FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter ALAZAR - What've I Done?

Nightway Castle, Nightway


Riaura watched the falling dark pensively. The clouds had been black since noon, making nightfall nearly imperceptible.

“’Tis been a bleedin’ dark day, hasn’t it?” Jessica stepped to the window slit of her chamber to stare out with her.

“And promises to be just as dark a night.” Riaura sighed.

“You should get some sleep.” Jessica peered around her and noted the dark circles under her eyes.

“It’s easier to avoid it when one knows it’ll be haunted.”

“By him?”

“Yes. Alazar seems to always intrude in my dreams.”

“Dreadcraft?” Jessica queried. “Do you think he’s as evil as that? Or is it your longings that manifest him there?”

Riaura grunted. Refusing to answer.

“He’ll not forgive you for having him arrested.” Jessica worried.

“No. No, he shall not.” Riaura left the window and crossed the room toward the door. “I need to confer with Greius.”

“Your Master of Torture.” Jessica’s voice rose. “Are you sure that’s wise?”

Riaura opened the door and peered back around the edge to see her maid. “He’s given me no choice.”

As she neared the elaborate dungeon doors, the bottom dropped from her stomach as she sensed something was wrong. She tentatively inched the door open and hesitated at the stairwell. Slowing with every step down into the dungeon’s pungent odor…Blood and sweat. As she reached the bottom, she heard shouts and the clanking of chains and weaponry falling. Dragging the big metal loop on the iron door, resulted in the hiss of something fast traveling past her head and thunking into the door.

She grabbed the torch from the wall and shakingly lit it. “Who’s there? It’s your queen!”

The first thing she saw was Alazar’s wrathful face as the fire jumped to life.

His harsh cheekbones and jaw shadowed in the dim light of the dank hole. Firelight danced over his angry features.

“There you are...” He nearly vibrated with rage. Making it almost tangible down here.

Riaura swallowed.

Alazar was still hooked to a torture board by both ankles and one wrist shackled. Barefoot and shirtless.

But his free hand clasped a dagger he’d grabbed from someone. He held it expertly bespeaking his skill as a seasoned warrior.

Even the terror on her face wasn’t enough to move him. Nothing would’ve moved him in this moment.

You’re too late. His mouth and nose twitched in disdain.

It’s clear what I must do now.

Riaura was speechless staring back at him. Having never seen such blatant fury on him. And his body was shadowed with cuts and burns.

She sucked in her breath at the sight of his swollen red flesh, burnt patches and deep gashes crisscrossing his bare torso.

“What’d you think would happen when you ordered me tortured?”

She was still staring in confusion.

“Is it more real to see it then it was to order it?” Bitterness burned in his tone.

Of course it was! Words are easy to toss. Causing the suffering of others is easier to command then to watch.

Her gaze instinctively lowered to escape his and that’s when she registered her men littered the stone floor around his feet. Pools of blood framing them.

Lifting her eyes to his face, she found he’d lowered his blade and now watched her. The intensity of his gaze holding deep emotion.

Not remorse, but perhaps, an apology. She lifted the torch higher in shock. Assessing the damage he’d wrought.

They brought it on themselves.

Embedded in the door near her face was a knife blade, buried to its hilt. Still swaying slightly.

“You nearly killed me?” She squawked, staring at the handle, stunned. Mesmerized by its dancing movements.

“I never nearly kill anyone. If I’d wanted you dead, Little Queen, make no mistake. You would be.” His cold words sent chills up her spine.

“You’d say such a thing to me?” She met his hateful look. Shocked that he was borderline threatening her.

I would. He returned her look unflinchingly.

“You’ve killed a dozen men, Alazar.” She said morosely. Voice lowering. “Why?”

“Why?” He snapped. Blue eyes narrowing on her. He tossed the blade in the air and caught it in his palm to change the angle he could use it. “I didn’t do this.”

He pointed with the blade, glaring at her. “You did. You knew better then to have them come for me. Better than to leave them down here with me.”

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