FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter Beasts From the Woods

The low growls reverbated through the trees and over the lawns into a rumbling crescendo.

“How many of them is there?” Deragan breathed.

“There wasn’t that many when I reported it to you.”

The Targue in the trees had begun to hunker and emit shrill whinnies in objection to the sounds.

They know they’re outnumbered. That was painfully obvious to Deragan.

Even Nick had paused in surprise as the sounds escalated.

Worthington was looking around fearfully. When he sent a furtive glance back toward the trees and couldn’t see the lowered bodies of the Cimmerii backing him, he began easing away.

“Nora!” Beth shrieked from the front yard.

There was a yipping howl from the trees near Phalanx Forest.

“They’re alerting.” Bast said. Staring at Nick in shock. “He’s doing this…”

Deragan rounded the front of the house and was shocked at the sight of large dogs in different sizes and colors seeping from the trees. They walked through the wolves seeming unalarmed.

They usually won’t get near us.

But their focus was on the corner of the house. Where Nick had joined Bast and Deragan.

“Where’d they all come from?”

Deragan and Bast turned stunned eyes to him.

Near the stairs, the twins had stepped between the angry dogs and Nora, Beth, and Airon. Shielding the girls and the youngest brother.

Worthington was warily eying the dogs moving from the trees. “What are they doing here?”

“Come to get a taste of you, most like.” Bast rounded to face him. Saying it tonelessly as he returned to working with the branches.

He’s right. These belong to Nicholas. They’re not going to bother the Bishop children.

But they may tear Worthington apart…One can only hope.

Nick shrugged watching Worthington heading back toward the trees along the road near the front. Seeming not to notice the dogs seating around his legs.

Worthington was almost to the front gate when Airon stepped into his path.

“You leave my family alone!” He shouted in his small voice. Grabbing Worthington’s forearm.

Lowering to his height Worthington hissed. “Or what, Little Man? You gonna cry?”

Airon glared viciously, shaking with rage.

Before Nick or the twins could reach them Worthington tossed Airon aside, sending the boy sprawling in the gravel.

Nora shrieked rushing across the lawn toward Airon.

Striding quickly to his carriage, Worthington glanced back and saw them a distance behind.

Marcus slid across the rocks on his knees to get to Airon’s side. Expression worried as he helped the boy up.

Nick reached Airon a moment behind, and Marcus was off and moving to catch up to William.

But Worthington was already climbing into his white carriage with a smirk. “I have my own pets.”

The twins, almost to the carriage, had to jump back as the wheels whipped into motion. As the vehicle moved, three creatures were exposed that’d lurked on the far side.

Dark skinned with orange eyes, they crouched. Shoulders shifting as they gave rattling growls. Eying the boys hungrily. Before Marcus or William could decide what to do, one lunged.

Tipping backward William attempted to dodge it but wasn’t quick enough.

A Targue raked long claws down the side of his arm, before landing heavily next to him.

Marcus barely had time to glance behind them before he was attacked.

Deragan and Bast were only now rounding the reaching the gate. We’re not fast enough!

Nick was sliding Airon back from the Targue loping toward them. Seeing they’d not get away, he rolled the boy under him and shielded him. His back to the Targue. It put him in view of Goliath sitting back by the corner of the house, as Nick had ordered him to do. Blinking wide eyes patiently.

Nick whistled.

When the wolfhound burst forward, the other dogs pitched into movement as well. Flanking him the swelling pack attacked the Targue. Tossing over him and sinking in teeth just as Deragan and Bast arrived at the gate on foot.

Nick lifted Airon and ran toward the door of Rosewynn. Shouting for Nora and Beth.

The screaming of the twins behind him. Had him dropping the children on the steps to round back and return.

Deragan and Bast moved as one. Surging forward they leapt. Landing shoulder to shoulder as the snarling wolf and sleek panther.

Nick nearly lost his footing as he switched directions to escape this new threat. Yelling for everyone else to get inside.

But Nora stood frozen. Her eyes locked on the black and white wolf.

He and the panther stood between the dogs fighting Targue, and the Bishop family on the steps.

Nick helped Marcus pull on William, whose leg was in the jaws of a Targue which was shaking him violently. He was breathing raggedly. Nick shouted for more help, but before anyone registered what he was saying William lurched forward and slapped a flat hand to the Targue’s head. Between its’ eyes.

A pile of vicious dogs, wolves, and coyotes heaped on the other Targue.

This one instantly went limp. Releasing his arm to thump dully to the ground.

Huffing as he attempted to catch his breath, Nick looked around him in bafflement. “What the Hell just happened?”

“Long story!” Marcus shouted. “Help me get him to his feet.”

William’s shoes were sliding in his own blood as he twisted clumsily trying to rise.

Catching his good shoulder, Marcus helped guide him up.

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