FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter Not Until She Asks Me

Meralee awoke rolling to look at his back.

He sensed her confusion. You don’t understand why I haven’t moved on you.

No ma’am. Not until you ask me to.

Her breath hitched and she hardened.

She spotted the string. He could virtually feel her staring at the gray bit running form her wrist to his. Sparkling in the faded early morning light. Uh oh.

She sat up and moved her hand to touch it, but it passed through. She yanked her bound arm, but the thread resisted her until it tightened until his arm slid from under the pillow. She fumbled to untie it from her wrist, but her fingertips passed through it. Aggravated she flopped onto her back and her hand dropped back to the pillow. She stared at it thoughtfully.

She’d hoped to make good an escape. His lips twitched.

She fell back asleep and didn’t wake again until the sunlight filtered fully through the shutters. Laying on her side away from Lucien, she watched the rays of light whispered across the floor to tentatively touch the coverlet. When she grunted and sat up the slip of gray string was gone. She twisted to look over her shoulder at the face of the man sleeping behind her.

Rolling over she looked at him. Taking in his features which appeared vulnerable and nearly childlike in his slumber. Scars on his face almost non-existent in the shadows of the chamber. Dark lashes rested against his tan cheeks and the hand resting behind her was slim and long fingered like that of an artist. The fingernails well-cut. His mobile lips were relaxed the full bottom lip looking impossibly smooth.

Her hand lifted, trembling slightly as she reached for his cheek. Catching herself she fisted her hand shook her head, disgusted at herself. Struggling not to jostle the bed she carefully lifted from it. Straightening her clothes and patting her hair into place. She slid her feet into her shoes watching him to make sure he didn’t move. Finally, she twisted to tiptoe from the room.

Trying to make a quick getaway. I’ll play. He continued his pretense of being asleep.

I’ll fish with her. I have her now, but she won’t stop trying to escape until succeeding…So I’ll let her. Then I’ll bring her back. Again, and again. Until she wears herself down.

She looked furtively over her shoulder to see if he pursued. In her hurry she bolted headlong down the stairs and slammed into the barmaid, Jeresine, at the bottom.

The tray in Jeresine’s hand clattered. She fumbled trying to steady it’s teetering and stop the ale mugs from sloshing but one tumbled over and dumped liquid along her bare forearm. Dripping from her elbow, as she lifted an angry gaze to Mera. Her look scathing as she shook fluid from her arm while balancing the tray in her other hand. She opened her mouth to dress Mera down.

But registering who she was, Jeresine snapped her mouth shut. Face calming. “Ah, it’s you.” The barmaid’s tone was almost eager as she set the tray on a table next to them.

“Jeresine.” Mera’s upper lip curled on the name.

“I wan’ed to tell ye sumthin’, Me Lady.”

“I just bet you did.” Mera cocked her head, desperate escape temporarily postponed. “What?” She crossed her arms in disapproval.

“I heard wha’ Michaelmus, told ye last nigh’. He’s an old fool an’ tol’ ye an untruth. The Fogdragon isn’t as he said.”

“It isn’t a terrifying beast arriving with the mist?” Mera’s curiosity was piqued.

“That it is!” The barmaid looked surprised. “But it’s no villainous thing.”

“Then what?”

“Justice on the Isle.” She said simply. Sighing before explaining. “Ever’one knows the tale. ‘Twas chaos here. Things were barren an’ hard. Thieves and raiders rampant. They was ever’where, ’til the day theys murdered Lord Lucien’s sister, Ezra.” The girl breathed as she shook her head sadly.

“After tha’, the Fogdragon came the firs’ time. It tore the brigands flock apart.” Her eyes sparked with admiration. “Since then Me Lord and his creature are the authority on the Isle.”

Meralee’s expression was taken aback. “This was years ago?” Mera asked.

“Try centuries, Me Lady.” Jeresine scoffed.

“Centuries?” Mera choked and gave her an astounded look.

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