FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Messages From Lucien

Aboard the FireStar, LandingTown, Igonox


Sebastian was just dropping anchor as they drew port in LandingTown, Igonox, when he felt something bump the side of the FireStar. Brows shooting up he peered over the bow to see green motion rising just under the surface.

“A glider?” He murmured.

His first mate, Boy, approached him. “What’s that?”

A Green Glider. A messenger.

“One of Lucien’s pets.”


“Have them ready the sails.” Bast told him. Before slapping back down the boarding dock and striding to where the water rose nearly over the path of boards. He lowered to his knees and reached in the water.

Closing his eyes he sent a surge through it. Come to me, Friend.

The glider peered blue eyes from the water before slowly rising enough his heavy spiked scales were visible. Long tail swishing slowly to keep him afloat.

“What’s your message, Friend?”

It groaned heavily. Seeping blue light emerged from around its skull, gathering into a ball that floated to Sebastian.

Lucien’s voice. Tell Deragan there’s a woman, a Huntress, who preys on demonkind. She is an asset to the Knights we need to find her. One of us already knows her. A purple haired creature.

Purple hair? Bast reared back. A Dread girl?

The message was short. Gliders can only carry so much energy.

Bast gave the giant reptile a slow stroke down its long-pointed snout. Making it rumble in a purr as he thanked it.

He shouted to Boy for some fresh stock fish.

Boy tossed him a couple.

Bast fed the beast and gave its nose a quick pat in thanks.

It rumbled and turned a lazy circle before taking off at impressive speed.

Lucien often used gliders to communicate when at the Isle since it was generally too far for Bast to hear his thoughts. Unless a particularly foggy eve over the Peril Sea.

Bast had been looking forward to going home to see his girls. So much for that.

After a visit to the Captain.

This ought to be interesting.

Deragan wouldn’t take the news well since it offered very little information.

Bast gave Boy directions to unload and deliver Southeast into Warwood. Into Warlock Grove. Where Alazareth will pick it up and take it up Meadow Mountain.

After that, Bast turned. Sighing heavily, he headed straight south toward Grier. Deragan isn’t going to like this.

He was already dreading this conversation.

There’s not enough information to act on. He groaned.

Why is it always me that must give him bad news? Uh. He told himself to cease his moping and get there and done so he could head back to WaterRose.

To Els and my daughter.

But when Bast arrived in WaterRose he found Elsabet not awaiting him in the Library as she often did. Despite pretending not to be.

Instead she was sitting in the dark parlor. The drapes drawn.

Uh oh.

He entered warily and slinked around the divan to get a look at her face in the firelight.

Her profile was solemn. Chin resting in the palm of the hand which was balanced via an elbow on the divan arm. She wasn’t acknowledging him.

But she knows I’m here.

“Elsabet?” He said softly.

She turned her head to him. Letting her arm flop down.

“What have I done now?”

I’m clearly in trouble.

For what?

“Did you intend to ever tell me?”

Oh, shit. His stomach dropped. What haven’t I told her?

He racked his brain. Did I do anything I shouldn’t have?

Did I go anywhere that would’ve upset her?

I haven’t seen Dorena in years. He could think of nothing.

Giving her a confused headshake, he held his hands out helplessly. “Might I have a hint?”


“Oh. Ohh…” His mouth stayed in an ‘o’ as his blue-green eyes went huge. He tilted his head sideways away from her. Not wanting to look directly at the betrayal written over her.

“I didn’t want to ruin it.” He grimaced.

That’s going to start a fight. It was the wrong thing to say.

“Ruin what? Playing me for a fool?”

He shook his head adamantly. “Not in the least.” He chewed his cheek. “Offering you comfort.”

“Why not come and do that as you?”

He paused and edged closer. Is she going to explode?

“Because you often let him closer to you then you let me. You’re not afraid to be vulnerable in-front of him.”

“I’ve been vulnerable in-front of you.” She argued. Obvious pain on her face.

“I shouldn’t have done it.” His gaze fell. “I should’ve told you. But I…”

How do I explain?

“You knew I’d be upset.” She supplied.

He nodded. Looking at her hopefully. I don’t know if she’s going to forgive me for this.

He eased onto the far edge of the divan. Wondering if she’d kick him off and tell him to leave. “Is apologizing appropriate?” He queried anxiously.

“It would be a nice start.” She looked at him with hollow blue eyes.

“I’m sorry.” He said sincerely. “Not for being Quandary and being your friend or being close to you. But for lying to you and for hurting you. That’s the last thing I wanted.” His shoulders slumped.


“Yes?” He sat a little straighter. His expression pained. “I can’t ever have you keep something from me again.”

“Yes, Elsabet.” He agreed.

Her trust is tenuous and precious, and I’ve hurt it.

“I value what little trust you have in me.” He winced.

And I know what I’ve just done to it.

“I have a huge amount of trust invested in you actually.” She sounded heartbroken. “But I never shall if you ever again lie to me.”

“I won’t.” He shook his head methodically.

Never again.

But he understood this was not forgiveness.

She’s going to get madder before she moves on. It’s her way. And he was already dreading that.

He walked quietly from the room. Sensing she needed her space to grieve what he’d done to her.

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