FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter ALAZAR - I Command Here



I Command Here

Riaura peered at her surroundings through one barely opened eye.

She won’t recognize this place.

Blankets were laid out around her like a carpet of sorts. Furs beneath her folded as she rolled her weight to her elbows to get up. She blinked slowly. Shaking her head as she moved to crawl. Head swaying with dizziness she started to stand.

“It’s just the shock, it’ll wear off soon.” The deep baritone came from everywhere at once.

She looked blearily at his silhouette near the tent entrance chewing a stalk of wheat leisurely. Haloed by the morning sunshine against the canvas wall. “Alazareth. Why’ve you brought me here?”

He opened his mouth to answer but before he could she jumped up and made a run at the door.

Really? He waited patiently for her to get close enough and caught her upper arm.

When she swung around with a closed fist lifted above her head to strike him, he slid his foot along the back of her knees, knocking her off her feet. His grip on her arm guided her gently to the floor despite her backward momentum.

Guards outside the tent shouted at the sound of the scuffle.

“We’re fine.” Alazar tossed over his shoulder. Before stepping to stand over her. His eyes glowing yellow. Fierce and animalistic with slitted pupils. “Aren’t we, Sweetheart?”

“You can go right straight to Hell!”

You’ll not be so lucky.

“In your wildest dreams.” He bit the wheat stalk to give her a cocky grin.

“I hate the sight of your face!”

“Oh..” He gave a mockingly mournful frown. “Now, that’s a shame…Cause you’ll be seeing a lot of it.”

She leaned up huffing. Reaching to catch his shin she was prepared to sweep his leg out from under him, but he tossed another handful of his dusted scales at her.

Sleep. He willed. Letting their magic take hold. Every tiny fragment doing as he wished.

She collapsed limply to the ground. Her head thudding dully.

Ouch. He blanched.

“Alazareth?” Her voice was hoarse.

He squatted to her level. Head cocked sideways. “How you feel, Sunshine?”

Like burnt shit, I’d bet.

“Like I was hit with a pot. Am I alive?”

“Far as I can tell.” His teeth flashed.

Too late to hope for death now, Sweetheart.

“Why am I here?”

No answer came. Because I gave you chance after chance and you failed me and your people.

And the Rebels would have you killed. He stared at her impassively. His furred cloak making his shoulder seem impossibly wide. Even crouched he was massive. His boots dirtied from taking her so far into the Warwood.

“Alazar! Why?” She snapped.

She’ll no longer command me to do anything! His lip twitched in ire.

“No!” He roared. Moving so quickly, she almost fell in shock when he was suddenly slammed his fists onto the ground on each side of her. Glaring down at her in his rage. “I’m in charge here. I can have you tortured, burnt, beat, or cooked on a spit.” He emphasized his next words. “Do. You. Understand me?”

She stared at him and he saw the first flickering of fear on her face.

Good. She’s beginning to understand the situation more clearly.

“Heed me well, queen of mine. I won’t hesitate to break your spirit. In my camp, with my men, you will obey me.”

Or they’ll kill you…Or far worse.

Her gaze fell to the silver fur winding through her fingers.

She’s intimidated.

But they both knew he was right.

She knows anything could happen to her here.

She nodded curtly, almost falling with the effort.

Hard to relinquish power. Alazar gave her a knowing look. When just yesterday she controlled the entire kingdom.

And today finds her a captive with all the tables turned. And her world upside down. He understood her confusion. And her rage.

She gagged.

Fighting the urge to vomit. He knew the potency of the magic he’d subsided her with last night.

He caressed a hand down her cheek. “Someday you’ll be mine… if I still want you.”

Taunting her ought to bring back some of that vicious spirit.

She scoffed and steadied herself some. Contempt filled her rising voice “I’d never be that foolish. Never lower myself to your level, Alazar.”

Her eyes brightened like emerald fire.

There she is. But her words stung. Calling him beneath her wasn’t something he’d ever have thought she’d do.

Yet here she is. Perhaps I never knew her. Perhaps the peasants were always right.

And the Rebels…He unfolded like a lissome predator. Standing over her in a dark shadow blocking out the sunlight through the trees. He stared down at her.

She met his gaze. Injecting every ounce of the cold fury she felt.

Her eyes glow in the shadows nearly as ours do. He dismissively strode to the tent entrance. Pulling the flap back, her words gave him pause.

“Hoards of them will come for me!”

Ferocious, Little Queen. A part of him couldn’t help admiring her, even now.

Abruptly he whipped his head to look over his shoulder at her. “And I shall slaughter them all.”

He was gone then, and the air was silent. Holding an almost undisturbed quality, as if he’d never really been there at all.

Her arm shook and suddenly bent and gave.

The soft furs swallowed her and broke her fall as she buckled into unconsciousness.

Alazar stood outside the tent, nearly leaned against the side wall as he sensed her inside. Felt her fall into the darkness.

He put his hand on Garix’s shoulder. “Don’t let anyone in there but me.”


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