there’s something else…” He looked at Deragan.

Deragan’s face was coldly unreadable.

As always.

“She’s getting more powerful.” Tev supplied.


“She can call to all demons in her immediate vicinity, now.”

He ignored Ser’s betrayed look. For now.

Deragan gave him a quizzical look.

“She thinks she’s generating a pheromone that calls to them.”

“I’m certain I am.” Ser corrected in annoyance.

She’s probably right.

“Intriguing. That could prove dangerous if she can’t control it.” Deragan commented.

That’s why I’ve brought her here.

“I’m learning how.” Ser interjected.

She’s doing pretty good thus far.

“That’s good.” Deragan said. “Is she joining us then?”

“I’m standing right here!”

Deragan gave her a brief glance before his attention returned to Tev.

I don’t know. Is she? Tev gave her questioning study.

“Yes, I am.” She caught Tev’s arm and pulled it over her shoulders. Tucking in tight to her hip.

Making our connection clear to him.

“Good.” Deragan gave her an assessing look before rounding and heading back to the Manor.

He’s content that she’ll be one of us.

“Wow.” Ser paused. “He’s deeply terrifying.”

She’s only beginning to understand…

“He’s our alpha.” Tev sighed.

He has to run things with an iron fist.

“Alpha?” She looked up at him, surprised. “I didn’t know you had one?”

I didn’t want to tell you things that would only lead to more questions.

“I haven’t told you about him.”

“Because he’s terrifying? He exudes intimidation like exhaling. Could he be more deathly still?”

Probably all accurate.

“Yes. That was him attempting to welcome you.”

“He hardly looked at me!” She argued.

He saw enough. He pays very little attention to women other than his mate. Tev knew it was no insult to her.

“He can be far less friendly.” He remarked.

“Well, that’s an ominous thought.”

“He’s an ominous man.” Tev shrugged. “We should get back.”

To the Netherlands.

“We came all this way for that?” She blinked huge eyes.

You want more?

“Well, we could make a few stops and I could introduce you to more of us and show you the stronghold?”

She’s not Cimmerii. I’d have known by now.

“Yes! Immediately.” She beamed as she stepped sideways to catch his large hand in both of hers. Shaking it wildly. “I want to meet them all!”

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