FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter Sharing a Feast

“Well…I don’t know…”

Then how should I?


“The good demon?”

“Surely not!” She cried.


“My tormentor?”

“That one who wields the knives so gleefully? He should be castrated!”

“My, my!” He cried. “I hadn’t thought ladies would know such terms.” But humor made his scarred lips twitch.

She’s made of stronger stuff then I would’ve given her credit for.

“Delacroix Hall had its own stable once.” She met his look squarely. Refusing to be ashamed of the words she’d so passionately tossed.

Proud girl. He admired that in her.

“Would you talk to me then?” Her voice was small as she was kneading a napkin in her lap.

Now this is an intriguing turn?

“Do you wish me to?” He asked huskily.

“I wouldn’t request it.”

“As you wish.”

She smiled broadly. Blue eyes sparkling in the gold chandelier light.

“On one condition.” He lifted a finger.

“Anything.” She leaned forward with interest. That childish aura capturing him again.

Like when she played in leaves.

“If I tell you of these things you must never tell another.” He was grave.

It could put you in danger.

She gave a quick nod.

“If you betray me there’ll be great consequences. You’ll know all my secrets.”

Radix may kill us both.

“I’m not a spy.” She reassured. “I knew, after reading your words, that you’d worry about my sincerity.”

Because I question everyone’s, I suppose.

They spent the duration of the meal speaking in great detail.

She picked up the knife and began whittling away pieces of pork and consuming them with great zest as she flooded him with questions.

Razor sharp questions. The more he spoke, the more animated she became. Though he refrained on details like the nest of WaterRose.

“And Radix? That evil thing?” She said thoughtfully. “Tell me of him?”

“He’s the truest evil. Dark as it comes.” He talked about the arts of torture Radix had discovered.

“Did he do those to you?” She was horrified.

Chavias nodded dully. “But he did worse to others. Rape, maiming, and distortion. Depending on what his victims would be the most susceptible to.” He gave her an anxious look.

I can’t imagine what I’d do if any of that happened to her.

Maybe if she’s armed with how awful the demon is she’ll understand the gravity of what could happen if he ever got his filthy hands on her…The thought sickened Chavias.

He won’t. He promised himself.

“What methods has he used on you?” She was worried. Eyes teary.

Nearly all of them. Chavias’ face became shadowed and shame crumbled his expression. “He learned long ago that he could do as he wished to me and it’d gain him nothing. So, he began draining me.”

Taking my blood to steal my memories.

“To take from me what I wouldn’t give. And he learned torturing the other knights gained my obedience.” He sighed. “Overtime he figured out what it’d take to break me.”

Perius. He recalled.

“For those I’ve killed I too, will one day, suffer in Hell. My soul never free.” Sadness crept into his voice as he took a hearty swig of the wine he’d poured himself.

“You can’t be a saint while serving the devil.” She took a sip of hers but watched him cautiously.

Seeing if I’m offended. I’m not.

“You give me hope, Sweet Dove.”

“I read your words. ‘I do what evils I must to help in whatever little ways I may’.”

I did write that. Long long ago.

“May I ask you why you haven’t tried to end your suffering?”

By killing myself. She’s asking if I’ve tried.

“I cannot take my own life. It’s the greatest sin and would only be cowardice. Sufferings I endure for things I commit are bearable. I’ve earned those punishments. The only repercussions I fear would come from the judgement of my Brothers. It’s Radix’s finest weapon. A fact which, unfortunately,” Chavias mourned. “he’s aware.”

They’ll never forgive me.

Never again accept me.

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