FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter Who Comes After You

“She told me she would pay me to train her.” Amusement tinged his voice as he eyed the pretty black hair tinged with red before him.

“I bet you laughed at that?”

“I did.” Mardichi said arrogantly. “She was far too tiny. And too adorable to threaten anyone. Huge green eyes and a tiny pointed face.”

The girl before him glowered at the rope encircling her wrists.

“Both of which were impossible to forget.” He whispered before continuing more loudly. “So, when I saw her in the Iron Hide Tavern the next night staring me down, I knew what she was after. And again, at the inn the following eve. It did not take long to realize she would continue to follow me until I relented. It was clear she was trying to work up the courage to offer me the only thing she had left to offer.”

“That’s not true.” The Raven expostulated. “I was just trying to find another way to persuade you.”

“This is my tale. He asked me.” Mardichi dismissed her. “Now cease. Or I’ll gag you.”

I’m deliberately baiting her. He could admit it to himself, but his face was calculated boredom.

Norris was looking from one to the other. “You trained her.”

“Eventually.” Mardichi murmured. “She told me a man had killed her brother and she needed to learn to fight to avenge him.”

“So, you trained her. You have always been a sucker for vengeance.” Norris nodded grudgingly. “And you grew fond of the little whelp.”

Raven’s nose curled, and she turned that withering look on Norris again.

“I grew more than fond. She was vicious.” His hand caressed over her forearm down to grip her fist. Outlining it with his larger one. “Full of piss and fire. I had never wanted one more.”

“Are you talking about desiring a woman?”


“I have never heard you speak about one like that afore.”

“That’s because this one was special.”

“Only because I left you!” She exploded. Jerking her shoulders as she tried to pull her fist from his grip but only succeeded in dislodging herself form her seat. Nearly falling from the horse had it not been for his quick grip setting her strait again.

“Disappeared.” He corrected. “You disappeared. No goodbye. No thank you. Just poof.” He gestured with a hand.

“And you mourned desperately.” She said waspishly over her shoulder.

“I did.”

“Oh,” Her brows shot up. “Did you cry yourself to sleep?”

“Rock hard. Yes.”

She glowered and began ferociously tugging at the rope on the saddle until the knot binding her wrists to it loosened enough she could leap from the horse. Nearly flying off it. She landed on her side and leapt to her feet in an explosion of motion. Taking off running.

Mardichi smiled as he watched. Unmoving.

“You did that apurpose.” Norris accused.

Mardichi shrugged.

“You are a terrible human.” He shook his head. “How far are you going to let her get?”

“About…” He paused, leaning on the horn of his saddle as he watched her leap a fallen log and dodging low branches. “There.” He heeled his stallion and the animal closed in on her in only a few lopes. Mardichi leaned low behind her and caught her by the back of the waistband. Hauling her up before him. While she screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Well,” Norris called to him. “The bandits ought to know well where we are now.”

“Good.” Mardichi grinned. “I want to meet this one’s,” he nodded to the girl. “mate.”

“I have no mate.” She jabbed a backward elbow into his ribs hard enough to illicit a satisfying grunt from the giant.

“We’ll see who comes running after you.” He rubbed his side.

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