FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter TEVERIUS - I Won't Seek Her


“Teverius!” The Captain barked chidingly.

Teverius cringed inwardly. I didn’t intend to keep it a secret. I didn’t consider her as relevant to our cause.

“I didn’t think of her as a potential as an ally.” He explained.

Deragan gave him a chiding look.

He’s right though. I should’ve.

“You need to speak to her for us.”

“It’s likely not a good idea for I to go. She’s currently quite unhappy with me.”

Deragan looked at him askance. “She hunts immortal creatures. Do you think it prudent to send another Knight in your stead to speak to her? To try and recruit her?”

No. She won’t react well.

She doesn’t like anyone she doesn’t know speaking to her.

“Teverius. It will be you.” Deragan was taking on the authoritive tone of the alpha.

I hate when he takes that tone. I don’t have a choice. The air seeped out of him.

“You know her, you know the land, you know how to reach her and to sway her.”

That doesn’t mean she’ll listen to me.

“Perhaps it isn’t a good idea. She can be hard to…Manage.”

To put it mildly.

Deragan’s blue eyes luminesced.

He’s irritated with me.

The swell of power rising off the alpha was nearly stifling. Dangerous.

Deragan leaned over him. “Figure. Out. How. To manage her.” He straightened. Giving Tev room to breathe. “Before Radix does.” Deragan started to walk away.

“I-” Tev started in a small voice only to be cut off.

“You,” Deragan rounded with a pointed finger and descended the few steps he’d walked. “should’ve done it a long time ago. You left her in danger! Left her to be recruited to Radix. If you knew she could hunt demons, knew she was unique you should’ve been protecting her!”

Tev felt a dump of shame. I was.

I’d thought it more in her best interest to protect her from afar.

“This,” Deragan’s voice dropped warningly. “you do for your brotherhood.”

“She may try to kill me.”

“Then perhaps you should’ve made more effort sooner!” Deragan dismissed walking off.

I know he cares about us like his Brothers. But today he was wrathful enough to take a bite out of me.

Tev knew that what the Captain said was true. I should’ve considered earlier her value to the Knights.

He’s upset because I kept things from him. And upset because I held a valuable piece of the puzzle.

Deragan’s voice cut like a whip as he didn’t even bother to turn around. Commanding attention with his sheer power. “Whatever it is you’re so afraid of, Little Brother, it is time you face it. Bring that woman here.”

What am I afraid of?

Her. Was the immediate answer.


And he began his walk back to the Netherlands. More willing to go seek her out then to stew on that particular question.

A few nights later found Teverius in the shape of the panther again. Roaming the woods searching for Serdephe...

I doubt she’ll much want to see me since she has Luca. Teverius’ white hair ruffled. He stepped carefully, certain not to break twigs. A disgruntled growl escaped him.

He walked the path he knew well. I promised myself I would no longer seek her out.

She has a lover.

Despite all those promises to himself here he was. Shaking his heavy white head and snarling. Had he been in human form he’d have spit on the idea.

Years ago, Tev had met Eleanor, the fey woman. That dark beauty had possessed all his confidences. And in return she’d snubbed me for my immortality. Calling my duties as a knight, ridiculous fancy.

Once she’d found out what he really was, she’d spurned his attentions. And never spoke to me again.

That brutal romance had made him shy even further from the light. Isolating himself in the hut in the trees and his telescope watching the stars.

Then the Elven had taken him in. Taking him under the Netherlands ground, where they preferred to reside. Their king had been cruel and violent against his people in the underground chambers he commanded.

Tev had confronted him and the young king had decided to fight. Tev had won and injured him. Not understanding that meant that he replaced the king. The elven do not believe in inherited thrones. They believe in the strong ruling.

His ability to see in the dark had allowed him to live comfortably amongst the reclusive people. Their closeness reminding him of the Forever Knights. But eventually his yearning for daylight drove him back to the surface.

He knew where Serdephe hunted once dark fell. It’s almost that way now.

She’ll be out.

I’d rather tame a poisonous viper then talk with her now. He stalked over branches and in his irritation, failed at his usual stealth.

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