FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter Not As I Imagined

Many hours later as night began it’s ominous descent. They lit a great fire. And began a jolly round of burly singing.

Riaura was staring despondently at the bottom of her wine mug.

“What’s wrong?” He queried.

She hiccupped as she tipped her cup toward him. “Someone drank all my wine again.”

His brows knitted. “That’s happened to you much tonight. Have you considered the possibility you’ve had a bit too much to drink?”

And are consuming it yourself?

“No.” She shook her head and swayed. Slightly dizzied.

A bad sign. He frowned.

“I haven’t lifted it from the table since several cups ago.” She squinted blearily into it.

He pondered the possibility this was a ruse to get out of consummating their union tonight. Highly probable.

Either way, it was convincing. She doesn’t look keen.

“Yet someone has drank it without me noticing again…” She swayed and had to brace an elbow on the table for support.

Yes, she sure did…He rolled his eyes Heavenward. It’s going to be a long night.

“But you know what?” She looked up at him wide eyed. Excited to tell him something.

“What?” He leaned down to offer his ear so he could hear her over the ruckus.

“I feel light.” She clambered to her feet, nearly toppling the bench next to the table.

Grimacing, Alazar steadied her by catching her shoulders. “Are you well?” He peered at her.

She swayed forward, eyes half open and whispered conspiratorially. “Lighter than air!”

Light enough to pass out, I’m sure. This was no ruse. He was fairly certain.


“Yes, My-er-Alazar-eth?” She swayed back and hiccupped again.

He steadied her back forward, by gripping her shoulders.

“Please stop partaking of the wine.”

“I’ve had enough anyway.” She backhanded the cup away. Sloshing it over a guest on the opposite bench.

The woman yelped in objection and stood to shake out her dress.

He sighed. Murmuring an apology to the woman, he returned his attention to his new wife. “Perhaps its time we get you abed.”

“You just want to get me into bed!” She cried.

“Not this intoxicated.” He said sternly.

“Then I,” She lifted a finger and swayed forward again. Nearly head-butting him. “shall be this intoxicated,” Hiccup. “every” Hiccup. “Night!” She smacked her lips sleepily.

The devil you will. Just try it. I’ll spike your wine with a love potion, wench. His eyes zeroed in on her.

“Try it.”

“I shall!” She tossed her arms out in challenge. “Ooh.” She put a palm to her forehead. “Stop spinning me ’round.” Hiccup.

“Sit.” He directed. Pushing her down onto the bench.

“There’s a knothole!” She pointed to the table and looked up at him. Before averting her attention back to it.

What’s that got to do with anything? He studied her.

Probably nothing.

She traced it with her fingertip. “I can still smell whine somewhere.” She sniffed. “Probably my stolen wine!” She grumbled.

You’re stolen wine is currently in the bottom of your belly.

He sat behind her, straddling the bench. His arms wrapped her to steady her and he tugged her back against his chest. Dropping a soft kiss just above the neckline of her dress on her shoulder.

She moaned softly before remembering to stiffen in indignance. “Hey!”

“What?” He murmured against the back of her neck. Enjoying the smell of roses lingering in her hair.

“What are you doing?”

Thinking its time to get you on your way before you’re too tired to ride.

“I’m tired. And your woozy. Would you care to adjourn, Wife? We’ve a short ride yet and I fear we’ll have to take it excruciatingly slowly to keep you from wretching on Sivikon.”

That stallion will throw us both.

Sebastian’s steed had far less patience than Alazareth’s Erstwhile Knight.

“What’s Sivikon?”

“My brother’s steed.”

“But I want to ride Ingenious!” She objected.

No, you certainly don’t.

“That evil mare is like to throw you, in your state.”

“She’s not evil.” She paused. “Where’s Erstwhile?”

“Sivikon was more appropriate for this day. He’s silver.”

“Riding a silver horse on my wedding day.” She said sourly. Mocking the day.

Annoyance flared through Alazar. Don’t you dare.

“You should feel privileged to ride him. There’s few beasts like him.”

“What-what are you-you saying to me?” She hiccupped again. Covering her mouth and giggling as she attempted to give him an accusing look over her pearl-adorned shoulder.

He laughed roughly. Eyeing her sleepy gaze and the gold curls along her forehead. “I pity your head tomorrow…”

It’s going to feel like someone is trying to chisel their way out. Or worse.

“I pity your-” She waved a finger over her shoulder from his waist to his face. “everything.”

What does that even mean? I doubt even she could answer that just now.

“Harsh words, My Dear.”

“You’re laughing at me.” Her eyes narrowed as she charged.

“Not yet.”

She tried to compress her lips but only half her mouth complied.

Looking more like a pucker. He thought amused. Tempted to give her a quick kiss.

She hiccupped again, putting a hand to her breast. “I woul-would not go two-ooh inch-inches with you!”

Not much choice, Sweetheart. He laughed again and released her to lean on the table next to her.

She blinked slowly before saying suspiciously. “You’ve hardly drank tonight.”

“No, I haven’t.” He agreed. Propping his cheek on his fist.


“Because I didn’t want to spend my first night with my wife sodden.” He wasn’t wobbly or unsure.

Her head lolled for a moment, then she looked at him, letting her head rest at an angle. She squinted, trying to get her eyes to focus on the middle of his three images. For a moment they did. She hissed on an indrawn breath.

His eyes glowed yellow in the dark.

“Why do your eyes look like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like an animal’s…” She looked around furtively before whispering. “Like a wolf’s…”

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