FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter A Barbarian & A Viking

As daylight broke, Meralee’s pursuers were never more than a heartbeat behind her. Holding still she was quiet until full light illuminated the woods bright yellow. She stayed low and moved slow to evade their tracking.

But they’re knights, expert trackers, trained in stalking, hunting and ambush.

They’ve stayed close but made no move on her. Why hang back? Lucien wondered. Are they waiting for me to make the first move?

Meralee had never had to hide nor flee before. So, when she reached the creek, her thirst drove her to drink it. When she moved to stand, she squawked as she faced one of the masked hunters.

Mardichi. Lucien recognized.

Standing mere feet across the creek, he was still as a statue looking back at her. Red hair waving in the breeze. The wisping trees a haunting backdrop as he whipped his mantle from his shoulders. Exposing the furred underside as he draped it across the surface of the water. Offering her a hand over the rocks.

Crossing the white fabric, she stepped quickly to avoid where it sunk and muddied. Steering clear of the hand, she skipped to the side of him. Eyeing him as a wild animal watches a predator.

Clever girl.

Saying nothing, his hand fell. He gestured to the black mount next to a tree. “Care for a ride, Miss?”

“I would.” Mera batted wide eyes. “But first I must relieve myself. Do you mind…?” Her voice was honeyed.

Don’t fall for it. Lucien was amused by her antics. It’s a trick.

“Mardichi.” He supplied. Giving her his back.

Oh, Mardichi. Lucien shook his head.

She stepped behind a tree and watched until certain it was safe. She crept to Mardichi’s buckskin mount, untied it, and leapt on.

Mardichi didn’t move until hearing the first branches breaking before the big horse. “Mead!” He roared. Tromping after her.

Not fast enough to catch her. Lucien discerned. Watching the graceless thudding of the massive barbarian pursuing the woman atop his mount.

He’ll be madder than a quiller until he gets his horse back. Lucien grimaced. Knowing he’d have to stay close so Mardichi didn’t throttle her.

Mera kicked the horse into a headlong pace through the trees. Only pulling rein when another mounted knight entered her path. Mead skid, piling dirt clots until it’s huffing chest bumped the man’s roan.

Lucien had managed to keep pace enough to get a look at him. Acharius.

His cape billowed in the breeze. So still, he was nearly ethereal in his utter silence. Bright blue eyes assessing her. Blonde hair surrounded his slim face.

“What are you, people?”

“May I assist you down, lady?” He slid from his mount to walk to her.

“What is all this about?” She allowed his help. Smiling sweetly.

“Our Captain asked us collect you and escort you to safety.”

“To what end?”

“Whichever of us tames your wild spirit keeps it as their own.” He shrugged. Dismissing his charade at being chivalrous now that she was dismounted.

Lucien sensed the fury boiling under her skin at his words.

“And why am I to be a prize?”

He laughed softly. “You’re important, My Lady. There are precious few women like you left so each must be protected by one of us.”

A knight.

Her brow furrowed.

“My Captain feared if you were to be touched by the hands of Radix Malorum you wouldn’t favor the Fogdragon.”

Did he?

“Your words are only confusing me more…Fogdragon?”

Don’t tell her, Viking. Lucien willed. Cringing when he did.

“A knight. A nickname the townspeople favor.” Acharius explained.

“And what do they call you, knight?”

The moonlight brightened his clothing and glinted of his toothy grin. “I’m not from here, Lady. My name is Acharius of the Red.”

“Of the red? Would someone make some sense!” Her brow furrowed.

“Come, my lady. We’ve much to speak of.” He turned, assuming she’d follow.

She yelped and Acharius spun back to her. “What’s amiss?”

Nothing. Don’t buy it. Lucien shook his head again.

“I’ve turned my ankle!”

The hell she has.

When Acharius reached to help her, she stepped into him and lifted a hard knee into his groin.

Ouch. Lucien winced for him.

Acharius dropped to a knee and cradled himself as she turned and remounted Mead. He caught at her ankle moving at incredible speed.

She gasped but promptly kicked him in the face.

Just as Mardichi charged through the trees to join them.

Acharius grunted, clutching his face as he stumbled back a few steps. “Vile Wench!”

“Yea, she is!” Mardichi agreed as she reined Mead and sent him into a gallop through the dark. “Don’t hurt me steed!” Mardichi called after her.

Spurring the mount, Mera flew through the woods at a perilous speed.

Be careful. Lucien was tempted to lurch from the trees and catch Mead’s rein to slow her but decided it was best to let her run and stay with her as she gave the beast its head in the hopes it’d find some semblance of a road.

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