FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter She Wasn't Dead

“Oh, sorry.”

“It’s fine.” He chuckled again. His arms squeezing her in a quick hug. His voice grew more serious. “Are you relieved?”

I suspect so.

“A little.”

“Are you unsure how?” He queried. Suspecting that despite all her boldness she was naïve.

“I don’t know how.”

“I suppose Luca was little help?”

She laughed outright. “I suppose I should’ve asked him. He’d certainly have the knowledge I needed.”

Teverius grimaced. “Please don’t ask. I like to know you as I find you.”

She sighed contentedly. “I’m happy here. In your arms.”

“Good.” He caressed his face in her hair and the back of her neck.

Making her giggle and scrunch up to protect her neck against the tickle. “Stop it. Stop it!” She pleaded.

He followed the smooth line of her ribs and her slim waist down to one jutting hip. He pinched it in his palm lightly.

She squealed and writhed against his tickling.

He laughed.

She rolled into his arms and looked up at him and he froze. Immobilized by her stunning gaze meeting his.


“Don’t leave me again?”

“I’ve no wish to but I can’t promise you anything. Often my brethren need me and I must go.”

“Take me with you?”

“I don’t want you in danger.”

Her voice turned reprimanding. “I hunt demons. What greater danger could you possibly put me?”

“Sebastian.” He said dryly.

“Oh…” She murmured reverently.

“See?” He pointed out. “That’s awful.”

“He just-well he…I’ve never seen anyone so perfect. He’s just like, like-”

“I know.” Tev grumbled.

He’d never felt so satisfied and comfortable as when he awoke to the warmth of a womanly body molded against his back. Serdephe...

When they returned to the hut later, they found Luca asleep on sodden blankets, shivering next to the fire.

Tev added a log for him. Poor bastard.

I’d resented him when all along he’d only wanted to protect her.

“I’ll take care of the body.”

“Hales…” Serdephe looked at the stairs mournfully.

“That’s not who she was anymore.” Tev cautioned from the stairs, where he already had a hand on the railing.

“She’s not up there.” Luca twisted to a sitting position. Clutching his side as though still pained.

He probably is. I’m not sure how bad I hurt him. Tev felt a pang of conscience.

“What do you mean she’s not up there?” Tev asked after Luca’s words dawned on him.

“I went up to get rid of her before Ser returned, so she’d not have to deal with it. But she was gone.”

“Gone?” Tev and Serdephe stared at him wide eyed.

Tev rushed up the stairs to check. Finding the room empty he even tossed back the coverlet to look under the bed. “How?”

She’s gone.

She wasn’t dead.

She'd certainly looked it.

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