FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Who's Quandary

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


Elsabet was changing into the long silver tunic she favored. Adorned with blue and pink flowers and blue trim. She tugged it over her head as Quandary waited for her. Resting on the rug in her chamber.

“I know he’s not faithful. You know he’s not.” She gestured wildly. “He isn’t the sort of beast that can be held by a woman.” She mimicked a fist. “He’d never let a woman leash him.” She smoothed the gown.

Whose she convincing? Me or herself. Sebastian thought bitterly. Eyes narrowing on her as he badly wanted to object to what she said.

He eventually rose. Leaning back to stretch his shoulders. Rolling them forward in a smooth motion to ease the stiffness from lying down. Too many years in battle. He thought.

“He wants a woman in his bed here. And countless out there!” She gestured wildly around.

The Hell I do. Quandary rumbled giving her a quick look. Just you in my bed.

He began pacing by the fire as she became more animated.

“He’s some fine qualities but his need to toy with women, with me, is far from them. I’d be a fool to think he doesn’t talk to every wisping hair the same as me! Lathing on the honey as though we’re nothing more than tutelage girls, when he just wants under a skirt.”

Under your skirt! He tossed his head again. Pacing faster.

She watched him. “What’s wrong with you?”

He looked at her steadily. You!

He was highly tempted to turn into the man just to send her into a wild tirade and perhaps make her feel the smallest flicker of remorse for what she was saying. It’s damnably insulting! And somewhat…Hurtful. He admitted to himself.

His gold eyes reflected the firelight, steady on her as he wove back and forth.

“Quandary?” She asked with a frown. “Are you okay?”

Hell no, I’m not!

Cease insulting me!

A few hours later, Elsabet was in the library with Quandary at her feet.

Enjoying the heat of the fireplace.

She sat in the great red and gold chair staring into the dancing lights. “The flames seem endless here. No fire ever goes out.” She leafed through the volume in her lap.

Still trying to find the book once more. He knew.

Quandary’s short ears perked. Drawing her eye. He rose smoothly and strode from the room.

She knew he patrolled the castle corridors every so often so this wasn’t unusual.

Bast soon entered, annoyance heavy in his voice. “When will you give that a rest?” He gestured to the book. Slumping into his blue chair.

“You’re in a fine mood, I see.” She gave him a slow assessment. “I miss Quandary already.”

Oh, I bet you do. His gaze narrowed on her. And he lifted the small crystal lid of his nut jar. Letting it click as it dropped back into place. Again. And again.

“When will you cease looking for ways to kill me?”

“You’re the one who keeps saying I want to kill you. I’ve said no such thing in much time.”

He paused. Mulling it over. True. Actually.

“Then why do you keep looking for the book?”

It’s tucked right at face level. Where you’re the least likely to look.

Unless Calisto helps you again. He frowned as he stopped clicking the little lid and slid the decanter from behind her chair to work the stop.

“Because I want to know how you got to be so powerful. And where this castle is! And why it’s here.”

I could tell you all of that!” He leapt from his chair to give her a hard look. Decanter still in hand. “Why in Ardae would you not just ask me that?”

Her brows shot up her forehead. “How much of that have you had tonight?” Her gaze slid to the decanter in his hands.

Not nearly bloody enough.

None. Damn you.

“None.” He grumbled. Frowning at it as if seeing it for the first time. “If I had, perhaps I’d not be in such a bloody dreadful mood.”

“Why are you so damnably unpleasant today?”

Because you’re so damnably difficult. All. The. Time.

“Because you won’t simply surrender and crawl back into my bed.”

She gasped in outrage. “Why in Ardae would I do that!”

Why in Ardae wouldn’t you?

“Because it was pleasant. Because I’m warm. Because I’m dearly fond of you and want you there!”

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