FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter Plotting Rebels

She climbed to her feet, eyes locked on him as she stepped sideways to the door and shouted. “Guards!”

Only now realizing I saw through her little ruse.

The NightGuard arrived. Jacob held a set of manacles. Giving him a questioning look. The others were behind him. Just as tentative.

Alazar lowered his head.

Jacob clicked on the restraints.

All the while Alazar offered her a vicious smile.

“What do you know that I do not?” She asked.

He laughed roughly.

Another knight tied the blindfold over him. And grabbed his arm to lead him through the forest.

They had to rush through the trees and marshes to get back to the castle before it was full dark.

Alazar heard the bridge lowering for their approach.

A messenger rushed out to meet Riaura. “My queen, Lord Danbury is seizing again. We can’t get it to abate this time.”

She leapt from her mare. Handing over Ingenious’ rein to Jacob.

“Tell Greius that he’s to begin ministrations on the prisoner as soon as possible. I want to know everything he does by nightfall tomorrow. Also, warn Greius that he is uncommonly strong and highly dangerous.” She tossed over her shoulder as she went in.

“Yes, My Queen.”

Riaura rushed to the guest chamber Charles had been residing in. After they’d been engaged, Charles had begun visiting more frequently and was now too ill to leave. Running to the bed, she clutched his spasming body. Offering all the comfort she could. Dismissing the gawking nurses, she cradled him as she whispered soothingly. Helpless to do more than that as foam erupted from his mouth.

It was many hours before he was calm again. From there, he fell straight to sleep.

She lay by his side until dawn. Rising to go to her chamber to get a few hours of sleep before beginning the writing of the dictates, rushing out to oversee the feeding of the horses and check on the churning of the butter followed by meetings with her council.

They didn’t come bearing good news. “Another woman has disappeared.” Lockwood advised.

“Another one was burned on a pier last night.”

“But we do have a tidbit of good news,” Lockwood offered optimistically. “The Rebels haven’t attacked in over a fortnight.”

Riaura chewed her lip. “That may not be a good thing. What are they working up toward? Are they stockpiling reserves? Building weapons?”

“I don’t know?” Lockwood blinked. “I’ll do what I can to find out.”

“Quickly.” She urged. “I believe we may be attacked tonight.”

Many of the council members leapt to their feet. “Nightway, your highness?” They queried.

She gave a slight nod.

“What do you suggest, my queen?” Another asked.

“Additional sentries at the bridge. Prepared soldiers in the courtyard.”

“Done, your highness.” They scattered to order as she’d directed.

Time dragged excruciatingly for Alazar. I’m going to throttle her. Wring her neck until she understands the full consequence of all she’s done! And failed to do!

He was secured in the dungeon as night fell like a black veil over the land.

She’s going to pay for her betrayal! He rattled his chains angrily.

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