FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter SAVAGE JAXSON - Barter Queen

Blue Lark Guild, Dread Hideout


“Unload them here.” Dimurah was directing three surly assassins unloading heavy casks of ale. She pointed to the back of the alehouse on the narrow deck. Stack them against the structure she nodded to indicate.

“What else did you bring me?” She demanded of them with all the authority of royalty.

Good. She is queen of this realm. Savage stood quietly in the courtyard a distance away so he could watch her work. Arms and legs crossed as he leaned against a pillar.

“She really is rather remarkable.” Phalanx murmured from next to him. “They’ve been bringing in goods from the Grier Trader’s Market all sevennight and she’s been moving them out as fast as they arrive. And you won’t believe the coin she’s getting for them.”

“Whose she selling them to?” Savage was curious. Hoping she wasn’t turning around and letting royalty get their hands on the goods he stole.

I took them because I don’t want royalty to have them.

“Nope.” Phalanx shook her head. “She has each village nominating representatives and she only works with them. They collect coin from their village so they can buy bigger stores and she can move higher levels of goods. Fairly clever really.”

Representatives? He grunted proudly.

“She is rather ingenious.”

A very clever girl, indeed. You should see her play chess.

“Yea.” Phalanx nodded. “I can see why you’re fascinated.” There was admiration in his tone.

Savage gave him a long look. “As long as you don’t see too clearly.”

“If I started to see that clearly,” Phalanx lifted his hands in surrender. “I’d ensure I go blind.”

The hell you would. But Savage didn’t question his loyalty.

“Smart man.” Savage grunted.

That night, Dimurah entered his tent.

Does she know I’m here? He’d elected not to bother her earlier as it was obvious, she was preparing for the Undermarket Trades the following morning.

I’d thought to let her work, then let her rest and wake her early tomorrow to spend some time with me before having to open Winter Haven for the evening.

The Blue Lark was typically nearly abandoned during daylight hours.

Assassins are not typically creatures of light. So he enjoyed rising early and having the courtyard and structures relatively to himself. It gave him peace to full inspect the fortress and the outside walls.

He watched Dimurah stopping near his bed. Leaning down she lit the lone candle resting on the ground near his bedroll.

She reached back and unlaced her green dress. Tugging at them impatiently.

Well, this is getting interesting…When he would’ve moved to help her, the gown slipped down her shoulders and slid the ground in a pile.

She doesn’t know I’m here. He realized.

She sleeps naked when I’m away. A dangerous game. He looked at the tent flap and worried that it was all that protected her while he was gone.

No. He registered. She’d have her guards posted outside my tent. Impulsive yes, fool no.

He looked at her shapely back. Curving down from the womanly rounded shoulders. Arrowing to her slim waist before flaring slightly into her slim hips. And her toned legs.

She works hard. And her body revealed it.

It wasn’t the figure of one of Grier’s fine ladies.

I’d have her no other way.

She lifted the blanket, unaware it rested over him and she slid in. Scooting back and gasping when she met hot flesh.

You’re not the only one sleeping naked in this bed tonight. He chuckled.

“Hello, Murah.”

She lurched forward and peered over her shoulder. “When did you get here?”

Only a few hours ago.

“Better question.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her tight to him. “How often are you sleeping thus in my bed when I’m away?”

She frowned. Hating to admit it, she murmured. “Often.”

I like that. More so, if it weren’t so dangerous.

At least I know Phalanx will protect her. He’d die before he let anyone harm her.

“So now while I’m away I’ll be forced to consider the possibility there’s a gorgeous, nude woman in my bedroll while I’m not there.”

“Perhaps you should be there more often.” She said softly.

Oh, no. I’m not fighting with you. He held his silence.

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