FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter Kittens & Serpents

Blissfully unaware of his sister’s constant nightmares, Marcus was having the best dream. Currently in the arms of a scantily clad maid who taught him things he’d only previously imagined. Her caresses so heavy they bordered on rough. Her arms strung around his neck as she hung heavily on him.

Moaning contentedly he felt the subtle touch of her tongue in his ear. The only thing ruining the sensual mood was the coarseness of her skin. Feeling strangely dry and scaly.

Opening his eyes in confusion, he was further disconcerted that the sense of something rubbing against him hadn’t ended. The realization hit like a dousing with ice water. Eyes wide, he lifted the blanket to peer under and saw the rising humps of something writhing over him.

Breathing shallowly he slowly lifted his body into a sitting position against the wall moving his legs as minimally as possible. Grabbing William’s cherished candleholder, he tipped it toward the bed to brighten the darkness and yanked the blanket back.

Profanity poured from his mouth as he registered a huge serpent huddled in his bed. He watched it until certain it didn’t intend to circle him. Seeing the brownish patching over bright green scales, he recognized it as a Bone Breaker, one of the massive serpents typically found in Dread Country.

Finally stroking a thick coil, resulted in a head emerging from somewhere near his hip to slide up and rest in his lap. Encompassing the width of his hips between its flat snout and pinpoint ears. Shining black eyes stared up at him. Marcus’ gaze was fixed on it. And he tentatively reached to stroke that slick forehead and down the squared nose.

When his heart slowed and breathing regulated he relaxed and looked up. Startled to meet the glowing gazes of countless eyes.

Straightening the candleholder, he gave his eyes a moment to adjust.

“Ohh...” He murmured in dread. Tossing William’s sleeping profile a nervous glance. Looking back at all the eyes, his shoulders hunkered. He whispered urgently despite his better judgement. “William. William.”

His brother flopped onto his back groaning. “What?”

“Brother…Sit up.”

William lurched to a sitting position.

“What’s on my bed?” He demanded, blinking blearily. Kicking wildly under his blanket, William managed to catch something and flick it roughly against a wall.

A hissing screech was his response.

“Was that a cat?” He demanded looking at Marcus who sat stiffly. “You let a cat in the house?”

“I don’t know...” Marcus said hesitantly.

Before he could say more, William snapped. “Why are you touching my candleholder? You know I hate that! I’ve told you not-I’m going to-”

“William.” Marcus interrupted and gestured around the room.

Following his gaze, William managed to flip his feet under him and stand on his pillow, pressing himself against the wall as if he intended to dissolve into it. Voice quivering he asked. “Where the Hell did they come from?”

“They’re cats.”

“I hate them.” William said in the same tone. “Sneaky bastards is what they are! Did they climb up here?”

“Cats are here for you.” Marcus said slowly.

“Yes. Which is your fault!” William growled.

“Okay.” Marcus paused staring at his lap. “Then whose fault is this?” Ripping the blankets back he exposed the snake that was nearly as thick as him and coiled so many times it was impossible to tell how long it was.

“What the Hell is that?” William screeched like a young girl, pointing.

“A serpent.”

“Of course, ’tis!”

“Then why’d you ask?” Marcus asked in a strained voice. His twins’ panic making his own rise.

“I don’t know. Why is it in our room?”

“I don’t know. Why are they?” Marcus’ voice got higher as he gestured wildly.

“What are you going to do with that?”

“I don’t know.” Marcus wailed breathing quickly again and wondering why he’d woke his twin.

“What do we do?”

“Stay calm.” Marcus said blowing out a long breath.

William bobbed his head, eyes wide before shouting repeatedly for Nicholas.

Nicholas ripped open the door and looked at one petrified brother sitting on his bed with a massive serpent’s head in his lap, looking frozen. The other brother standing flush against the wall looking like he was ready to run over thin air to escape the room.

“What is all this?” He roared.

“You tell us!” Marcus cried.

“Shut up and help us!” William chimed in.

“What do you want me to do?”


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