FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter Rhyers' Condition

Why hasn’t he told me? Why does she know that?

And he studied this girl more intently. Rhyers trusts her.

“Well, how long have you been friends?” She blinked at him, gesturing to the man between them. “He mentions it often.”

“Maybe to you!” Sebastian’s voice was shrill, and he was gesturing wildly.

Perhaps he’d confide more if I had a pair of plump breasts. He thought in annoyance. This would’ve been good for me to know before you were injured, Old Friend. He was glaring at Rhyers’ unconscious form in annoyance.

How have I known you so long and never known this?

Bast calmed realizing the truth. He never told me because he wanted someone to know, that wouldn’t question his ability to battle. Bast drew a steadying breath as understanding dawned.

This is why Deragan always used him to scout in-front and behind but tried to keep him from direct battle. He knew…

“Move out of my way.” She barked. Waving a hand for him to get.

She’s dismissing me?

“You’re a most awful woman. Not the endearing chit he speaks of.”

She tossed him a surprised look.

“You are awful.” He confirmed in answer to her questioning look. Not understanding it was that Rhyers spoke fondly of her that surprised her.

“What manner of friend are you, that you’d bring him here rather than a hospital? Seems an unsavory friend, indeed.” Her eyes slitted on him. “Did you do this?”

I would do this to him! What’s wrong with you?

“You accuse me of being a poor friend?” He growled. Tossing his head like a wild animal. Eyes flaring gold.

I go out of my way to protect all my brothers and you accuse me of being a poor friend? He wanted to choke her.

“I most certainly didn’t do this to him! And I only brought him here because for some reason, entirely unknown to me, he asked to come here of all places.”

She paused. Gaze roving Rhyers’ face in fear. “What happened to him?”

“He-he.” Bast thought a moment, caught unawares by the worry marring her face. “He was mugged. A few alley’s over.”

“And you did nothing?” She leaned up to point at him.

I somehow knew that’s exactly where she’d go with this.

“Me? You’re doing nothing now!” He charged. “Shouldn’t you be holding him, or bandaging him or cleaning him or something caregiving and womanly?”

Anything other than annoyingly chiding me?

“You are a most horrible man!”

“You’re the worst woman I’ve ever met.” He shouted back. “And that’s saying something! I’ve known some awful ones!”

“Move him to the settee.” She lurched back on her knees. Gesturing for Bast lift him.

Grunting at her orders, Bast hefted his friend as gingerly as he could.

Ebony fled to the kitchen to get a bucket from the fire and a rag. Running back so carelessly she sloshed water throughout the foyer.

She leaned over Rhyers, tugging what remained of his shirt and coat loose. Looking at his face to see if she harmed him.

His long dark lashes rested against his cheeks. White powder smudged his face.

Bast touched her thoughts and heard her thinking Rhyers wasn’t the same man she knew without his lively green eyes and teasing voice.

She’s petrified.

Every bit as scared as I was when I found I couldn’t get the bleeding to stop. He softened.

She swallowed hard and her hands trembled as she reached out to wash Rhyers’ wound. Gasping when she realized how deep it was.

It’s only her fear for him making her so nasty. I’m an easy target right now.

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