FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter CHAVIAS - Returning After Refusing

Stone Peak, Black Mountain, Battling Border


Chavias returned to the black caves, Radix’s dominion, on reluctant wings. Landing easily, he changed shape as he neared the entrance.

Radix paced just inside.

Beyond the light.

The furious demon rounded on Chavias furiously. The bottom of his gray robes caught afire.

“You have failed me, knight! What use are you to me?” Radix’s grating tone made Chavias want to snarl in reply.

Somehow, he managed to hold his silence.

Radix struck him in the mouth with the back of his hand. It spun Chavias’ head back.

Chavias calmly tipped it forward to look at Radix. Black eyes glinting like light shining off onyx. One day you’ll pay.

They’re coming for you. It’s only a matter of time.

“I knew I should have killed the man, myself.” Radix raved.

“You can’t. Because the girl is a safeguard against you.” Chavias said blandly.

It’s why you sent me. She’s already too powerful for you to attack directly without opening doors to the Heavens. Chavias had learned that much over the years in the lion’s den.

Radix’s beady eyes sparked with flecks of red. “Are you challenging me, knight? Are you possibly that foolish?” Incredulity tinged Radix’s voice.

Chavias said nothing but his gaze was unflinching.

“Where does all this renewed defiance come from? Oh…” Radix clucked chastisingly. “Did they give you hope. You pitiful thing. You think they would actually take you back.” Radix laughed coldly. “Of course, they would not!”

Okine entered with his yellow eyes and rectangular teeth of the same shade, pointing outward over nonexistent lips. His head more a skull then a face. He sneered. “Master, Knight thinks defy.”

He likes raising Radix’s ire toward me to get Radix to let him torment me. Chavias’ dark gaze flicked warningly to him.

Okine took a faltering step back. Not liking the look of it.

“Okine, I assure you, had I possessed a desire for your opinion I would have mentioned that fact.” Radix hissed.

Okine was silenced by the put-down. Massive teeth clicked together solidly.

Radix gestured for his Targue to collect Chavias.

They stepped forward and clamped teeth on his wrists. Pinching bones in his hands and their teeth breaking the skin on his arms.

Chavias grimaced. Compliant as they dragged him off.

“I want him drained and seared.” Radix commanded, making a flippant gesture with his hand. “Your defiance will have heavy repercussions. Perhaps tonight will be the night I slaughter your kind.” He gave an off-handed wave. “When I do, I shall make certain you are there to watch, my dutiful dog. Perhaps then when I command you, you will know to obey.”

I’ll die first.

“You bluff. You can make no move on them until you find another weapon against them.” Chavias said.

Radix shot him a withering look. Then spun about, gray robes leaving a trail of ash.

For the first time, Chavias realized Radix was afraid. Of us.

Many of his plans hadn’t proven fruitful and the knights were more powerful than ever. A glimmer of hope burned in Chavias’ soul. Bast would not have lied to me. If he says I can be forgiven, the others will follow him.

Chavias felt the ominous clack of shackles as Firoque seated them about his wrists. Cold iron compressed as they closed the neck shackle. Forcing him to the lower depths of the caves. The torture chambers.

Chavias had expected no less. The torture he no longer feared.

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