FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter Princess in a Tavern

NightVille, Nightway

“Not the tavern.” He urged. Whispering to his stallion. “Don’t be going to the tavern. Not alone.”

She’s not that foolish.

He followed the small hoofprints right up to the swinging front door of the Bull’s Eye Tavern. Dammit.

Groaning fiercely, Alazar hitched Knight as a soft evening snowfall began. Tossing heavy flakes along his armor. It’s probably cold too. But he couldn’t feel it right now.

He could hear jaunty music playing from inside the full tavern. Hear the robust stomping and laughter of a lively crowd of men. He took off his helmet and set it atop his saddle horn.

Don’t be in there. He willed her.

Despite that he was now dead certain she would be.

How many assassins need to kill you before you simply offer yourself to the whole lot of them? He thought bitterly.

What’s wrong with her?

What would inspire her this was a good idea in the black of night?

The twang of a lute floated out. A man was singing a robust hunting song about a stuck boar.

As Alazar entered he saw the crowd forming a ring around the man that was singing. A loud redheaded man standing two heads taller than any other in the room.

Mardichi? Alazar wasn’t sure he’d ever heard the barbarian sing before. He’s actually not bad.

Apparently, the crowd thought so as well.

Mardichi was turning laughing circles as he sang the song that was more a comedic tale.

The lute strummed from behind and to the right of Alazar. He glanced over his shoulder and then looked again.


Riaura was sitting atop a table. Her feet resting on a chair drawn below it. Strumming the lute artfully. Her hair was up in a high ponytail wound with strands of it atop her head. Streaming down her back in long gold strands. She gave him a huge grin. Green eyes watching him from under hooded lids.

She wore a green riding dress with a brown peasant’s skirt over it. So only the buttoned-up top was visible. And what looked like green breeches peered from beneath the rough skirt. Brown leather boots laced up tapped to her music.

Did she meet Mardichi here? Why is Mardichi here?

She won’t speak to me, but she’ll come here. Putting herself in danger? Disgusted he turned to wait outside. Bent on sitting and watching over the tavern until she was ready to go home.

I’ll not let harm come to her. Despite that she’d clearly have me dead.

But as he twisted toward the door her legs shot out and her heels hooked his metal-clad hips. He lifted his arm to look at the leather boots digging him in confusion. He turned slowly to give her a withering look.

“Where are you going?” She lifted a huge tankard of ale and took a heavy drink.

“Outside to wait for you to finish this fool’s errand.”

“How about you stay instead?” She yanked with her heels drawing him back a large step as he caught his balance. She let her feet fall back to the chair they were balanced on. As she leaned forward, tilting her head invitingly.

She’s had too much to drink. He knew that look on her.

“Stop, Ri.” He said softly. Looking around.

“I’m queen, I stop when I want.” She leaned so far forward she was near to toppling the table. It was teetering on its front legs precariously.

It’s going to tip over and send her flying over that chair and across the floor.

“Or have you forgotten?” She insisted. Green eyes vicious.

“Oh, I haven’t forgotten anything.” He instantly thought of the steel blade under his jaw.

She straightened and her head lifted. Knowing instantly what he talked about. But the sudden movement was enough to jostle the table. As he’d anticipated it reared up on the far side.

He kicked it and caught the edge with a boot that sent it back flat, the same time he caught her waist and slid her further back on it to keep it level.

Her lips whitened at the contact. “There you are.”

“I never went anywhere.”

“Oh, yes you have…” There was a dangerous note in her voice.

“Is this knight bothering you, Birdie?” A stalky man asked. Sounding a little nervous even as he drew protectively close. Staring up at Alazar’s height he paled a little.

Bit off more than you can chew, Little Man? Alazar met his gaze unblinkingly until the man backed up. And when Alazar’s gaze didn’t flicker he finally turned and left. Only then did he return his attention to Riaura.

“Birdie?” He frowned at her.

“They say I sing like a Night Cardinal.”

I’ve never heard you sing.

“How often have you been coming here?” His brow knitted.

“It’s my reprieve.”

“It’s a great way to bait out all your assassins…” Derision entered his voice.

“Come on, Alazar, My Boy.” Mardichi slapped his shoulders. “Lighten up on the lass. I’ve been ‘ere the las’ few nights watchin’ over ’er. And she can quite handle ’er own.”

You should’ve never allowed a lady to be in here to begin with! Alazar was aggravated with him. Still half-wondering if she’d been meeting him.

Surely not!

Riaura was nodding.

“You shouldn’t be here.” He growled at her. Not looking at Mardichi.

Mardichi was never one to be ignored though. “What’s wrong with ye, Lad?” Mardichi caught his shoulder and turned him.

Alazar’s eyes flicked yellow with a slitted pupil as he stared up at the bigger man. Half ready to gouge him.

“Why ye, annoye’ with me?” Mardichi was taken aback.

“You can see what she is.” Alazar gestured to her. “But you said nothing about her being in a tavern in the middle of the night.”

“I ten’ ta let grown lasses do as they wish. I’ve found ’tis better than tryna tell ‘em wha’ no’ ta do.”

Riaura was looking at Alazar meaningfully. “Perhaps you should listen to him.”

Perhaps I should kick his legs out from under him.

Seeing Alazar's thunderous expression,Mardichi tossed his hands. “I know that look!” He gave them his back. “’Ave at ’er.”

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