FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter I Don't Want To Hear It

“Because we’ve spent the last several days looking for you ceaselessly so she could talk to you.” Luca said.

I don’t want to hear it. Tev’s head fell back as he looked Heavenward for patience.

“I already know what she needs to say to me and there’s no need.”

Serdephe stood turning to him with her fists clenched. “What exactly do you think I’d say?”

“That you want me to stay away.”

“No!” She glared at him. “Are you crazed, or have you not been listening?” She raged.

He reared back as though she’d slapped him. “Is there something I’m missing here?” He gestured from her to Luca on the floor.

They looked at each other in confusion then understanding lit on Luca’s face. He started chuckling and then began fully laughing. Before groaning and clutching his side as he tipped over to lay on the floor in pain.

Tev glared at him. “I’m glad you find this amusing.”

“I do.” Luca gasped. “My Friend,” Luca huffed. “I’d be far more inclined to desire you then sweet Ser.”

What’s he saying? Tev’s disgust was written over his face.


Serdephe’s turquoise eyes went huge. “That’s what you think?” She sighed and shook her head. “My Wolf…” She said chidingly.

“What?” He was growing impatient in his bafflement.

“I’ve no desire for Luca. I want you.”

“And I am not inclined to lie with the fairer sex.” Luca coughed.

“You’re a-a…” Tev attempted.

“He’s my friend.” Serdephe asserted with a commanding tone that told Tev if he said anything derogatory, he’d be picking a fight with her.

She’d defend him. But Tev was no longer jealous. He was awash with relief.

They’re not lovers. Unsure what to say he stood rooted.

Luca reached out a limp arm and shoved on the back of Serdephe’s calf to push her forward.

She took that step and another and walked straight into Tev. Tipping up on her toes and catching his neck to pull him down to her. Offering up her lips in a kiss that Tev willingly took.

His arms wrapping her waist.

Luca laughed. “Finally. Good Gad!”

But Tev was too busy to care. His hands roaming her back and molding her to him.

Serdephe broke away. “No more avoiding me.” She dropped her lips to the edge of his lower jaw. “No more hiding and lurking.” She kissed over to his neck. Still holding him so he was leaned over in her reach. “Do you understand me?” She asked in his ear.

“Crystal clear.”

“Good.” She smiled. “Now take me somewhere dry.” Her look was laden with passion.

My hut.

“Are you sure?” He asked.

“I’ll slap you.” She glared. Jaw tight.

If I ask again. He knew what she meant.

“Yes, ma’am.” He caught her hand and turned. Leading her through the woods as she skipped along barefoot behind him. They arrived at his hut and he was taking her to the tree but she let go of his hand and to his surprise caught the rope and smoothly climbed it up.

When did she learn to do that?

She’d clearly done it before. Catching the high deck, she hefted herself up.

Tilting his head, impressed, he followed her.

“My Wolf?” She queried as he climbed onto the deck.

“Yes?” He opened the door and waited to let her in first.

She paused to look up at him. “Can I pour the honey on you?”

Did she just ask me that. He was suddenly in much greater a hurry to get her indoors.

“If you must.”

She purred in satisfaction in her throat, and he closed the door behind them.

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