FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter Destroy You to Protect You

He gave her a confused look. Tilting his head at an extreme enough angle he could fully take in her expression. “What?”

“I don’t want to fight with you.” She sighed. “I didn’t mean to be hurtful. But I know how you get when you’re wounded. I cut you last night.”

He blinked at her. Not bothering to deny it. Where’s she going with this?

She’s got an angle. She always does.

When she remained silent his eyes narrowed on her.

Screw it. He reached up and caught her shoulders. Rolling her over and swinging his body in a smooth motion so he was straddling her.

“Let me be very clear, Ri. I don’t. Want. You. To marry. Danbury.”

“Then who would I marry, Alazareth?” She queried softly.


“You could just be with me.”

“Such a solid proposal, that one.” She scoffed.

I don’t know how to ask that. I don’t know if I’d deserve it if you said yes. I don’t know the first thing about running a realm.

“Danbury is the worst thing for Nightway.” He calmed his breathing and his emotion from his face. “For you…”

“Why should I listen to you?” She quirked a blonde brow.

“I’m serious! Don’t marry him, Riaura.” He barked.

“Ooh.” She mocked fear as she slid out from under him enough to lean up on her palms. Faking a shiver. “I’m quaking in my boots.”

His jaw ticked. Blue eyes hardening on her.

“Oh, give me that look.” She shook her head as she mocked a pout. “You don’t scare me anymore, Alazareth.”

“Don’t I?” He growled. Lurching up to crawl toward her.

“Not in the least.” She said cockily. Bobbing her head in an arrogant fashion before impudently sticking her tongue out at him.

“Don’t do that.” His voice was low.

“Or what?”

He crawled until he was molded over her. “Do it again. I dare you.”

She did. Without hesitating.

And he swept down to capture it lightly between his teeth. Stroking the tip with his own tongue before she managed a shocked retreat. As she stared at him askance she began to giggle. And it rolled into full laughter.

And despite himself he was laughing with her. Out here. In the middle of the meadow.

Where we always seem to come back to being just Riaura and Alazar. Instead of all the complicated things in-between.

That night, Riaura had dismissed Jessica to sit at her vanity and brush her own hair.

“You knew I’d come.” He said as he crept in.

“I know you.”

Yes, you do.

“You teased me this afternoon. Then left.”

She’d caressed him, kissed him, nibbled on him then leapt up and laughingly called over her shoulder she had to get back.

“I believe it was you that teased me.” She corrected, setting her brush down to twist and face him. “Wasn’t it you that suckled my tongue?”

Damn right I did.

“Then you ran away.” He charged.

“I had to get back.” She turned and resumed brushing. “I was late for chamber meetings.”

“The hell you were.” He’d moved to stand behind her. Watching her reflection in the looking glass. And how womanly and delicate she looked stroking a brush through her long silky tresses. And he realized it was the first time he’d ever seen her do this commonplace task.

There’s still much I don’t know about her. He realized for the first time.

But I’d like to learn it all.

She set the brush down and stared back at him. “Did you come to seduce me?” She purred. “It won’t work.”

It would work. If that’s what I’d come here for.

But I have bigger targets in mind, just now.

“That’s not why I’m here.”

She frowned.


“Then why?” She asked skeptically.

“For this.” He unfolded a bit of parchment, weighted at the bottom to dangle before her face.

It was a contract. Stating that for Alazar’s protection and devotion to her and Nightway she’d cancel her engagement to and expel Charles Danbury from Nightway.


“What is this.” She gripped the bottom to steady it so she could read it a second time. “What are you about?” Anger iced her voice.

“It’s very clear and very simple. If you want me to continue my protection of you and Nightway, you’ll agree to it.”

She leapt from her chair and rounded to face him. Putting one hand on the corner of it as if to offer her strength. “I don’t agree to it. I won’t do it! And I’m not signing that.”

“Be careful what you say to me, Riaura.”

Her green eyes narrowed on him. “I’m getting very tired of men talking to me like I’m a child.”


“Then stop acting like one.” He lashed out with equal venom.

“And of them trying to threaten me!” She finished.

“I don’t threaten, Ri. I’m trying to warn you there will be consequences if you don’t agree to this.”

“I’ll never agree to that! I’m a Queen and this is my realm, my castle!” She took a step toward him and grated out. “And this is my chamber.”

His eyes narrowed down on her. Stop being a little fool.

“And I’d like you to leave now.” She spat.

Shaking his head, he aimed for the door. But paused with his hand on the handle. “I’ll only let you push me so far, Riaura before you force my hand.”

“What hand?” She asked pensively.

“One you won’t like. Just know. I’m willing to take everything from you to protect your people, your realm and you.”

“You want to hurt me?” She said softly.

He still hadn’t turned to look at her. And I won’t now.

I don’t want to see the look on her face. He knew there’d be hurt and betrayal.

She’d never guessed I’d turn on her. And I very much don’t want to.

“No. I absolutely do not.” He admitted with a hard note to each word. “But I will destroy you to protect you.”

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