FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter Let Them In

Outside the door Riaura shuddered. She’d stood near it after pulling it closed. With his injuries, he was as weak as a kitten.

Then she saw the cloud of smoke began to roll out from beneath her chamber door. She gasped, grabbed the handle on the door and shoved it open.

Alazar was waiting. Hearing the handle turn he knew who was coming. I can already smell her.

When she pushed open the door, he caught her wrist. Using her own momentum to pull her into the room, leveraging her body weight against her. He followed the motion to swing her about and put her against the cold stone behind her chamber door. Reaching over with his boot to kick it closed simultaneously.

Her jaw made harsh contact with the wall as her chest was planted against it. Her free hand flew up on next to her shoulder in an effort to brace her from being crushed.

Alazar blanched. That’ll leave a bruise and some swelling tomorrow.

I didn’t want to hurt her.

She pushed back trying to shove forward enough to dislodge his weight.

She’s wasting her time. He was far stronger than she.

Her efforts were no more than a butterfly under a pin.

Reaching next to her he gripped her wrist, twisting both arms behind her and bound them with strips of cloth he’d torn from her bed linens before they caught afire. Ignoring her objecting shouts and writhing attempts to kick him.

“Come.” He fisted her bound wrists and pushed her forward.

Shouts were coming from the lower levels and the corridor.

From everywhere.

The castle was alive. People were scattering. Either preparing for the sudden battle or desperately searching for the missing queen. Already her guards were sounding the call to arms for the NightGuard posted at the gates.

Someone down the steps shouted to another to ask for the queen’s orders. When there was no answer, a boy was sent up the steps shouting for someone to find her.

Riaura tried to call out where she was but steel at her back silenced her. A jagged tip piercing the back of her gown. Cold against her flesh. She swallowed.

“Your chamber is afire. Your castle is being stormed by your former friend and now you’re about to be a hostage. And will see how long it takes for your council to fall without you here.”

“My council is strong!” She said vehemently.

“They’re scared old men who are fond of you and have let you rule without interference. Weak advisors at best.”

Touching her he had clear contact with her thoughts.

The words of her Master of Torture, Greius, were echoing through her mind. ‘He destroys all he touches…’

Even as he touched into her thoughts her mind blanked.

As she’s trained herself to do over the years. She knows I was listening in.

But one worry crept into her mind despite her clarity. Charles!

Sudden concern for him in his frail state coursed through her. Fear he was trapped somewhere unable to escape the blaze. Her breathing sped.

The cloth around her wrists bit into her skin when he jerked roughly on her binding. “The swine is not worth your worry.” He hissed near her neck.

“Help him. You can’t just let him die!” She plead.

“I hope the flesh burns from his body for the seeds he’s sown.”

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing from you! You who always preached to judge no one!” She was angry.

Be angry. I don’t care anymore. He led her down the corridors. Stepping aside her to make it look as though he merely guided her by her lower back.

“I don’t know who you are.”

“Yes, you do.” He said derisively. “You’ve always known what I’m capable of.” His tone was cold.

“Did you kill my men, kill Greius, in self-defense or merely for revenge?”

He shot her a sharp look. “Both.”

Fluid filled her eyes as she choked.

“Are you going to cry for Greius or Dear Charles?”

“Neither!” She sobbed. “I won’t give you the satisfaction!”

There’s no satisfaction for me in your tears.

“Watch your spite, Riaura. It may be what breaks you later.” He yanked her into the shadows, stifling out the torch against the wall with a blink.

The voice from the bottom of the stairs neared.

Alazareth pulled her tight to the front of him. Slipping a hand over her stomach and concealing it in the folds of her nightgown. He let her feel the point of the blade against her hip. Giving it a quick twist and slipping it into the tear so the tip could just touch her tender flesh.

An intimidation tactic. And it worked beautifully.

She held her breath.

“Call to him. But don’t hesitate too long, or you’ll feel the cut of this blade!”

She called to the boy. He turned and squinted into the shadows. “My queen?”

“Yes, ’tis. Tell the men too…”

“Let them in.” Alazar repeated in her ear.

She paused.

She knows that’ll be the loss of her castle.

“Don’t!” Alazar’s urgent whisper was too late.

“Prepare the oil cauldrons! We fight until they’re all dead.” She called boldly.

Risky. How do you know I won’t kill you right here?

She doesn’t. He realized when he felt her body tremble.

The boy ran off. Feet slapping.

He leaned so close she felt the muscle in his jaw ticking furiously next to her cheek. “That was very stupid Little Queen. Brave, but stupid.” He yanked her to the stairs. Giving a quick look down them and seeing no one he hauled her up and over his shoulder. As he took the stair metal armor peeled around his limbs and clanged into place in layers over his torso. He raised her so it could mold over his shoulder. And when he dropped her weight back down over the metal, she whoofed as the air was knocked from her. Armor now rattled every step he took.

When she regained her breath she was kicking and flailing against him. Seeing he wound his way down to the main floor she hissed at him. “They’ll never let you leave this castle with me!”

The Hell they won’t!

“Why wouldn’t they?” He asked tonelessly. Staring forward as he crossed the bailey with her squealing over his shoulder and pounding his back with her fists.

Not much good with the armor on. She’ll hurt her hands long before she annoys me.

“My Captain of the Guard will stop you in your tracks!”

“Will he?”

He definitely will not.

“Yes!” She cried triumphantly.

He grunted. “Riaura have you ever noticed the Night Shield on my armor?”

“Yes. And?” She twisted to query impudently.

He shrugged. As they strode to the gate the men on the wall peered down at him incredulously.

“I demand to speak to the Captain of the Guard! This man is trying to remove me from the Keep!”

Jacob stepped forward amidst the two bloodied men remaining near the gate tower.

Perilously few compared to the hoard that would normally stand.

But Alazareth was happy to see Jacob was among the survivors. Not surprising though. I had great faith in his skill with a sword.

And he’d given Garix Jacob’s description in the hopes he’d spare him if possible. He’d make a hell of a Captain of the Guard one day.

“You have him!” Jacob held the flag bar above him to lean out and shout down to her as he gestured.

Riaura turned to stare at Alazareth in horror.

Absent the helmet, it was easy for her to see his grin flash over his shoulder.

“Surely not!”

“Perhaps you should know more about the operations of your own castle.” He drawled.

She sputtered, florid with rage.

“Cap, what are you doing with ’er?” Jacob called.

“She refuses to leave here the backway and the Rebels are likely to return tonight. It is of upmost importance we keep her safe until word from the council. I’m removing her to an alternate location.”

“My council?” She gasped.

Jacob peered down at him suspiciously but after hesitating a long while he nodded slowly and lifted his arm in a signal for the Gate Guard to drop the bridge.

And out we go.

“You must be jesting!” She proclaimed. Leaning up to point at the wall guards as they crossed the bridge. “He’s a traitor! I’ll have all your heads.” She pointed down the line of them. “Every one of you for allowing this betrayal!”

“You’ll do no such thing.” He gave her rump a hard swat as they stepped from the bridge onto the meadow and it was clear that her defiance was quickly coming to an end.

She unleashed a tirade of epithets that would’ve had Lucien’s pirates blushing.

Alazareth laughed and when she lurched up to give him an earful, he flicked his fingertips over his shoulder toward her. Dusting her face with silver flakes which made her collapse limply along his back.

And blessed silence, finally…

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