FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter Calisto's Love

“And where did your Raese come in?”

She beamed. Her smile glowing in the shadows of the hall. “Bast had the Captain send him on a mission to stave off a Water Dread from killing men. Once Raese saw me, he haunted my steps. Like a hound on the scent. And there was no escaping my Merlin.”


“Yes. A hawk that descends on its prey at unbelievable speed. Never missing. That is what they called Raese in the 1400s. What I called him.”

“Merlin who helped the boy king?”

“Arthur. Yes.”

“That was in the 12th Century in the UpperLands. Even I know that.”

“History is mistaken. There was another boy-king Arthur in the 1400s born here.” She pointed downward. “In Ardae. But the myths made their way into the UpperLands with creatures that moved through Dread Portals to rise to that world. History was wrong about that.” Calisto pointed at Elsabet meaningfully. “As it is about many things.”

Sebastian had never been so grateful to see WaterRose coming into view. Giving Sivikon a pat on the neck as thanks for the speedy trip, they crossed the bridge Dimitrius lowered.

The stallion grunted in answer as his hooves clacked over the wood bridge.

Barely into the bailey, Bast swatted Sivikon to send him to the stables. Heading for the castle door with great purpose. His focus the big iron handles, marking the heavy wooden doors. And the woman within.

He’d been picturing the beautiful face on the other side of it since he’d left. Missing every feature, he’d so carefully memorized. Even longing for her vicious banter. And scathing put downs.

Everytime he rested he was haunted by eyes so blue they were almost sapphire. Especially when vivid with unshed emotion. And her strange silver blonde hair…The way it shone like moonlight on cobbled stones. And those lips…Lips that beckon a man’s kiss.

Despite that she seemed as if she had never been touched by a man before. And then there’s that.

His undying curiosity. Why does she hate men as surely as she breathes?

Why are we all her enemy? That thought haunted him.

Is there a man somewhere that ruined her for all of us? One that’d made her hate until she can’t stand the sight of anything male?

His face hardened at the thought. If I ever find him, I’ll kill him.

For her.

And for the pain it’s causing me in my loins. He groaned aloud as he vowed to himself. Resisting the urge to adjust as he shoved the doors open with such ferocity, they banged against the walls bordering them.

“Elsabet!” His voice echoed through the desolate hallways.

“Sebastian!” She screeched gleefully. A pretty blue flower in her hand. From stocking the vase in the corridor with those she’d plucked from the bailey. Her bare feet padded over the carpeting on the landing. Rushing down the stairs, she caught the banister to spin around it. Making her blue and silver gown flow behind her. Fading sunlight streamed in through the archways and lit on her hair, casting a warm glow around her. The blue flower slipped from her fingers as she hit the foyer.

Before he could prepare himself, she slammed headlong into his arms. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her. What’s inspiring this warm welcome?

“Elsabet?” He asked in surprise. Brows shooting up.

“You were gone for so long.” She tucked her face in his shoulder. “I thought you might never come back! I thought I’d be trapped here forever. And die of isolation!”

“Of course, you feared you’d starve while I was away.” A low chuckle rippled in his chest and his hand moved of its own volition to stroke down the smoothness of her frosted blonde hair. “For a moment I’d thought there was a chance you missed me.”

Pure silliness on my part, I suppose.

Lifting her head to look at him revealed eyes unbelievably brilliantly blue.

He stared into them waiting for what she’d say. What have I done to warrant such a warm welcome?


Hearing the stuttering word from the stairs, Sebastian looked up. Catching the blurring sight of Calisto, his arms fell from Elsabet and he ran to leap onto the dais and stare up at her. “Calisto!”

Her image fuzzed in and out. Fading and reappearing darkly. Calisto tried to move down the stairs, but they turned to water under her feet. Confusion was written across her face.

“My Merlin…” Her voice was haunting like being said into a glass vase.

“I tried! I saw him once, but we lost him.” Bast cried out. “I know he’s there. He’s in Paladine Lands and we will find him, Calisto.” His eyes scanned trying to spot her again. “We won’t stop looking. Just hang on!” He reached a hand toward her, but she faded. He tripped the bottom stair and dropped to his knee as she disappeared.

“Sebastian?” Elsabet’s tone was brittle. Bitter and hurt.

Turning back, he saw her standing where he had left her.

Her face was torn.

She finally welcomed me, and I just rejected her. He groaned inwardly.


Running past him, she fled upstairs. Skirt flying.

“It’s not what you think!” He yelled after her.

Her pain was tangible.

He heard her thoughts screaming. She thinks I have a romantic interest in Calisto? He frowned. It’s not that! It’s never been her.

I haven’t been able to tell her in so long…He wanted to defend.

I wanted to keep her going. Keep her hanging on long enough we can get her back here. His glimpses of her had become rare and he’d leapt at the opportunity to talk to her. Knowing what’d happen if she was lost.

Even if we get Raese back…He’ll be a shell without her.

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