FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Irresistible


“Irresistible.” He grinned.

“I see that.” Jessica sighed wistfully.

“Sebastian.” Riaura swallowed. “How much did you hear?”

“Enough to know you speak of my brother.”

“Brother?” Jessica gave her a fast look. “You didn’t say-”

“They’re twins.” Riaura said dully.

Jessica’s head whipped between them faster but as Bast stepped within the candlelit chamber, Jessica went motionless. Staring at him as her arms hung limply. “So…”

“I know.” He dismissed. Walking to stand near the dressing table. He leaned against the large mirror to face the women. “Please continue.” He gestured to Riaura’s hair.

Jessica slowly lowered to pick it up and commence brushing. Her eyes never leaving Sebastian as she gazed at him yearningly. Stroking the brush through Riaura’s hair numbly.

“Might I answer why you should love him?”

“I thought you didn’t get along.” Riaura was blinking quickly and continually looking to the floor at her side.

Valiantly fighting the effect I have. He applauded her efforts.

“We don’t. But I know him well. Better then he knows himself, at times.”

“There’s no point. Caring for him would take me nowhere I wish to be.”

“And where, precisely is that?” He asked tonelessly. “Happy?”

She gave him quick look. “Everyone wants to be happy. He can’t go from enemy to lover.”

“But he can vice versa?” He blinked at her blandly.

Her jaw gaped.

Only then did Jessica look from him to her mistress in surprise.

“W-well…He told you?”

“No. He didn’t have to. I know my brother.”

“He has another.”

“The hell he does!” Bast launched from the mirror to shout. Stunning even himself with his vehemence. “Why do women always think we’re not faithful?”

“Probably because you keep so many secrets!”

“We’re immortal! What choice do we have?”

Jessica froze again. Brush mid-air.

She can’t believe she’s hearing this conversation.

“Is that your excuse for not keeping one woman?” She glowered.

“I’ve been with one woman for the last thirty years and together with her only a handful of times. So don’t you,” He pointed a finger at her, “talk to me about loyalty. Queen of the betrothed and the lover.”

Riaura’s affront was written over her face.

But what can she say?

She wisely elected not to respond so Bast softened his demeanor and leaned back on the mirror again. “It’s obvious his heart is unobtainable.”

“It is.” Bast agreed. “To every other woman.”

She frowned.

Let it sink in.

Understanding brightened her eyes.

“Ah, there it.” He pointed out.

“Who did he live in the cottage with?” She challenged.

“He built it for you and he.”

She shook her head in confusion. “Why?”

“Something about a bed being better than moss.” Bast drug a palm down his face. “I blacked out the rest. Was too painful to hear.”

Riaura blushed hotly. Indicating she knew what it was regarding.

Good. Don’t make me say it.

The imagery was awful!

“You think he’d leave your heart in devastation.”

She looked at her hands in her lap and nodded slowly.

“My brother is many things. Enigmatic, difficult, arrogant, wise and stubborn but he is unfailingly loyal. Honorable. He’s an ideal husband for any woman.”

“He’s dangerous.” She murmured.

“Very.” Bast sighed. “But not to you.” Leaning off the mirror he angled toward the door to go.

“If I’m so special why did he wait until taking over my castle to ask for my hand?”

“Would you have accepted it before that?”

“Yes.” She whispered. Shocking even her maid.

She would’ve?

No way, Alazareth knew that!

Bast drew a thoughtful breath. “I know not his reasoning for that but I suspect his answer would be far from what you might speculate.”

“Would it?”

“It would.” He said surely. “I bid you ladies good night.” He bowed and strolled from the chamber cheerfully.

“What do you think?” Jessica whispered. Making Riaura look from the doorway to look up at her. Jessica’s gaze was still riveted on the doorway. Clearly hoping he’d return.

“I think you’re infatuated with our host.”

“I am.” Jessica breathed. “I really, really am. I can’t believe your man is his twin. How have you resisted at all?”

“They’re different.” Riaura tried to explain. “They look the same-”

“Amazing?” Jessica sighed.

Riaura frowned. “But they’re different this one exudes some primal…”

“Carnal hunger?”

“I don’t know what that is, but probably what I’m saying.”

Jessica finally shot her a look in the reflection.

“Alazareth doesn’t exude that but he is handsome, strong, wise and…he’s just well-”

“Amazing?” Jessica’s reflection seemed to melt as she stood behind Riaura.

“I have to end this farce of a union.” Riaura cleared her throat. Shifting in the chair.

“But you can’t! You said you’ve consummated it.”

“I’ll avoid him until I figure out how.”

“Careful, Mistress. You, yourself have said he’s a dangerous man. And he’s anticipated all of your reactions thus far.”

“Yes.” Riaura grimaced. “He has…”

“He knows you well.”


“But perhaps not as well as he thinks he does.”

“I wouldn’t bet on that.” Jessica gave her a skeptical look before finishing brushing her hair.


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