FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter Bast's Damn Face

Once Essius was safely in the distance, the Firoque retracted, backing into the trees with their eerily slow movements. Eyes flaring orange and red as they exhibited Radix’s dislike for this retreat.

But even he knows three Forever Knights is a formidable force against mere Firoque.

Headed toward Acharius’ caves, they were all soon human again.

The change helping heal Bast for the most, part. He still had a jagged wound ripped deeply into his abdomen, but he was moving relatively well.

“You tough Bastard.” Acharius commented shaking his head.

“I may not be so when the fever sets in.”

“He’s right.” Rhyers gave Acharius a quick look. “With it being a Firoque wound, its sure to have a nasty infection.”

For days.

“I’d rather be poisoned with RiderStone. And I’ve done that before.” Bast grunted.

The other two men gave him a quick look.

“I really hate that thing.” Rhyers said contemptuously of Essius.

“What was it?” Acharius asked. Leading the way back to his caves. Bow in hand.

“They call it Essius.” Rhyers leaned around Bast to say.

“What’d it get?” Bast asked a bit roughly. Looking a little pale.

“The Fragment.” Rhyers supplied.

For the second time.

“We have to get the artifacts to WaterRose.” Bast said.

He’s right. Before more treasures can be stolen.

“So, you can guard them in your fine condition?” Acharius asked askance.

I’ll stay with him until he heals. Rhyers thought to himself. He’s a mite lonely in that big castle alone, anymore anyway.

“You still need your Knight Sleep.” Bast pointed out.

Acharius slumped. “I’m sorry I went out.”

“Sometimes we can’t help it.” Rhyers said understandingly.

It comes on so quickly.

“Ain’t that the truth.” Bast grunted.

“He must be very important to Radix, for him to send reinforcements to protect the creature.” Rhyers commented thoughtfully.

“I’ve never seen him do that before.” Acharius agreed.

“He’s seen too many of us here.” Bast added. “He’ll be sending in a force of Targue and Sarabis tonight. We all need to be out of here by then.”

“Chastain.” Acharius’ head shot up.

“They won’t be after her.” Bast reassured. “They’ll be hot on our trail.”

“And they’ll certainly be following one!” Rhyers tilted his head grudgingly. “We’ll have to confuse them before WaterRose.”

“We can do that.” Acharius nodded. “I’ll have to come back here to guard Meredith House anyway. I’m not leaving her alone in it while they roam my woods.”

“You can double back.” Bast patted his shoulder.

“I have a plan. One Lucien taught me.”

They both gave interested rumbles.

Lucien’s plans are always successful.

Rhyers was working with Bast and Acharius to wrap all the artifacts in the ancient cloth. So fragile with age, its already ripped and feels like it’ll soon disintegrate.

But it was gentle enough to keep from scratching the precious bits.

Bast would grunt in pain occasionally but it didn’t slow down his diligent work.

Damn tough rogue. Rhyers watched him in his peripheral. He’s going to overdo it one day if he doesn’t slow down.

At least the valkyrie forced him to occasionally. Who will now?

His thoughts were interrupted by the crunch of rocks at the entrance. Who’s here now? They can’t be back already.

“Hold it!” Acharius shouted. Sliding into the cave corridor with his bow strung. Rhyers was moving behind him as he unraveled the silver flail from around his waist.

“Oh, it’s you.” Acharius lowered the bow.

Who? Rhyers blinked and his eyes shifted to glowing green. Teverius. And a woman?

“Who’s she?” Rhyers hitched a chin toward the purple haired woman standing just behind the white-haired knight. Rhyers still stood with the silver chain hanging between his fingers. The small, ridged ball gripped in his palm.

“Her name is Serdephe.”

“Ser.” She corrected. Stepping passed him to enter the cave.

“Do come in.” Acharius frowned.

“Acharius doesn’t appreciate intruders.” Tev caught her arm.

“No, I do not.”

“I’m not an intruder. I’m part of you all now, aren’t I?” She blinked aqua eyes at Tev as he stepped to her side. “Is that not what your Captain said?”

Oh! Using the Captain’s name to make us fall in line. Rhyers recognized. A half smile turning his lips. Well-played.

Acharius was less impressed. “I don’t give a damn who you are. What are you doing here?

In my den, is what he really means. Rhyers looked at the annoyance making the huge man’s face darken.

But like always, it was Bast that brought the peace. He stepped into the hallway. “Welcome brother and sister. We could use the help.”

We could. Actually. Rhyers instantly recognized the truth in it.

It took Acharius a bit longer as he gave Bast a skeptical look.

“Is this the Huntress I’ve heard so much about?” Bast gestured to her.

She gave Tev a hopeful look.

“Afraid not, Sweetheart.” Bast said balefully. “Wasn’t him that told me.”

“The Captain.” Tev sighed knowingly. “Why does everyone tell you everything?”

“I have a face that beckons people to talk to me.”

“Women. Specifically.” Tev shot Ser a warning look.

“Oh, I remember…” She crooned. “I’d know that face even in the dark.”

Tev snorted. “Ser…”

She jerked as if coming out of a reverie to beam up at Tev. “Though not as charming as My Wolf, of course.”

Seeming duly consoled he took her hand and linked fingers with her.

“What exactly are we going to have them do?” Acharius asked harshly.

“What she’s good at.” Bast said simply. “Hunting demons.”

“They’re drawn to her now.” Tev warned.

“Perfect.” Bast said. “We’ll put her in back to draw them to our tail rather than the vulnerable head.”

“I don’t want to be the head.” Rhyers looked over his shoulder to reiterate for the fourth time.

“We don’t care.” Bast and Acharius said at the same time as they headed back into Acharius’ personal chamber to finish packaging the artifacts.

“But I do!”

“We don’t care.”

“I think perhaps since Bast is wounded he’d be better-”

“No.” Acharius shook his head. “He’ll be fine. They’re all going to be after you.”

“Yes. That’s the part I’m not fond of.” Rhyers grumbled. Before his face brightened cheerfully as he pointed to Tev over his shouder. “I’m no longer the fastest one here!”

“What are we talking about?” Tev asked.

“You’re fast?” Ser asked him. Frowning in disappointment that she didn’t know this.

The other three men all slowly turned to look at her.

“You don’t know?” Rhyers asked stunned. “How could you not know? Have you never seen him move?”

She frowned thoughtfully. “I don’t think so…Have I ever seen you ‘move’?”

“No.” Tev said flatly.

“Why not?”

“There has not been a need.” Tev sent the other men an annoyed glance.

As though we betrayed him.

“I want to see how you ‘move’?”

“Not today, Sweet.” Bast said off-handedly. “We’ll need Rhyers to do the ‘moving’.”

“Why does it have to be me?”

“Because your plan does not just require speed but agility. The ability to maneuver through them when they swarm.” Acharius said.

“Are we saying I can’t do that?” Tev who was utterly uninterested a moment ago, now sounded affronted.

In typical fashion. Let him do it.

“When I told you my plan, I didn’t expect that I’d be the pivotal carrier.”

They shrugged.

Nobody seems to care that I think I’m ill-suited for this, other than me.

“I am faster than him.” Tev reiterated.

“We’ll put you in-front, Little Brother.” Acharius said. Knowing it’d assuage Tev’s pride while also sufficing as creating a full block around Rhyers.

“Little Brother?” Serdephe asked.

Tev groaned.

“There’s much you haven’t told her.” Acharius said over his shoulder.

“I’m noticing that!” She declared.

“Thanks for that.” Tev said snidely over her head.

Only Rhyers caught Acharius’ grin as he resumed wrapping artifacts.

“I don’t like this plan anymore.” Rhyers felt the need to say it aloud.

“We don’t care.” Bast and Acharius said simultaneously.

Did they rehearse that?

Rhyers was standing just beyond the cave entrance in the cradle of dense trees. What Dread Hideout is known for.

Things can be invisible a matter of feet away if there’s not a trail to them.

We could be surrounded by Sarabis and Targue already. He grimaced.

“What is it?” Acharius asked from a distance behind him and to his right.

“I think this is not an ideal plan.”

“We don’t-”

“I know!” Rhyers put up a staying hand to silence both men.

“It makes sense.” Bast said from a distance behind and to his left. “You’re the quietest, you leave no tracks and you’re the second fastest of us. We need to get them to WaterRose without a track.”

“I hate you both right now.” Rhyers was watching the trees alertly. The sack strapped to his back with a string of ropes wrapping his torso in every direction.

I look like a glorified Holiday gift. He grunted.

“I don’t hear anything.” Tev said after a moment. Standing a distance ahead of Rhyers on the path of their trajectory.

“Ser?” Tev called back.

She was further back. Crouched on the ground with one knee. The other behind her in a stance she liked to take when racing her dogs. “I got nothing back here.”

“Let’s go.” Tev shouted and took off.

Rhyers stayed close to him. Keeping him in view. And paying little attention to his surroundings.

They heard the first thudding and branches cracking on the left and when a Targue jumped from leafy coverage. Bast caught it with his arms wrapping its neck and used its momentum to swing it a full circle and slam it along a hearty trunk. Smashing it. He dropped it limp to the ground. Its black bark coating already melting away into human skin.

They ran as a group.

Two more Targue rushed out at Tev.

Rhyers skid to a stop to await them as Tev drew his spinning hatchets from his waistband, but both animals veered around him and Rhyers and between Acharius and Bast, heading for the back.

But the purple haired woman was grinning wildly. Her face alive with excitement. Her dagger in hand as she launched herself up in a high leap. Whooping as she did. The brush exploded into life as four big Targue smashed out. Pinching the two attackers against each other as they ripped into them.

Serdephe landed on the backs of her quarries as they stumbled into each other. She stabbed in a flurry of her swinging blade.

The Demon Dogs were a surging wave of growling and teeth. Tossing bits of black skin and dark meat into the trees. Managing to hack the two enemies apart while efficiently missing Serdephe’s exposed legs draped down their sides.

I’ve never seen anything like that. Rhyers’ gut sank. Wondering how much more they were going to run into before reaching the stronghold.

“I don’t like this plan!” Rhyers tossed over his shoulder. His dark hair streaming out behind him as he tucked his legs to clear a high trunk. Landing smoothly on his barefeet and doing his best to keep pace with Teverius who was a blur swerving through the trees ahead of him.

Rhyers had long ago learned the best tactic was to keep the long white hair in view. It swung like a banner revealing Tev’s direction.

“Quit complaining lad!” Acharius roared. Sending down a rainstorm of arrows over Rhyers’ head. Between he and Tev as a line of Nonis emerged to try and cut him off. “And run!”

Bloody hell! What does he think I’m doing? Rhyers picked up the pace. Hearing the precious artifacts tinking at his back as they jangled together.

Don’t break. He prayed.

Rhyers hopped along the side of a trunk and leapt to another before leaning the opposite way to land back on his feet on the forest floor. Seeing another Targue’s head jut from the brush, he slid his heels and scattered rocks on it as he switched directions to avoid its path.

“Keep moving!” Bast called. Slamming a shoulder into the Targue’s neck and sending it reeling. But continuing on to remain at Rhyers’ side.

I hate this plan.

Why did I come up with this plan?

Because I thought someone else would be running them. Rhyers was already envisioning the Captain’s disappointment, or worse, rage. If I lose this damn bag.

Rhyers’ hands reflexively moved to fist the ropes along his chest. Holding them there so he could get through the rougher terrain where he knew the trees got tighter. We’re going to have to go up.

I hate up.

And Tev was heading up. There was a series of low branches and Tev ran them like a staircase.

Rhyers, a short distance behind him, blew a heavy breath. Heading up after him.

A Sarabi descended through the tree canopy but Acharius had three arrows in it before it could touch either of them. It crashed through the branches as it went limp. Landing on a pointed branch as it turned into a human body. Piercing through its chest. It dangled face down. Eyes open and motionless.

“Well, that’s disgusting.” Serdephe commented from below.

She doesn’t miss a beat. Rhyers thought in admiration. Pleased that she was no squealing delicate.

A bit like Ebony instead.

The rest of their journey was no better. They kept the breakneck pace and Rhyers was pleased he stayed so surefooted.

Their next obstacle was the NetherRunnel Bridge.

Looking as precarious as ever. Rhyers fingered the ropes crossing his chest and peered over the edge. Seeing the flurrying current raging fast. The green hued water rolling in wild waves.

Unpleasant as hell.

“We could fly over.” Rhyers suggested hopefully.

“Too many of us.” Acharius called over the surging of the river. “We’ll have to go it on foot.”

The bridge looked far too narrow.

And there are bound to be more Cimmerii on the otherside. Rhyers worried.

“If we go up,” Acharius warned. “Sarabi will spot us and we have no idea how many there are.”

Rhyers swore.

Tev stepped up next to him. “I don’t like it any more than you.”

Rhyers gave him a quick look.

“Chavias caught me here once.” Tev explained.

Bast shot him a sympathetic look. Remembering that day.

“When was that?” Rhyers asked.

“The day I lost the map.”

“That’s why you went into hiding?”


“Come on, you two.” Acharius walked by them to take the narrow bridge. “I am no favorite of water either.”

“What’s wrong with you?” Tev asked.

“Vikings sail. Not float.”


“I’m too big to swim. I simply sink. Let’s go. If I can do this you can. Now pray the bridge don’t crumble under my weight.”

Bridge was a strong word for it.

It was merely planks of wood strung over the river and bound on each end by one huge boulder holding each edge. One had to shimmy around the boulder, steady themselves and then take the rickety boards while clinging to the rope’s strung across as railings.

I’d rather be flayed alive. Rhyers thought. Staring at it askance.

Acharius crossed quickly. Stepping around the boulder on the other side and scanning the trees as he strung his bow. Arrow to the ready.

The woman, Serdephe, scooted passed him and giddily skipped across the bridge. Hopping on it as though it were a grand game.

She’s insane. Rhyers stared, jaw agape.

“Go.” Tev gave him a light shove.

“Touch me again and I’ll break your hand.” Rhyers threatened darkly over his shoulder.”

“Then quit being a lady and go.”

“I’m going.” Rhyers grumbled. Flexing his fingers around the ropes and ensuring they were taut before moving on. Clutching the swaying ropes in a death grip he walked the swinging boards quickly.

Wishing to be anywhere but here.

Once over he leaned over and braced his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Whooshing air. Once he’d calmed, and Tev had made his way over to join them, they finished their way.

They heard the bridge creaking behind them.

“Something is following us.” Rhyers announced.

“The dogs.” Tev said.

“My babies.” Ser agreed.

Far from babies. Too big and ugly to be babies.

The Demon Dogs were plodding over the precarious bridge. One after another.

When an occasional Targue or Noni intercepted them, Serdephe happily pushed through them to attack the demons.

Relishing the hunt.

When she tired, Acharius took over as they made their way along thew twining roads through Grier.

And when he tired, Tev drew his hatchets and led the path.

As they drew near the valley of Meadow Mountain, Acharius gave a hoot.

The signal to scatter. Only Rhyers and Bast stayed the course toward WaterRose. Weaving over each other’s scent as they went opposite ways before cutting off toward the stronghold.

Acharius, Tev, and Serdephe scrambled the scents by rushing in every direction and rounding in circles before they all took different routes back toward Meredith House.

We made it alive. Rhyers thought as the bridge lowered and they entered WaterRose’s bailey.

As they walked into the stronghold though, Rhyers realized something had changed.

“Why is it so quiet?” He blurted before realizing his insensitivity.

“Not many come here just to visit or gather anymore.” He sighed. “Not since she left.”

“She did give this old castle some spirit.” Rhyers admitted.

“I even miss her yelling.” Bast held his stomach as they entered the parlor where he began untying the knots holding the bag to Rhyers back. “Your feet are bleeding.”

“Shit!” Rhyers dropped onto the divan and lifted one to examine it. “I’m going to need my serum.”

Letting his foot fall to the floor he slumped and looked at Bast.

Bast looked a bit deflated.

And exhausted.

“How soon?” Bast asked.

Ready to go retrieve it for me.

“Not soon. They’re tiny scratches. But I’ll have to wear your shoes out or my blood will lead them straight here.”

Bast nodded. “I’ll get some.”

Rhyers noticed that just since entering the castle Bast was moving slower. Written with sorrow.

Bast was nearly to the stairs when Rhyers called through the doorway. “She’ll come back to you.”

Bast paused. Staring at his boots on the stairs. “I’ve thought much on it. And unfortunately, I can’t conceive a single reason why she’d ever do that.”

“But she-” Rhyers started but realized Bast was already gone.

Too weary to listen to hollow reassurances. But Rhyers didn’t feel like they were hollow. I do think she’ll come back.

She loves him every bit as much as he loves her. She just may not know it yet.

He twisted trying to tug the sack of his back. Now how do I get this thing off?

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