FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Trusting Elsabet

WaterRose, Meadow M


Elsabet hadn’t attempted escape in awhile, Sebastian knew.

But apparently, she’s due. From behind the tapestry covering his balcony opening, Sebastian watched her slinking step. Sighing he let the tapestry slap into place and headed downstairs. Lately, her tether was extended enough she could roam the grounds.

She wandered to the lowered drawbridge.

“Elsabet...” His tone was chastising. His formidable shirtless frame intercepting her.

Why try to escape now? I thought we’d been getting on so well.

What about Sebet?

“Where’d you come from?” Startled at the expanse of bare golden flesh she reared back. “Do the very walls of this damnable castle whisper to you my every move?” Her face was sour.

“Only when you’re betraying me.”

“Disobeying.” She corrected, eyes flashing.


They stared at each other challengingly a moment.

“Do you never wear a shirt?” She demanded. “Has no one taught you it is customary to be clothed when in the presence of a woman?”

Probably at some point.

“Ah, but you’re no regular woman, are you Elsabet?”

Her nose wrinkled, lips twitching with ire.

Making his quirk with amusement. So easily incensed.

“Come.” Cupping her elbow, he turned her and began leading back across the bridge. “You’d leave Sebet?”

“That was not my intent.”

“Then you’d have taken her?” Pain made him blanch. He looked away to hide his anguish. “Just stay.” He urged.

She ripped her arm from his grip. “And be your pet?”

“No.” Emotion flashed through his turquoise eyes “So I can protect you both. Know you better.”

Learn more.

“Nothing could hurt me.” She boasted.

“I could, Elsabet.” His eyes roved her face. Face softening. “You know I could, did I wish to.” It was obvious he tried to convey something serious enough he’d stopped walking to turn her to face him. “There are things as strong as me, but evil.”

Things dangerous enough to harm even you. Cimmerii beings.

“Doubtful.” She sneered. Rounding to walk herself.

He reared back as though she’d slapped him. “You think me evil?”

Sensing she’d gone too far she quieted but lifted her chin in challenge.

“Elsabet…” He clucked. “In all these years I’ve not harmed you. Rarely even raised my voice to you. I-”

“But why?” She cut in. “What are you after? Didn’t I already give you what you want?”

Does she mean making love or my daughter?

He gave a weak smile. “I’d take anything you offered.”

She gave him a withering look over her shoulder.

“Come.” He cupped her elbow with a chuckle. “You can tell me all the reasons I’m inferior whilst we head in.”

Wrenching her arm from his grip she marched haughtily in-front of him. “How do you always know what I’m going to say?”

Because I know you well.

“Because you repeat the same idiocies time and again.” He said lightly. “As though you’re trying to convince yourself rather than me.” He gave her a sideways glance as they walked. “Nothing to say? Is she speechless?” He feigned shock.

Her mouth twitched with annoyance but she held her silence.

“Do tell.” He encouraged. “Am I inferior because of my petite stature?” He glanced down his length then eyed her tiny frame. “No. That can’t be it.” He tapped his lip thoughtfully as he strolled next to her. “Perhaps ’tis that I’m slow and decrepit?”

Lithe enough to outmaneuver her.

“Aye.” She nodded definitively.

He leaned sideways. His voice near her ear and brushing along her neck made her jump. “But I caught you, My Dear. So, it can’t be that…Lest you are even more slow and frail…”

She shot him a withering scowl.

Didn’t like that.

“Ah. I thought not.” He straightened triumphantly and strode past her. Confident he’d won the pseudo-argument until her lilting voice called after him.

“You missed the mark completely, My Lord. ’Tis your dull wit that makes you so easily surpassed.”

Dull wit!

“Is it?” Brows lifting, he laughed. Stepping smoothly into her path.

Clever woman.

She jerked to a stop to keep from slamming into him.

“Of all the things I’ve been accused of, dimwitted is a new one…” He murmured.

I’ve been told quite the opposite on many an occasion, actually.

“Folks likely being kind.” She smirked. “I’ve no such need to spare your feelings.”

He put a hand to his heart as thought touched. “You grant me with feelings? Also, a new development! See how your opinion of me is already improving?”

It’s only been thirty years. He thought dryly.

She harrumphed. “You may be right. Clearly I’ve exaggerated your possession of human emotions.”

And…Now it’s gone. But humor still made his eyes dance.

“Ah. But you acknowledge I’m right in something.” He gave a grand gesture. “You’re growing too. Showering me with compliments as you are tonight.”

Sputtering she stepped around him shaking her head. “The hell I am.”

She’s so easily goaded. He walked after her, beaming. And my afternoon is complete…

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