FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter The One Who Knows Her

When his body finally cooled, he returned to the ballroom. Jolting to a stop in the doorway as he saw Ebony now in the arms of Sir Nightingale, dancing.

Rage wound through him. Why is she back in his arms?

He wove close enough to hear their discussion.

“I like an obedient woman.” Nightingale murmured to her.

As if telling her how she should behave for him.

She’s certainly not the woman for you! She’s anything but.

“Oh.” She nearly choked out the sound. Trying hard to stamp down disgust.

Rhyers took a seat near the refreshments table. Close enough to hear. He snorted in amusement.

No jealousy now. I’ll let him be his own undoing. Where he’s going with this conversation will be enough to cool her ardor.

And she’ll return to me when she wants it warmed again. His green eyes burned with intensity as he watched the pair from the seats.

Ebony’s eyes shot to where he sat.

She’d never be able to obey. She loves to challenge a man…Mainly me.

Unfortunately. He feigned plucking at bits of lint on his overcoat. But he was listening. Intently.

Sir Nightingale pressed on with his desires. “I’d love a woman as tiny as you. I hope that your needlework is as fine as your figure. An asset to my household. I like fine things.” He fingered her ribcage lovingly.

Trying to casually slide his grip closer to her breast.

Rhyers’ head fell back as he chortled, trying to suppress the sound. But not bothering to disguise his humor. She hates comments on her curves. Thinking a man shallow to say so.

And her embroidering is appalling. Like a half-blind child.

Ebony’s face darkened in his direction. “I do like a man who knows what he wants.” She cooed up at Nightingale.

Rhyers laughter stopped abruptly. Green eyes landing in on her. Do you?

I want you. Little Ebony Marshall.

And you’re as good as mine. You just don’t know it yet.

“I do know what I want.” Sir Nightingale murmured to her. Voice dropping as his eyes roamed to her low-cut décolletage.

Rhyers’ bared teeth. Jaw ticking. Unable to hide the signs of his ire. Don’t say it.

“I enjoy talking with you.” She murmured affectionately.

He’s not talking about speaking.

“And I, you. It’s nice to speak to a woman who has enough sense to listen to a man.” Nightingale murmured. Still intent on the rise of her bosom.

Filth. Rhyers’ fists clenched and he sat up in his chair. Listen. The only man Ebony ever listened to her was her big brother. You’d know that slime if you bothered to ask a thing about her.

Ebony glanced over and noticed he appeared fit to eat a live baby.

“Ah.” She said. Turning to put herself between Rhyers’ and Nightingale.

To avoid my mocking. And my rage.

I’m not so easily cast aside.

She started when she felt Rhyers’ hand suddenly slipping around the curve of her hip as he stepped to her side.

“I like a woman who enjoys nurturing a garden of herbs.” He whispered against her right cheek.

Which she does.

“Who has enough self-respect to not let a man tell her how to behave.” He slowly began to slide behind her as if walking by. Still whispering along her neck. “Who speaks her mind, makes her own choices and enjoys challenging a man.” His eyes were intent on Nightingale. But his posture and the look on his face told the other man he was staking his claim.

Nightingale released her hands and took a quick step back. “I thought she was just your ward?”

She was.

But she won’t be.

“So, she is.” He tilted his head to the side in such a way it said otherwise.

If you challenge me, I’ll destroy you. Rhyers gave him a long threatening look.

Nightingale saw it for what it was. Clearing his throat nervously, he rounded and walked away.

Run, Little Boy.

Once he was gone, Ebony turned on him. “How dare you!” She pointed a finger up at him. Vibrating with a fury which made her eyes spark and lips quiver.

I could kiss away every fragment of rage in her. The thought had his insides jerking in response.

“How dare I what?” He forced his face bored. Crossing his arms over his chest, and pressing her back.

Tell me what I dare, Little Beauty.

You have no idea how far I’ll go.

“Bring up all these things about me as though you know me intimately!”

“Ebony.” He sighed boredly. “I do know you intimately.”

“Not in the way you were implying!” She argued.


“I could.” He dropped his arms and gave her a vicious look.

“No you couldn’t.” She spat. But there was a hint of fear in her high voice.

Couldn’t I?

He gave her a half smile. “Are you challenging me?”

“What if I am?” To his surprise she leaned forward. Chin jutting up until her nose nearly reached his as he leaned down to look at her.

“Sweetheart, you’re not even in the same weight class as me.”

“What does that mean?”

He shook his head. Eyes not leaving her. It means, Little Beauty, you challenged the wrong animal.

Whilst he’s hungry for a feast. His grin was wolfish.

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