FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Done Leave, Sebastian

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier


“How long will you be gone?” Elsabet asked.

Too long since I don’t want to leave you two at all.

“Not long.” He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. “I’m just going to go check on Lucien.”

“The Isle of Wight?”


“The FireStar.” He explained.

She went quiet so long he couldn’t resist peeking into her mind despite all his promises to himself he would not.

She wondered what it’d be like to be at sea with him on the FireStar.

He had to keep shock from his face. She’d want to go to sea with me?

He was strangely touched. Not fully understanding the deep aching pain she felt at the thought. She wants more time with me?

He had visions of taking her and Sebet onboard the FireStar. Sebet would love it!

What beauties they’d be at the bow. White hair blowing. He vowed to himself he’d take them someday. He went to throw the coverlet off but Elsabet caught his shoulder. Making him halt.

“Don’t go Sebastian.”

His brows drew together. “Don’t ask me that. Not in that beautiful voice.” He rolled atop her. “I’m clay in your hands when you talk to me that way.”

“What way?”

Like you care.

“Sweet. Lovingly. You wrap me about your fingers.”

“I don’t think anyone could do that.” She said in a hard tone.

“You and Sebet do.” He frowned. “You’ve never asked me to stay. Why today?”

“I-I…Just want you here.”

“What is it?” He studied her face.

There’s more.

“I need to ask you something.” There was fear on her face.

What is it? He eased back off her. Arms still caging her shoulders. Legs still nestled within hers.

“What?” He asked warily.

Something serious. He sensed it.

“I can’t-I can’t…Keep her here. Locked up forever…She’s a child.”


“What are you saying to me?” He asked. Apprehension making his stomach drop.

“Let me take her out of here?”

Out of WaterRose? No!

And into a world filled with Cimmerii. Radix would sense her the moment she stepped out of the stronghold.

“No.” He tossed the blanket off and climbed to his feet. Picking up his clothes in his urgency to escape this conversation.

She’s going to get angry. She always does.

“Sebastian!” She sat upright. “Keeping me captive is one thing. But you can’t do it to her! She’s a child.”

I can’t make her understand.

“She’s safe here!” He deflated twisting back to her. Breeches on and tunic hanging limply from his fist.

“You think I can’t keep her safe?” She blinked the bluest eyes in Ardae at him.

Not from every Cimmerii in this country. No one could.

She wants to take her from me?

“You’d take her and leave me?” Betrayal embittered his voice.

“I’d take my daughter from captivity.”

“From me.” He finished angrily. Turning to stalk across the room.

“You could come with us!” She cried.


She knows I couldn’t.

“And leave WaterRose!” He spun around. “Who’d watch over it?”

“All those brothers you’ve spent your life looking out for.”

They couldn’t. It needs my magic and my presence.

“I know you, Elsabet.” He pointed at her. “As soon as you were out of this castle, out from under my control, you’d be gone.” He snapped his fingers. “And you’d take my daughter without blinking. Without care that it’d destroy me.”

“That’s flatly untrue.” She said. Chin rising impudently.

How is it untrue?

“What would make you stay with me once we left?” Even he heard the desperation in his rising voice.

Anything? Anything at all.

“Me.” She said softly.

“For what?” He spun to face her. Gesturing wildly. Shirt flailing. “You’ve never once conveyed any loyalty to me. Never once spoken of love. You don’t even seem to have true affection for me.”

“Then…Why?” She gestured to the rumpled bedding around her as if it was testament of her feeling.

To confuse me. To soften the blows. I don’t know.

Because it passes the time for you? He doubted she felt much emotion despite that it felt so much like she did.

His eyes narrowed. “You’re still a woman. Still capable of loneliness. And desire.”

“But not love?” She murmured. Brows high.

I don’t know. Your heart is so hard. To everything except Sebet.

“You tell me. Do you love me?” He asked in a dangerous tone.

“Would you let us go if I did?”

That’s not an answer.

His brows descended as he said disdainfully. “You think I’m such a fool I don’t see this game? See how you toy with me? I’m not Stupid, Elsabet.”

“You’re far from stupid.” She shouted. “So how can you act so!” She nearly shook with rage.

He shook his head. Face bewildered as he lifted his hands in a mimic of strangling her. “You’re the most stubborn, complicated, difficult…”

“Yes?” She lifted her brow warningly. “Go ahead and finish that sentence, Sebastian.” She challenged.

No. Nope. He shook his head at himself. Lips tightening.

She’ll use it as an excuse not to talk to me for a fortnight upon my return. He gave a frustrated roar. Pointing at her and gritting his teeth before turning on his heel to exit the chamber.

“Go ahead and run!” She yelled.

Recognizing the familiar words made his back stiffen. He yanked the door closed behind him.

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